Sweden’s "Get the customer" approach gets traction elsewhere

Story here. Excerpt:

"Selling sex isn't illegal in Sweden, but buying is — a radical approach to prostitution that faced ridicule when it was introduced nine years ago.

Now, while Americans are preoccupied with the downfall of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a prostitution scandal, some countries are considering emulating the Swedish model, which prosecutes the client but views the prostitute as an exploited victim.

"We don't have a problem with prostitutes. We have a problem with men who buy sex," said Kajsa Wahlberg, of the human trafficking unit at Sweden's national police board."


Story here. Excerpt:

'Many cities believe targeting johns to cut demand is the best way, among them Chicago, Raleigh and Durham, N.C., and Arlington, Texas, where pictures of those arrested for soliciting prostitutes have been posted on police Web sites. Other cities that have tried the shame approach include St. Paul, Minn., Chattanooga, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Knoxville, Tenn., and Omaha, Neb.

Some cities have seized the cars of those who solicit sex. Some have sent "Dear john" letters to their homes so their families can learn what they've done.
Other cities have required men to stay out of areas where prostitution flourishes or to attend schools like the one Norma Hotaling formed in San Francisco.

A one-time prostitute, Hotaling started SAGE (Stand Against Global Exploitation) 13 years ago, and the organization runs a class aimed at preventing recidivism among the clients of prostitutes. The program educates first-time offenders about the dangers of prostitution and trains them to build real intimacy out of their fragile personal relationships.'

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... the parallel would be that I, as the vendor of booze, am actually a victim and should be sympathized with and rewarded with special programs and monetary rewards (further monetary rewards), while the customer at the speak-easy gets busted and hauled away, with his picture and biography published far and wide.

Or to bring it back to what is actually happening here, the law is acknowledging it is perfectly fine for a woman to sell her sexual favors on an a la carte basis but it is wrong for a man to purchase them. The only type of sale allowed is one where a man commits everything he has to her and she has the right at any time to walk away with as much of it as she can get the government to give her. Then, it's OK to do it. In a more general sense, the policy says it's fine and natural for a woman to be whore, though one should sympathize with her for being a whore and help her to reconcile herself to the whole terrible thing, but condemnable and justifiably persecutable for a man to be a john.

I guess I can kinda see why he did this.

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No matter who is punished here, the fate of the woman is much worse: the male client loses his fun, the female prostitute loses her means for existence.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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They bought into “The Feminist Big Lie,” which is women are always the victims, never the perpetrators. Let’s hope other areas are smarter than these dopes.

Women put it on the market, promote it, then the cops bust the buyer. If they would simply put their legs together, that would close it down, would it not? Is that too hard for the dumbass Swedes to figure out?!?

In fighting the drug traffic, do they go after the buyers or the sellers or both? If you don’t buy into The Feminist Big Lie, this is not all that hard.

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On guy shows up in a beater 65 Ford Galixy, the next in a new 5-series BMW. That would make it an unequal punishment, which the constitution does not allow.

Oh they will try like hell to argue around this, but if the defence attorney is earning his or her pay, it will get tossed. Don't let the bastards walk all over you.

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Legalize prostitution and regulate it so we can get the tax revenue and impose regulations to ensure that no STD's are being spread around or anyone being hurt.

Better yet, either legalize it entirely or punish EVERYONE involved. Oops, that might involve treating women equally so I guess that's not going to happen.

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"No matter who is punished here, the fate of the woman is much worse"

Utter nonsense. If anything, the girl is now virtually shielded from suffering any loss. So what if they arrest a few johns every night..there's thousands more where they came from. And she can ply her trade free from the fear of getting arrested.
Sounds to me like she's in a pretty good position.


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They have the vehicle confiscation law in Washington, D.C. starting back in the 80's. That point about unequal punishment came up there, but they still kept the law. Once it's a law, for an attorney to win a case defending a john, he would probably have to have a strong enough argument to overturn the law.

One recommendation for anyone wealthy enough to own a high-priced car, is to invest a few hundred bucks in a junker, then use THAT to cruise for prostitutes. A man has to ask himself, "what's more important - my pride, or my Jaguar".


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"Utter nonsense" is what multiple feminists on this forum have in their heads instead of brains and what they demonstrate when they publish their nonsensical wishful thinkings.

As a direct result of the war with prostitution and "get the customer" policy -

"...the number of prostitutes in Sweden dropped 40 percent from 2,500 in 1998 to 1,500 in 2003."

40% of prostitutes have been thrown out of business by the government and, as feminists may suppose, all of them got into deep financial troubles. Whereas all what male clients lost is only their fun.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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This is what occurs when women's wrongdoings are championed.

I do recall a few of the men here championing prostitutes as if engaging in such(i.e. Trading sex for financial gain) is a positive thing.

Now we are surprised since the world is doing the same and men have been relegated to the negative side yet again? I find this kind of amusing...really.

Since society has taken such a positive view of prostitution(which men helped bring about by championing whores) it is only logical that whores would inevitably be viewed as "helpless victims just trying to do their job."

Once again this serves to show that most men are still foolish enough to have fallen for the game...yet again.

Women set out to make prostitution(and anything negative they do) acceptable -- while simultaneously making men whom engage in the same seem "evil" -- and the men that championed whoredom helped. Now men are whining about women's plan(which they assisted) coming to fruition?


Just take the beating you had coming and keep promoting whoredom.

Next time you will learn to look ahead...

Mr. Reality's domain

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They are no longer referred to as whores or prostitutes. They are professional "sex workers."

And as soon as selling sex as a commodity becomes legal, they will have a national, tax-payer funded organization representing them, which is fine with me.

I actually have a lesbian cousin who is a cop in Austin TX who gets all tarted up every night and goes out and busts johns.

It is pretty funny!

She is really good at what she does.

Just built a new home on ten acres, paid for by men seeking a vagina who got busted by a dyke.

Is this a great cuntry?

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I just said the ones who are doing it, are in a better position than the johns. I'd rather lose my job, than get arrested, get raped and/or beat up in jail, and have a police record to boot.

BTW, you must be admitting you're a feminist, since you originally told us is that it was the WOMEN who had it so bad in this situation. That's typical feminist "women as victim" mentality.


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New anti-drug advertisement:

Just say No! [but keep in mind the person selling that crap isn't breaking the law]


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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