First National Teen STD Study Ignores Boys
Story here. Excerpt:
'At least one in four teenage girls nationwide has a sexually transmitted disease, or more than 3 million teens, according to the first study of its kind in this age group.
Dr. John Douglas, director of the CDC's division of STD prevention, said the results are the first to examine the combined national prevalence of common sexually transmitted diseases among adolescent girls. He said the data, from 2003-04, probably reflect current rates of infection.
"High STD rates among young women, particularly African-American young women, are clear signs that we must continue developing ways to reach those most at risk," Douglas said.
The CDC's Dr. Kevin Fenton said given that STDs can cause infertility and cervical cancer in women, "screening, vaccination and other prevention strategies for sexually active women are among our highest public health priorities."'
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Girls health is rapidly deteriorating
I think they did not mention boys because boys are much healthier in sexual aspect. But the terrible situation with the girls' sexual health is another strong evidence that Artificial Womb is desperately needed and must be introduced as soon as possible.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
They left out boys because only girls really matter. A boy with an STD had it coming because of his evil sexual thoughts and deeds. Girls are always victims of boys and it's not their fault.
This is step 1. Step 2 is to add to the War on Boys a requirement for routine STD checks and if he has one, publicize his name. No equivalent for the girls. Think I'm kidding? Wait a few years.
Wow ))
Sorry, I don't argue with daughter owners. Maybe you just need to read the article again.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
daughter owners?????????
I've never understood your philosophy regarding daughters. Whats wrong with a father who loves his little girl?
Have some taken this movement to such an extreme where our daughters should suffer from ignorance and blinded hatred. Please tell me I'm wrong.
Children are not the enemy.
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."
[Rolling Stones]
obvious things
> I've never understood your philosophy regarding daughters
If someone doesn't understand obvious things, I cannot care less about it. Read the mcc99's comment again (maybe several times) and maybe an impossible will happen and you'll understand (but again: I don't care about it).
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
....the obvious escapes me. Please enlighten me.
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."
[Rolling Stones]
Relax and don't bother
It's impossible to enlighten everyone on Earth (especially for free). So, remain unenlightened and never bother me anymore with your stupid questions.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
I apologize
I never meant to insult your massive intellect.
I'll crawl into a hole and never bother you again with my stupid questions.
Please except my sincere and heart felt apology.
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."
[Rolling Stones]
Don't forget about it
That's great. On the next case of your trolling I will address you to this post.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Why is it a dog hates when you blow in its face but will stick his head out the window when he's in the car?
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge."
[Rolling Stones]
I read this article on cbc
I read this article on cbc yesterday. I was amazed with the craft with which it was written. It very clearly indicated that we should be regarding these girls as victims but never came out and said as such. In fact, I think I even got the impression that they were trying to suggest that it was boys' fault.
Dangerous article. People read it and have their opinions given to them...and they don't even realize it.
They might very well have tested boys, and were unhappy with what they found. Or maybe this was funded by pharmaceutical companies trying to push HPV vaccines. Either way, I'm not sure I believe the purported results anyway.
Damn Matt.
You are officially one of the hated "daughter owners" thus sayeth NBDSPCL.
*Shakes Head*
Mr. Reality's domain
Great article
This may be regarded as one of the main achievements of feminism: the fact that many girls today can forget about procreation (or at least about healthy progeny). Ironically, feminism is doing its best for replacing women, suffering from all kinds of some nasty and dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, with a perfect scientific technology - Artificial Womb. Artificial reproductive technology is the only way to save the Humanity from degeneration. And this article is just another strong evidence for it.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
What you actually mean is
What you actually mean is you have no argument. mc99 is quite right.
Forget about it
You can already forget about all daughter owners' secret dreams and wishful thinking. Times are changing.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
I don't think nbdspcl
I don't think nbdspcl understands that mc99's comments were sarcasm, and he was trying to illustrate how the minds of the kinds of people who would publish such a study "work".
Cosmo Man?
nbdspcl really picked the perfect handle for a guy with nothing to say.
Maybe he could write about son-owners, because unless he is an actual alien, he emerged from a vagina.
I think the whole daughter-owner schtick is really Mommy hatred projected as fake masculinity.
If nbdspcl has read even a little Freud, Jung, and Nietzsche, I'm sure an intelligent discourse might occur.
Oh, and the latest Cosmo magazine.
99 ways to please your lover, yadda yadda...
haha ))
It's time for daughter owners and feminist trojans on MRA boards to invent something new than this lame "sarcasm" excuse.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Bit quick on the draw, guy
Go re-read my post. And, I don't have any kids. Feminism, overpopulation, and misandry has made sure I am going to keep it that way, too.
Jumping back to the topic real quick...
Three conflicting theories that formed in my mind when reading this:
1. It's a corporate scheme to sell HPV vaccinations, mentioned by someone else earlier.
2. It's a bias in favor of women's sexual health over men's, also mentioned.
3. The female reproductive organs are naturally more susceptible to STDs (STIs for the PC folk), and so there is a more legitimate concern over the prevalence of sexual diseases in young women as opposed to young men.
What's the problem with you guys?? nbdspcl is an IDIOT - what more evidence do you need? It doesn't even matter if it's a troll or not. He (she) lives in fairyland, can't speak English, and is probably taking hallucinogens.
"The female reproductive
"The female reproductive organs are naturally more susceptible to STDs (STIs for the PC folk), and so there is a more legitimate concern over the prevalence of sexual diseases in young women as opposed to young men"
That might not constitute a complete working philosophy for them to use - since one means of reducing STD's in females is to reduce them in males.
Women are more succeptible to STDs, but that's just because of the way anatomy works. Reproductive fluid ends up inside of them after intercourse, and that makes it more likely for them to contract STDs. However, like ax put it, it would hardly do any good to focus on just one gender in this issue, as everybody with an STD got it from someone of the opposite sex. You could make it so that every teenage girl was free of STDs and ignore the boys, but before you know it, the girls would have STDs again. Of course, I'm just stating the obvious now.
BTW, It seems that matt's comment regarding how society views STDs as punishment for male sexuality is very true, and sadly this problem seems to be on the rise in the media. That's one thing that truly bothers me about society; how they want to see horrific fates happen to males for some reason, where if a woman was in the same situation, they'd be dead set against the same type of punishment. Double standards galore!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
hi xtrnl, I look this far back too : - )
I usually go as far back as the 4th "screen" on this board, at least a couple times per day. Eventually other guys will too, as the topics keep flooding in (hey anthony, quit "flooding" - just kidding!).
Hey ax
That's what happens when you haven't been on the site for a few days and get behind on what's happening. ^_^ Yesterday I kind of caught up, and started from where I left off, which was the 4th page.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!