UK Telegraph Opinion: United States can't afford to elect a 'woman president'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Simply put, I don't want a woman president. Not if she's running to be a "woman president" and not the leader of the United States.
Instead, she bought into their script: Women are victims, and it will take a woman to ascend to the presidency on the shoulders of the feminist movement for the glass of oppression to break.
Sadly, real politics this year hasn't fallen too far from the Ms. Ridiculous tree. Given that we're at war, I'd like a candidate who is not playing an identity politics game. I'd like a candidate whose executive experience is more than pillow talk with a president of the United States. I'd like a candidate who is a grown-up and doesn't let her surrogates try to steal her opponents' GI Joes. But I have the audacity to hope the next woman who runs will run because she's qualified to be commander in chief, not because she's a uterine-American.'

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This isn't the time for someone to inject feminist-speak in every bill passed. We have a war to handle, a real nasty financial situation to deal with, and obvious issues with gender equality on both sides of the table. A woman president COULD handle all these problems, but Hillary obviously doesn't have what it takes. It requires logic, clear-thinking, and the ability to listen to both sides. There are people of both sexes who possess these abilities. The way Hillary has been handling her political life proves over and over again that she isn't one of them.

Edit: Here's my favorite comment from the comments section:

Excuse me, but I would like to say that " HILARY " can't do any worse than ALL THE MEN who have been in Office and RUINED THIS COUNTRY over the LAST 200 YEARS, EXCEPT NIXON. He's the only RICH MAN that CARED about the POOR. SO SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Besides her raging anti-male humpfest of a mindset...Nixon is the only male leader she approves of? That shows her wonderful insight into presidential "herstory" right there.

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Don't forget women think out of both sides of their brain and men think
out of one side. This is a scientific fact. This is a no brainer, it will take two
sides to get us out of the mess this President has put us in. It will take
both sides and alot of prayer to get us out of war and the ressession.

Don't you love pro-female pseudoscience, fraudulent claims, mixed with religious zealotry(i.e. We need to "pray" to get out of this)? The Da Vinci Code anyone?

The fact of the matter is the male brain is superior to the female brain(In size, function, etc) and men are smarter than women on average.

Men are smarter than women and have bigger brains.

The person also completely ignores the fact that America has been a gynocracy for sometime now. Women control the vote, the wealth and have the majority of the rights while men are second-class citizens. Who's in control again? It certainly wasn't the male gender.

Mr. Reality's domain

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I would argue that "prayer" got us Bush for eight years but that's a different subject on a different forum. The post you mentioned cracks me up because you know she supports Hillary.

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