Female veterans report more sexual, mental trauma, and get special woman-only clinics

Story here. Women are not in combat roles yet female veterans are suffering from higher rates of mental health issues?

What do you guys make of this "military sexual trauma" rhetoric?

Should I be surprised the VA has started health clinics specifically for women? Excerpt:

'In 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs found that women are reporting signs of mental health issues when they return home at a higher rate than their male counterparts.

The VA diagnosed 60,000 veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Of those, 22 percent of women suffered from "military sexual trauma," which includes sexual harassment or assault, compared with 1 percent of men.

"PTSD is actually something that shows up over time, and so the natural recovery process doesn't happen," said Dr. Darrah Westrup, who counsels female veterans at the VA-run Women's Health Clinic in Menlo Park, California.'

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Nothing is wrong with those bitches except they now realize they have to act like soldiers when in the army. Women need to shut the hell up already. Honestly.

It's like they have energizer batteries in their lip-stick covered mouths the whining(and lobbying for preferential treatment) just goes on and on and on and on:

"Oooh my head hurts!"

"Oooh my combat boots aren't new(even though I am never in combat)!"

"Oooh the men are looking at me just like they look at everyone else that stands by them!"

"Oooh I'm a woman!"

"Oooh I am traumatized!"

"Oooh I broke a nail!"

"Oooh I need paid time off so I can go have kids!"

"Oooh I didn't get enough alimony!"

"Oooh men just don't want to vote for Hillary because she is a woman!"

All these hyped up, moronic ailments from a gender that is rarely even in combat like men are. Give us a fucking break!

Women jump into something just to prove some stupid point(i.e. The feminist claim that women are men with titties). Then once they find out they actually have to do something even remotely close to what men do in the same role they come up with all kinds of ways to get out of it or get the burden (which men have been carrying for hundreds of years) lessened or even eradicated completely. I mean after all women "are" special aren't they?

Funny isn't it? What is even more hilarious is men go for this crap. All for what? A shot of overly used vagina? Especially since every girl has been around the block at least a few times. Instead of telling these lazy, whiny women "bitch pick up a damn gun and go get shot JUST LIKE THE MEN YOU CLAIM YOU ARE EQUAL TO and stop whining!" Society runs and starts making "women only" institutions in order to keep these lazy little girls in adult bodies comfortable in their little "women are equal BUT somehow still special" fantasy.

Mr. Reality's New Story: MAMA's BOYS: The dependency factor and how women create and nourish it in men

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I would suggest that this "sexual trauma" charade is one more argument for NOT having women in the armed forces.

The Israelis tried integrating women into their army in the 1980s and after studying the truly damaging effects on mission effectiveness and morale, they changed their policies and women are now only in rear-guard non-battlefield support roles.

Even in support roles, women are a hazard. Recall the Jessica Lynch fiasco? A bitch who couldn't read a map or drive a truck under enemy fire got several of her male comrades killed, and then she was briefly celebrated as a big war hero. Until the truth came out.

Women do not belong anywhere near combat, because it increases the mortality of chivalrous men who feel they have to protect the girly "soldiers."

Give it up already. It is a failed experiment!

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If you're not expected to do what men do then you can't demand to be equal.

Women should not have the right to lead a country they are not required to defend in the time of need. You can't "run" in the trenches/work in the U.S. Army office(which is what most women are really doing) with the boys(without gender norming and preferential treatment), then you can't "run" for president with the boys. I'm sick of women throwing punches but then "bitching up" when it comes time to get hit back.

If you're weak and helpless, you are weak and helpless. You're not weak one minute and strong the next. I'm not buying it. Either admit you can't hack it and go sit down(and bake cookies) or get out there and pick up a fucking gun girls. Everytime women whine about doing something that men are "forced" to do(while claiming to be equal to men) they should lose a right.

No double standards for women. None. You want to be equal? Then equally come home in a bodybag just like men do.

Mr. Reality's New Story: MAMA's BOYS: The dependency factor and how women create and nourish it in men

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I could support the idea of all-female brigades in combat.

That would leave the men off the hook for protecting them, or harassing them, whatever.

And it would provide a modern example of the ancient myth of the Amazon women. Put all the tough girls in one unit and let them try to stage a tactical operation.

It would look like Zena, Warrior Princess only without the testosterone! Or G.I. Jane without the silicon boobs.

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..ever already.

Codename: Hoodwink dumb men into giving you what you want daily since the beginning of time.

Men still have yet to gain any real ground on that spectacular maneuver women have performed.

Mr. Reality's New Story: MAMA's BOYS: The dependency factor and how women create and nourish it in men

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That makes sense, for the same reason it makes sense to allow men and women to have separate bathrooms. Placing the sexes together in the same units with all the kinds of intimacies that are required (showering, etc.) creates too much embarrassment and tension, and when it's the job of officers to enforce no-fraternization rules, it becomes an all-consuming task. The Navy has has coed ships and it is a full-time job for the XOs and Ops officers to keep the teenagers and young 20-somethings from shagging all over the ship (Lionel Tiger discussed this in his 'Decline of Males' book, but I have heard other reports from other sources about this issue), much less stay on top of ordinary ship's business. Now add warfare into the mix and you see the task becomes practically impossible.

It is utterly ridiculous. Same-sex units have enough inter-personal drama, having coed units, it's way too easy for discipline, focus, and results to get compromised by the emotions of those involved esp. when the $hit hits the fan.

"But," you say, "the humans on Battlestar Galactica made it work!" That's fiction, folks. Fiction.

But as for combat units-- there should be equal numbers of men and women combat soldiers sent into battle at equal rates. Just in separate units, that's all.

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Shit, that is true!

I have no rebuttal.

I am speechless. As in, lacking speech.

The "spectacular maneuver" was -- merely spreading their legs? A tactical move?

(My daughters taught me the term "moves." It refers to style and charisma and sexiness. They say the three superstars in music who "have moves" are (1) Robert Plant (2) Bob Dylan (3) Neil Young.

They seem to have a thing for old guys with money and musical inclinations.

Funny, I wonder where they learned that?

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Actually the enslavement of men has much more of a psychological root than a sexual one.

The "training" of the male(to serve women) begins at an early age before sexual intercourse with a woman occurs.

The many definitions of "move(s)":

1 a (1): to change the place or position of (2): to dislodge or displace from a fixed position : budge b: to transfer (as a piece in chess) from one position to another
2 a (1): to cause to go or pass from one place to another with a continuous motion (2): to cause to advance b: to cause to operate or function : actuate c: to put into activity or rouse up from inactivity
3: to cause to change position or posture
4: to prompt or rouse to the doing of something : persuade
5 a: to stir the emotions, feelings, or passions of b: to affect in such a way as to lead to an indicated show of emotion
6 aobsolete : beg b: to make a formal application to
7: to propose formally in a deliberative assembly
8: to cause (the bowels) to void
9: to cause to change hands through sale or rent

Mr. Reality's New Story: MAMA's BOYS: The dependency factor and how women create and nourish it in men

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working daily on bases (and a vet myself) i see the training differences. that's a given. but recently i have seen something that gives it all a new dimension. one day i was driving thru all the troops running on my way to work (and they run a lot, everyday) yelling and chanting while they run, and i noticed a group of females walking around gabbing like they were at the mall. there were a lot of them and they all had the one thing in common that i believe a LOT of women get into the military to take advantage of ... they were all pregnant. just the kind of troops we need. and we encourage them, and special rights, lowered standards, affirmative action, and so forth. same old, same old.

it never ceases to amaze me about all the guys who constantly make excuses about all this.

they are definitely playin' us boys.

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When I was in the desert I saw alot of sexual harrasment being giving out by the women also.

This woman like many others I am sure had no problem because that makes them the center of attention over there. Once they get back to the states the reality that they are no longer pretty sets in, they can't handle it. All of a sudden they were sexually harrassed.

Also, when I was there, I heard 2 military women laughing how they didn't have to do anything because they got the guys to do it for them.

That my friends is our military. Sad state of affairs. I fear for our future.


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No way...

You cannot make pregnant women run.

How pregnant were they?

And how could you tell?

This sounds like a fictional story....

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As a lot of u have pointed out, this is one area where the genders should be separated. But female soldiers shouldn't be given preferential treatment either. In the military, regardless of gender, a person has to "man up".

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"fictional story"?

wish it was. they were not running, they were walking and gabbing while real soldiers were running. on this base all military personnel do PT every morning. i guess theirs' was to walk. and most were very preg. tennis shoes, blouses untucked, no hats, etc. "some soldiers" was my thinking. they join up and uncle sugar becomes the biggest sugar daddy of them all.

btw - i don't make up stories. jokes yes. serious stuff no. i don't go the back way to work since i moved so i don't pass that particular area/bunch anymore.

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