Stat Rape and Supplying Drugs Buys Female Teacher One Year in Jail

Story here.

And she does not have to register as a sex offender.
What would a man have received? Letters can be sent to Excerpt:

"“I really believe that you are a good person. I believe that what you did was very wrong,” Brown said.

The judge ordered Walls not to have any contact with the victim, but did not require her to register as a sex offender.

Walls pleaded guilty on July 26 to four felony charges of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and a misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor for providing the student drugs and alcohol."

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Okay, so this female predator got off easy.
Yes, a male would have gotten a much harsher sentence. This is because this lame chivalrous society still does not see grown women being capable of being held responsible for their actions as a man. They are still viewed as overgrown children in too many males in power (like this a-hole of a judge) eyes and like children they have diminished moral responsibility because of their immature mental development.

Society just doesn't expect or demand too much from women as the late Betty Friedan observed. But men are expected to follow a higher moral code. That is why they get tougher sentences.

The next time a male gets into a similar situation then this example should be used as a defense against unequal and unconstitutional punishment.

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Many states have gone to mandatory sentencing guidelines.

Among other things, they eliminate a judge's discretion to let a convicted individual off easy for subjective reasons.

The mandatory guidelines may set a range of penalties (i.e. 2 years probation or up to 3 years in prison); or, they may require a specific minimum sentence (i.e. a second conviction for a DV offense is a mandatory felony with 1 year incarceration), etc.

With mandatory guidelines, you would expect "gender-neutral" sentencing.

Unless the guidelines mimic the "male inclusive" language in VAWA 2005, which mandated nothing.

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Re: Clairemont High ex-teacher gets year in jail for sex with student

Dear Ms. Editor:

Ply a minor with alcohol and drugs, rape them, then get only a year in jail. Clearly, Judge Frank Brown should be doing time behind bars for his abuse of the system, and the abuse he extended to this young male victim's right to equal protection under law.

The sexist and biased way this judge ignored, established sentencing policies for drugging and raping a minor is, in my opinion, as serious a crime as a sexual predator committing the offenses enumerated in this story - AGAINST A PERSON OF ANY GENDER.

In effect, Judge Frank Brown victimized the victim again, when he minimized the drugging and raping of this victim as if it was of little consequence. It is a disgrace and a disservice to citizens of San Diego, and all of California, to have such an incompetent and biased Judge sitting on the bench. It appears to me, we are once again seeing in a Judge's ruling, "judicial chivalry empowering female criminality."


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