Ohio U Post: "Despite feminist denial, sexes are wired differently"

Article here. Excerpt:

'With this level of censorship, it’s no wonder that scientists are expected to hide research that suggests men and women are innately different. We can rest assured that a book like The Female Brain will never be assigned reading in a college classroom. Meanwhile, sociology and women’s studies textbooks are filled with laughably false assertions about gender. Legitimate scholarship is being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
Of course, not all feminists reject scientific explanations for gender differences — but they’re often out-screamed by the ones who do, allowing the denial to reach absurd new heights. In their book Professing Feminism, women’s studies professors Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge described a confrontation with a fellow feminist. The feminist was angry over suggestions that women should breast-feed babies, because — in her words — “research shows that men can lactate, too.”'

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Given their current level of anti-science hysteria, I’m looking forward to the day when some feminists start angrily denouncing the idea that women have ovaries and men don’t.

The last argument in this discussion will be made by the Artificial Womb, which will make both sexes truly equal.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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.....the hot blonde who wrote the article?


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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She is the cookie-cutter blonde cupcake with no actual intellect....

It's like being addicted to "I Dream of Jeannie" reruns! (Barbara Eden....)

Get a grip man.

Though it is funny to see how the stereotypes still have power!

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If I had her as a genie I can think of thousands of perverted things I could make her do.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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That is a serious amount of perversion!

I could imagine maybe 23 things to do with Jeannie. (Excluding the cameo with Keith Richards in his pirate costume.)

You need to write an encyclopedia ....

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I've never seen an albino bush.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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It is my understanding (and experience) that "bald" is the colour of choice today.

That factory girl gets a bikini wax and it hurts!

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Assuming that the writer only recently found out about these "superior" traits of the female brain, it sure is an odd coincidence that she's just now coming forward and saying, "there ARE biological differences!". It's almost like she's trying to appeal to the scientifically-minded feminists out there - since I'm sure feminists will eventually assimilate the idea of biological differences, to their advantage in one way or another.

Sorry guys, she's still a women-firster. Fantasize about someone else.


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The "baldie" and "landing strip" seem to be popular.

My girlfriend sticks with the natural look. No complaints on my part.

I can't believe I'm posting about pubic styling. I guess theres a first for everything.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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now we are expected to treat science like the law? only put forth what is acceptable to the precious ones? oh my precious. gollum had nothing on amerikan minions, worshiping false idols.

the world has followed America's lead into this century precisely because of our past leadership in science, engineering, healthcare advances, and so forth, and the business acumen to make it all gel.

enter feminism. most of the world hates it. amerika of late is seen as something to be overcome, not followed. and just what have feminists created of worth that we are to follow them so rabidly? does my car run better because of them? are my dishes cleaner? does my hair feel softer? are we in any way better off since buying into this pig-in-poke? answers: Nothing, No, No, No and No.

now we are to let science follow in the way of the law? loss of professional ethics. censor all that disagrees with the PARTY LINE? punish those who show genuine scientific interest in finding out the truth of the way things work in this world?

not me my friends. when i invent a better rat trap, i'll catch me a feminist in it.

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Well, this is America. Where all of our deep dark secrets eventually get exposed --

so the pubic becomes public...

Google it, you'll see!

BTW, I have never understood the trend in America to eliminate all hair and hairyness in certain body areas.

Recall when the really studly Hollywood actors and male models had chest hair?

Now they have to wax their chests just to get a gig? WTF?

Johnny Depp goes two days without shaving and it's like a return to the 70's!

And the women are worse! Removing their body hair is a billion dollar industry.

I've always thought the French had their priorities straight. The women especially.

Be natural and try to shower once a month.

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Referring of course to daveinga - "past leadership in science, engineering, healthcare advances, and so forth, and the business acumen to make it all gel"

You other guys..you're either missing (or avoiding) the obvious part of the answer, to the question of shaved pus****.


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Interesting that in most articles explaining the differences regarding male and female , the areas in which females outperform men are considered superior and explained in far more detail where as with males it is only stated as being "better" or "perform slightly higher". "

“that girls have superior language abilities than boys ... and gender differences in language appear biological.” Through MRI scans, the researchers discovered that girls’ brains work harder and use more areas during language tasks than boys’

To be perfectly frank this doesn't really say much for females...if it takes them twice the effort to produce a thought for verbalization, it would appear that for my buck, men are far more efficient in their thought process.

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Pussy is a vital MRA issue!


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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"girls’ brains work harder and use more areas during language tasks than boys"

Maybe that means they NEED to work harder..more effort is REQUIRED.

After all, in single-sex classes, boys equal or exceed girls in reading and writing. And it seems to me all the very smart people (not necessarily geniuses) who can speak many languages, or who learned several languages while very young, have been men/boys (see Guinness book of world records).


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A man has a lager brain. Even if you take in account the proportional size of men and women, the male brain is still larger.

The article talks about female brain superiority [from a language standpoint]

While female communicative advantages are identified, the obvious male superiority in math, science, technology, architecture, and construction is ignored.

Its politically incorrect to speak about male strength.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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The male brain is larger than the female brain.

Moreover, it was found that men on average are smarter than women are; this includes languages of course(thus pretty much debunking the claim that women are superior in languages. Wrong. They are just superior in running their damn mouths). I write, articulate and spell better than nearly any woman I have known. And I have known many.

Here is the study. Pay very close attention to how the "dailymail" tries to discredit this factual scientific study by labelling it thus: "Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study."

Thus as Anthony said a scientific study can only be trumpeted to the far ends of the earth if it praises women above men. Any other fact-laden study will be discredited by the pro-female gestapo a.k.a. the media.

There was also another study showing that the X chromosome has not evolved in a very long time whereas the Y chromosome drives the evolution of human beings.

The following does not apply to all women just the majority of them:

The comments concerning genetics above seems supported by the fact that women rarely change, they throw up a facade(and fake changes in order to achieve their manipulative goal) but rarely ACTUALLY change and we all know women hardly ever learn from their mistakes. They just blame someone else for them. There are very few women that have evolved beyond their teenage years when it comes to male-female relationships. Maybe it's in their genetics..

Mr. Reality's domain

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"Pussy is a vital MRA issue!"

True, but it is pretty far down the list, and declining every year in ranking.

It is somewhere below men's interest in having cheaper big screen plasma TV's, holographic video games, and better American beer.

I'm sure that most posters here could name at least three things they care about more than pussy.

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If I may deviate from the premise of the article [something I do often] I must disagree.

The Germans know beer!

I can drink a Coors but a Budweiser tastes like urine.

Some might wonder, "how the hell does Anthony know what urine tastes like"?

Its just an embellished metaphor.

As for Sir Paul?

Maybe he should have married a woman named "Jude" or "Lucy"

Maybe all the LSD he took while making "Sgt. Pepper" has permanently destroyed his ability to decipher a real woman from a gold digger.

Jagger and Richards said it best:

"Well your crazy mama
With your ball and chain
Plain psychotic
Plain insane"

[Crazy Mama]

I realize Mick has had his own problems with women, but the invinsible Richards seems to be much smarter.

Richards would dump a girl for a bottle of Irish whiskey.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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There are only two rock 'n roll gods still living and able to make a statement.

Keith is one. But he has a shitty band with a silly front man. It's just a bank.

Robert Plant is the other one.

Plant has never stopped his exploration and if you ever have a chance to see him (now on tour with Allison Krauss) pay the money.

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[Keith is one. But he has a shitty band with a silly front man. It's just a bank.]

I thought you were a Stones fan?

I agree that the Stones performing at 80 years old is nothing more than making money and reliving their glory days.

It actually destroys their legacy.

By the way: Did you ever hear the "fish" story involving Zeppelin?

Plant's most infamous moment: a 1969 incident at Seattle's Edgewater Inn involving fornication with fresh seafood.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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The fish story is documented in "Hammer of the Gods" and nobody has ever refuted it.

Those boys were on a bit of a rant on that tour. I saw them twice that year.

There was nothing you could do except just stand in awe of a band that just should never have been possible.

Saw Plant recently and he still has the mojo, though with a bit more subtle swagger.

I really hope he does not sell out and do a faux-Zep reunion tour. He's way better off touring with Allison Krauss.

And I am a huge Stones fan ---

I got suspended from high school for skipping classes to see them in '69!

I have pics from front row of Mick in his black omega symbol outfit.

Mick Taylor kicked Keith's ass that night.

That was the best blues band in the world for about a year....

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I really liked that song and video. It captured the feeling of driving on a cross-country trip alone, especailly through the Midwest or desert.


P.S. the question isn't a "test"..I'm really asking! Also, why the heck that title?

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don't know where they filmed it


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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That would be my favorite reunion tour. They're all alive and Waters hasn't toured with the band since "The Wall".


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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I suspect it was in the Columbia River gorge in Oregon state.

When I used to drive that route between eastern and western Oregon, it looked exactly like the landscape in the song.

It was more probably Morocco, given Plant's
affection for northern Africa.

I hope he writes his autobiography soon, although he still seems to be immortal.

Saw him recently with my daughters in tow, and they fell in love with a 59 year old man from the first song.

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You guys should watch VH1 Classic. I get it here on DirectTV. They showed the whole P.F. last concert - incredible! They also have bands from the 80's, I think even some of the New Wave guys, athough that is not the main focus. (Yes, I liked New Wave. And I liked Disco. What about it??).


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No shame in disco my friend.

Even though they're before my time, my favorite disco song is, "I was Made For Loving You" by KISS. That's saying a lot considering KISS had zero talent but on occasion could blast a catchy tune.

Kiss was a hard rock band but were always shrewd financial opportunists. They knew disco was big in the late 70's and capitalized. I hate to say it, but "Missing You" by the Stones stinks of disco.

My rant continues....

Hell, the Grease soundtrack is legendary. [not disco, but cheezy to a point of brilliance]

This is coming from a guy who appreciates:

classic rock [rolling stones]

folk [early Dylan]

punk [dead kennedys]

blues [Muddy Waters]

Norwegian Viking metal [Emperor]

Industrial metal [Ministry]

Jazz/Swing [Duke Ellington & Louis Armstrong]

And opera. That's right, opera! As for country? Maybe Hank Williams Jr. Rap? no comment. Classical? I've just recently begun to appreciate the genre.

Should I mention "Dancing Queen" by Abba?

Probably not, thats going a bit far.

Pink Floyd? May I recommend their first album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" [Syd Barrett era]

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You got your Jazz right..those are two of the six Giants (the others are Coltrane, Gillespie, Miles Davis, and The Bird)

ABBA - at one time the most successful group in the world.

"I Was Made For Loving You"..that was by KISS?? Is that the same one that goes, "..you were made for lovin' me..." I would have never guessed that was KISS. "Beth" was another song for them that was out of character.

Opera and Rap are the only two kinds of music I actually hate. Note the similarity between the two.

My favorite groups of all time are Steeley Dan (Jazz-influenced) and The Doors (Blues-influenced).

Speaking of Steeley Dan, I will here give you again my version of "Deacon Blues"

"Eunuch Blues"
by axolotl

This is the day
Of the contracting man
That lady I laid
O'er there with knife in hand

It seems like only yesterday..
That lump in my pants
Libations, sensations,
That's all in the past

There's blood on the bed
There where I used to lie
Like a horse's head
Cut off and left to die

I rose 'fore the sun came up
That's when the bitch chop me up
This brother is free
I'll pee where I want to pee..

Learn to work the court system
She'll say whatever she wants
Get off easy, cut a deal
And give the judge a feel

They got a name for the winners in the world
I, I want a name when I lose
Now they're callin' my lady Mack the Knife
Call me Betty Sue..

Betty Sue..


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That was them. "I was Made for Loving You"

I've never been a big KISS fan but I'm told during the mid to late 70's they were the biggest concert attraction. My aunt tells me they're stage theatrics made up for their below average playing skills.

I'm no musician but even I can tell they'll never be confused with brilliant rock musicians. Kieth Moon on Drums, Jack Bruce on bass, Kieth Richards on rhythm guitar, Jimi Hendrix on lead guitar, Dylan or Townshend writing lyrics and Robert Plant on vocals. I've always thought Plant was a bit overrated but still great. I actually prefer Roger Daltrey or Mick Jagger.

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The Doors are great. LA Woman is my favorite album but "Peace Frog" is my favorite song.

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Oh crap.


Now we have a problem.

You might appreciate it.

I just don't.

Too many shreaking women.

My problem, I know.

But I would rather hear a siamese cat growl.

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"Blood in the streets,
It's up to my ankles"

Blood in the streets,
it's up to my thighs.."

The way the song came about was supposedly "eerie"..Morrison was working on a poem to be called "Abortion Stories", and about the same time, the band had been working on a song for which the lyrics had not been created. Then someone noticed the words to the poem fit the particular rhythm almost to a tee, and the rest is "history". (too bad Morrison's poetry was mostly garbage. Patricia Keneally, his "wife", was right.)


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Morrison's disparaging salute to the city of L.A.

"Mr. Mojo risin'" is an anagram of his name.

He is "rising" out of (above) L.A. I don't think the lyrics have anything to do with getting a hard-on.


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The greatest of all time. Listen to "L.A. Nights", or even better, "Tank" (I think they're both on the "Works [Volume 2?]" album, or individually on iTunes). You won't believe your ears. Honest!

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Let me explain. I downloaded a few songs and find it different and unique. I would even attend an opera. Some of the best opera singers are male. Aside from that, its really not an important genre of music. [from my perspective anyway]

My parents are from Italy and I heard opera everyday.

Sunday dinner included artichokes, lasagna, shitty red wine, and opera.

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Not really sure.

Isn't an anagram a rearrangement of the letters to a persons name?

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Great drummer, outstanding Prog. rock.

My favorite is "Brain Salad Surgery"

Don't forget the legendary Neil Peart [Rush]

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I always thought "Blood in the streets" was in reference to his arrest in Connecticut. I think the city New Haven is mentioned in the song. Its been a while since I've listened to it.

But I want to thank you for mentioning them. I think its time to dust off some of my Doors discs and turn the volume up!

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Plant has had the sense and intelligence to evolve as he has matured.

Did you see him touring on the "Mighty Rearranger" Strange Sensation gigs?


He can play re-worked Zep material and blues and African music and it all works.

Sorry but, Mick and Roger are like inflated blow-up dolls compared to the real deal.

I've seen them all.

Plant is the only real rock god, and he's still discovering new adventures... now with Allison Krauss.

Think about the challenge of trying to sing harmony with a bluegrass queen for the first time in your life after his history.

Man has balls.

And he's still passionate about learning!

The guy is really smart. Google any video interviews. You'll be amazed how he refutes all the rock 'n roll icon stereotypes.

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I always thought his best vocals were on Zeppelin I and Physical Graffiti. Otherwise his voice can be a bit annoying at times. Still a great singer.

As for Roger? Tell me his scream on "Won't Get Fooled Again" isn't legendary!

Micks vocals wasn't about ability but pure swagger and ego.

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The Rush guy was supposedly pretty good. I got in a discussion with someone at work a few years ago, and he was convinced that Peart was the best. I told him if he wanted to be wrong, that's his business.

Actually I guess that's a bias on my part..I know nothing about Rush. Another good album ELP had was "Pictures at an Exhibition". Then later there was the group Asia, later still Emerson Lake and Powell. I don't know much about either of those bands, other than Asia had that one big hit.

An anagram is a rearrangement of the letters in a word (or name). Peace Frog does say "blood in the streets in the town of New Haven". That's obviously a reference to the concert, but the theme of the song is abortions. Recall, "she came to town and then she drove away....blood in my love in the terrible summer.."

I thought that was Townsend screaming. It seems like the Who was the first band to smash their guitars..long before KISS, leave alone "Wendy O. and The Plasmatics" who smashed a car to pieces at the end of performance. Including a classic Camaro inside Tom Snyder's studio.

My favorite of the Stones is their version of "Harlem Shuffle". Also good were "Emotional Rescue" and "I'm Just Waiting On a Friend". I didn't like much of their 60's to mid-70's stuff except "Gimme Shelter" (not the concert tour, the song).


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-Ray Manzarek (the Doors keyboard player) said that in the Doors movie, the guy who played Robbie Krieger (guitarist) was excellent, played Krieger to a tee. Whereas Meg Ryan was totally UN-like Pam, Jim's girlfriend. Manzarek commented, "that was NOT Pam".

Other Doors trivia:

"The blue bus" and "my only friend" in "The End" are references to a woman he was friends with in Clearwater, Florida. She was Miss Clearwater way back then.

Stone's movie version of the Whisky-a-Go-Go performance, where Morrison sings "The End"..what he says about one of his relatives is really disgusting, but Manzarek's retelling of the story says that actually, even grosser lyrics were used..yikes!

"Horse Lattitudes" is a reference to when Morrison, as a boy, went to sea on a ship with his father (who was an Admiral), and witnessed the jettisoning of horses. (apparently that's how they used to get rid of sick horses, but I doubt they do it these days, with the animal rights activists)


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As far as I know they were the first to destroy their guitars on stage.

Thanks for the "peace Frog" info. As much as I enjoy the song I never really knew what it was about.

ELP question:

Was Greg Lake originally a member of King Crimson?

["In the Court of the Crimson King" is a classic!]

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I have not much knowledge of the individual members. All I know is that it wasn't until 30 years after "Pictures at an Exhibition", that I happened to find out what "The Hut of Baba Yaga" was.


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The music video for "Big Log" was shot at the following locations: Crystal Road, Crystal Nevada (Gas Station sequences), The Amargosa Opera House, Death Valley Junction California (driving and "feather" sequence), Calico School House (Calico Ghost Town) Yermo California (Schoolhouse sequence), Glass Pool Inn, Las Vegas Nevada (pool sequence). The Bar sequence is believed to have been shot at a small bar in Shoshone, California (now the Crow Bar Cafe & Saloon)- though this is unconfirmed. The movie "Delusion" (1991) also made use of both the Amargosa Opera House and the Crystal, Nevada gas station.


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