UK: Cash incentive for mothers to start businesses in works

Article here. Excerpt:

"Mothers could be offered a financial incentive to start up their own business after having children, in a Government attempt to boost the number of women entrepreneurs.

They would be given advice on how to run a firm, pitch for bank loans and prepare business plans under the enterprise strategy being launched tomorrow...

...The enterprise strategy will be aimed at women who are either young, out of a job, from an ethnic minority or eager to work after having children. Mothers using children's centres will also be targeted with business advice."

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As we have learned from the housing crisis - women have much more difficulties with returning loans than men. And women's debts are ultimately paid by male taxpayers. Women oriented policies and redistributing wealth for women's benefit already brought the whole Western system to the verge of collapse.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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should be offered to young men who have just had children.
anything less than equal treatment is discrimination.

this country needs young male entrepenuers just as much as it needs women entrepenuers.

oregon dad

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Women, women, women.

Women, women, women, women, women, women, women; women, women, women.

Women, women, women, women, women.

And let's not forget the women.

Did I mention women?

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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According to what I've read this is available to all women, not just new mothers. It is for "women with a good idea, but no money to do anything about it".

Nice to see equal opportunities in action, eh?

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It's women, women, women.

Women, women, women, women, women, women, women; children , children, children.

Women and children. Women and children. Women and children.

And let's not forget the women and children.

Did I mention women or children?

NOTE: Children are a trump card. Women just use children as weapons against men. Most women could care less about children but it works wonders when they want to ignore male needs -- or impugn men with pro-female lies -- by claiming they are "aiding children." Women are the champion child abusers because they really don't care about children. They just use the spoiled rotten ones in their war against men.

Mr. Reality's domain

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Sorry to labour the point, but it's actually:

women women girls women women women girls girls women women


(Except the unborn, of course)

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