MSNBC Video: "Why men go to call girls"

The Today show asks "Is your mate cheating and how can you tell?" Absolutely no mention of women's infidelity or how prevalent that is. Replace 'mate' with 'husband'. Video here.

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Xavier Hollander had it right in "The Happy Hooker". Married men use call girls primarily beacause their wives are bitches, who deny their husbands sex in order to manipulate them.

Everyone seems to have mental constipation on this issue.


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(sorry - posted twice)


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that no one ever said anything about the gazillions of women who cheat. isn't that just such a ....? they'll have an excuse.

the "MATE" in the title implies that they were being impartial, but the content of everything that was actually said was anything but.

ARROGANCE:an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.

i'm thinking that word was on those other Ten Commandments tablet that Moses dropped and broke coming down the mountain.

and what was that crap about not blaming the victim? women charge $5k or more an hour for what obviously comes natural to some, and she's a freakin' victim? gofigger.

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Maybe because their horny?

My personal belief is prostitution should be legal.

Going to a hooker is cheaper than having a girlfriend.

Think about it. No expensive dinners or flowers.

With a hooker you throw the money down and she'll pretty much do anything you want. After the hour is up, "see ya later"!. No emotional attachment.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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According to them the average street hooker makes $3,000/per hour and can beat the S&P's returns.

Of course I don't agree with such nonsense. The average street whore is usually borderline broke and disease infested.

Mr. Reality's domain

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That might be a bit out of my price range [understatement]


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge."

[Rolling Stones]

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"According to them the average street hooker makes $3,000/per hour and can beat the S&P's returns"

They must have meant one of these high priced girls like Spitzer was using, not street walkers. Although even they're a lot more expensive than they used to be..

The only legal prostitution in this country is in the bordellos in Nevada. They're mainly out in the boonies, since it's illegal in Clark county, which is where Vegas is. Maybe one day I will drive to Beatty, Nevada for a good legal BJ. (Beatty's in the desert, on the other side of Death Valley as you head out from L.A. It's not exactly a direct route to get there either. If that ain't the boonies, I don't know what is.)


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They must have meant one of these high priced girls like Spitzer was using, not street walkers.

That's exactly what I was trying to explain. The majority of street whores(i.e. The street walker) makes nowhere near that much.

Mr. Reality's domain

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I do not believe that I described the expensive call girl in the video as "average."

If I did, it was an error.

The chick in the video is a top tier whore who claims she gets $1,000-plus per hour and made a half-million last year.

The NY state ex-Guv could afford this luxury, and he just got busted.

He would have been better off focusing on his relationship with his incredibly smart and beautiful wife.

All the news spin tends to ask -- how could he be such a cad?

I tend to agree.

Also, obviously most women in the trade are poor, drug-addicted, and desperate.

So I do not disagree with any comment that points out that most prostitutes are not making a whole lot of money or living the high life.

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-the $1000 figure makes sense. I read something like that too, that said Spitzer's girl is toward the "lower end" of these high-priced whores (I think it said she makes $1500 an hour or so), and that those at the top end make much more.


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There was an interesting video clip on Today Show with a discussion about why men cheat --- it was of course a silly spin on the NY Guv Spitzer's crisis.

Everybody went apeshit when Dr. Laura, one of the guests, actually suggested that women need to care about their mens' sexual needs.

It was hilarious to see the automatic feminist revulsion to such an idea!

I think you can still find the clip on the site.

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Did u guys notice how upset the female host got when they suggested that a woman working harder to strengthen the relationship might lower the chances of her getting cheated on? "But aren't you blaming the women then?!!!" It's like it's so hard for her to believe that some men might cheat because the woman is being a total shrew. BTW, if I was married to a bitch who tried to use sex to manipulate me, I'd go to the massage parlor for some good ol fashioned handjobs, and I wouldn't feel bad about it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If the man isn't "meeting the woman's needs", it's his fault that she's cheating. I guess her needs are somehow more high-minded and venerable than his.

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And no I didn't just lower my prices again. (Lame joke, couldn't resist)

But yeah, what ax said is true. I've noticed that women seem to have this complex where they must blame all of their wrongdoings on some "male oppressor" who made her do it. It could be called the "Eve complex". I say that of course referring to the story of Adam and Eve where Eve ate the fruit first and brought it to Adam, but he ended up getting blamed for it.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You know what's funny?

Some ancient dude in Palestine wrote that silly crap about Adam and Eve.

There was no Adam. There was no Eve.

But the power of the lie continues to poison gender relations today.

Oh, and the story about Noah and the Ark?

Fiction. Really creative fiction.

Wanna talk about virgin birth?

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Hollywood proved the messiah was not conceived of a supernatural birth, didn't they? Or was it just that he had a wife - I don't remember. And as an added bonus, one of his descendants is among us this very day, and that person guessed it..a woman!


P.S: the answer is to be found on this web site:

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Ha ha@The Da Vinci Code and the bible!

You are aware that The Da Vinci Code is based off of the pro-feminist "women are goddesses/sacred/victims of the mythical patriarchy" dogma aren't you?

Know this: The bible is full of lies and "The Da Vinci Crock" was debunked several times already by actual scientists. Yet pop culture still spreads Dan Brown's bullshit as if it is anymore credible than living in the belly of a whale or the belief that aliens built the pyramids. ALL OF IT IS BULLSHIT; Hollywood and the church.

Example of false claims in "The Da Vinci Crock" :

1. The whole "Priory of Sion" crap , which Brown's dumb ass claims is ancient , is actually not an "ancient order" it was founded in 1956 by a con man known as Pierre Plantard.

In Holy Blood, Holy Grail we are told that, according to Les Dossiers Secretes, the Priory’s Royal Merovingian bloodline extends back even before the Trojan War, to the Old Testament patriarchs themselves. Of course Brown copied this claim right into his novel. How credible are these supposed documents? Were they actually found in the French national archives? Technically, yes, they were found in the archives in the early 1960s. However, we also know the documents were planted so that they could be found there, they had no registration and were shown not to be valid. So where did Les Dossiers Secretes come from? We learned the full story when Plantard and his co-author Gérard de Sède had a falling-out. In other words, the con men planted them.

In short, the “Priory of Sion” has nothing whatsoever to do with a medieval crusaders’ organization.

2. According to Brown, before Constantine and his henchmen rewrote the Bible to "make it patriarchal"(Good lord, this eunuch is killing me), “Jesus was the original feminist” (248). Christianity used to worship the “sacred feminine” of the “lost goddess,” based on the supposedly ancient principle of “the Chalice and the Blade” (237–8). Actually, The Chalice and the Blade is the title of a 1987 book by feminist Riane Eisler, promoting speculative claims that ancient Crete was supposedly “nonpatriarchal.” And Eisler based her thesis, in large part, on the interpretations of the late archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, who early in her career forged an excellent professional reputation, but later wandered off into feminist “goddess” interpretations of ancient drawings and icons that were universally rejected by her peers. In the introduction to her book, Eisler explains the “gender-holistic” symbolism of the “Chalice and Blade,” which she herself invented, in conjunction with Gimbutas. Thus there is no way that any ancient secret society could have used the “chalice and blade” symbolism, because that symbolism did not exist until 1987.

The rational person can enjoy reading works of fiction or science fiction, even trite fiction like The Da Vinci Code, without worrying excessively about obvious absurdities within the story. But a problem arises when a work of fiction explicitly claims to be more than a work of fiction, when it resonates with other widespread misinformation within the culture(i.e. Feminit claims of female superiority), and when 25 million readers are bamboozled by its specious assertions. The alleged “facts” in The Da Vinci Code are no more credible than those in Holy Blood, Holy Grail, from which they are taken. If you think of yourself as a skeptic you’ll do well to realize that very little fact is mixed in with Brown’s fiction.

So basically the christians lie and then the pro-feminist "Da Vinci Code crowd" come along and base their lies off of the Christians' lies. The blind following the blind. Everyone is a fucking idiot today.

People have what is called "confirmation bias" wherein they look for things to coincide with their dogmatic beliefs and then spin magnificent tales around them. The christians and the "Da Vinci Code/Women are sacred" goddess crowd are both dogmatic and thus deal more with belief than facts.

I just wish all of the religious zealots would shut the hell up already.

Mr. Reality's domain

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What should have tipped you off was when I said, "Hollywood proved" something. I am impressed with your knowledge of the subject, however..I myself haven't gone within 100 feet of a Bible (leave alone a church) since I was 17. Sort of like the way I now am toward women.

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Especially with the "Hollywood" line.

I always make sure to post the truth concerning pro-female nonsense just in case someone happens to be browsing the forums that isn't one of the regulars.

Mr. Reality's domain

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The Da Vinci Code is a load of crap. Jack Van Impe also debunked it many times.

However, I really don't appreciate the disrespect being shown to Christians here. I admit that I don't believe everything in the Bible, but I do believe Jesus was the son of God, and the saviour. I also believe that religion aside, what he taught makes sense. What harm does it do the world to love your neighbour like yourself? If I lived my whole life to find out Christianity was a lie, I wouldn't regret a thing. That's why I know it's right for me. If you don't care to believe, that's fine by me, but please don't label me a "fucking idiot".

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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