Ontario women in shelters told to provide sex to the shelter workers, suffer other abuse

Another video in the women's shelter series in which a mother from Ontario, Canada describes her horrifying experience residing in women's shelters in Ontario. In the shelters where she and others were residents, women were beaten, robbed, intimidated and sexually exploited. Children were exposed to violence, swearing and abuse by the women and often witnessed their mothers being abused and humiliated by shelter staff.

Children are being taught that being "Canadian" and respecting yourself means to hate fathers, lie to your own parents and to call the Children's Aid Society on your mother if you don't get your way. When is the government of Ontario going to put an end to women's shelters being used as indoctrination centers where lesbian women prey on vulnerable women? When is the Ontario government going to make these women's shelters accountable and professional? When is all this government funded madness going to end?

This is yet another video in the series from Canada Court Watch and is based on an interview with another former resident of an Ontario women's shelter. In this particular interview, the mother speaks about how she and other residents in the women's shelter were psychologically and sexually abused by the woman's shelter workers and children witnessed violence and abuse. The message given to this woman, among others was 'give sex to the workers or get out'. In case you missed the last video expose on the women's shelter series from March 2nd the link is here.

As Canada Court Watch announces in their campaign to expose this outrage they are "Exposing the women's shelter industry one video at a time!" Other similar videos exposing the hypocrisy of the shelter industry and criminal waste of taxpayer dollars can be can be found here.

Distributed by:
Jeremy Swanson
Fathers and Men's Rights Activist
Ottawa, Ontario

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Canadian tax dollars hard at work.

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I for one happen to know this is true. I walk by a womens shelter everyday here in Ottawa.
The women standing outside having a smoke are psychotic. One morning however a woman came out the door and accosted me. She was begging for me to get her out of there. She was a fairly attractive girl and she said she had to fight off the dykes all night. It was her first night in the shelter. She was in tears. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective a woman walking down the street noticed her distress and I explained the situation and left. I was not about to get involved in that scenario. I have not seen that woman on the street since.


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