UK Budget 2008: Start up your own business - if you're a woman

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women and the over-50s are being targeted in a new government drive to increase the number of people starting up and growing their own businesses.

The Treasury is investing £12.5m in a venture capital fund that will back women-owned businesses and provide support.

It is also piloting new women-only business advice based in children's centres and is planning a national mentoring network for women.'

The only way for women to start business is with special benefits eh? Well why change a habit of a lifetime...

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Good to see, that after they have lost BILLIONS in America in bad house loans to women, no one wants to waste significant money on women anymore. They begin to realize that any investments in women bring no return except of material losses and social damages. Women are economically inviable.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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Single sex gyms, allimony, child support, disrespect from the media, and now this! If I wasn't so aware of the fact that being male is not a bad thing, despite what the world tries to make us believe, I'd wish I didn't have a Y chromosome. Well, not really. But I wish this preferrential treatment bullshit would stop.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You seem simply inclined to depression and/or you don't see "the whole picture". In any case I have a totally different opinion.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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I'm actually not depressed. I'm feeling the greatest I have in over 6 months. I'm just well aware of the countless advantages of not being male. It bothers me a little. It's not hard to miss in day to day life, either. So, granted that I'm constantly reminded of it, you must forgive me for being aware of it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I'm just well aware of the countless advantages of not being male.

Too bad for you, but I'm sure you are making logically incorrect generalizations based on your personal situation.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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I realize xtrnl is a grown man and doesn't need my help but you crossed the line with those comments.

I realize at times I can become a bit belligerent but at least I realize there are some legitimate barriers about other individuals which should be respected.

I've dealt with depressed from time to time. Would you care to comment on that?

You've gained quite a reputation here. I wish I could say its a positive one.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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I don't see any crossing of any line. Deal with your own lines and your own reputations on your own. You have a reputation of troll here, flooding comments on this board with off-topic and I'm not going to continue any discussions with you.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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"You have a reputation of troll here, flooding comments on this board with off-topic and I'm not going to continue any discussions with you." [ nbdspcl ]

Most trolls don't submit news articles and stories.

Flooding comments? I'm sorry! Is there some kind of 'magic' number of posts I'm aloud to write?

As for my reputation of being a troll. Please offer me some examples to defend that comment.

"Out of Topic"...Do you have rules about the nature of the discussions? Bottom line: I can say whatever the hell I want. No ones forcing you to read them. You seem to have a rigid ideology in regards to the content of MANN opinions.

I'll accept that 'topic' comment if your elected Czar of Mann posts. Until than, its a non issue. Infact I think the texture of my toilet paper is more interesting.

You not going to continue with any discussions with me?

Somehow I'll find away to survive with out your remedial insight.

I wish you luck attaining your GED.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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Thx for stickin up for me bro. Like I said, I'm not really depressed, but I'm a little upset by the infinite scrutiny, as well as disrespect, and the ridiculous standards, or should I say double standards, when it comes to being a man as opposed to a woman.

Like how about how it's much easier for a woman to get a date than it is for a man? Or how for us to find love, we have to potentially risk losing everything to some witch?

Then in the media brutal violence against males is constantly being glorified, while the same against women is a crime worthy of horrific punishments. Then there's the chance that someday I might be jailed for something I didn't do just because some woman said I did. I know the odds are slim to none, but I'm not too concerned for myself, my days of being a victim of misandry are buried deep in my past. I care about my fellow man and the injustices faced by men, just for being male bother me. If they didn't, I guess I wouldn't me much of a human being, would I? So like I said, forgive me.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Anthony watch it, or he'll call you a "daughter-owner" again.

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I've never understood the 'daughter owner' comment.

Its somewhat like Stone Henge or the Bermuda Triangle, we'll never really know.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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Like how about how it's much easier for a woman to get a date than it is for a man?

It's only harder if you think it's harder and play by a woman's childish rules. Don't play the "It's hard to get a date with women/women are special" game that they want you to play. It's pro-female bullshit spread by weak, politically correct, servile men and arrogant, ignorant women that seek to maintain the archaic, matriarchal power structure women have placed in relationships.

Remember women aren't special(Most are just the opposite.) , nor are many worth devoting X amount of time to pursuing , they only want you to "think" that they are special.

Learn to tell a woman that her head games aren't worth your time. Tell the spoiled little girls in grown-up bodies to fuck off and you'll have no problems; other than those [problems] that are bound to materialize when involved with the narcississtic average female.

Focus on your personal goals in life and not on women. There are tons of skanks prowling the earth and you'll bump into one(feeding on her last victim) soon enough.

Mr. Reality's domain

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I would argue that you can never actually "own" a daughter.

Because when you "own" something that means you do not have to keep making payments on it, right?

As a father of two lovely accomplished young women, I can tell you for sure that the payments never truly end. (Financially or psychologically...)

So I think "daughter-leaser" would be a better term.

I suppose you could say the same about "son owners," but everybody knows that boys are very low maintenance compared to girls. If you give a thirteen year-old boy an old Playboy magazine, he will disappear and amuse himself for weeks....

No wonder Middle Eastern cultures include the concept of a dowry to bribe a man into marriage!

"Here's three goats .... now take my daughter, please!"

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I used to play that stupid game where I was a chilvarous moron who would be willing to give up everything just to get women to notice me, but I got tired of being treated like crap, and being unappreciated, so one day I just stopped giving a f---. It occurred to me that a woman who can't see the good in me isn't worth my time anyway, and I was through with jumping through hoops to be pushed away. I decided from now on, if a woman wants to be treated like she's special, she'll have to show me some respect and appreciation, and I'll happily reciprocate this.

Interestingly enough, my self-esteem skyrocketed thanks to this, and now I'm with a woman who's just great. She believes in 50-50 in relationships, and she's just like me in many ways. I sent her two ecards for Valentine's Day (I know you may not approve of that, but keep in mind they were free, so I wasn't giving in to the commercialism), and she really appreciated it. She's definitely a keeper. It just makes me glad I didn't waste my time with girls trapped in women's bodies, i.e. my ex.

But I stand by what I said. Even though I've grown in ways that make me more desirable to women, I still believe it's easier for women to get dates. I say this because I know a few ladies I work with who change their boyfriends like they change their underwear, that is provided they do wear it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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