Watch "Indoctrinate U" Today

Via email:

We're very happy to announce the arrival of the Indoctrinate U
online store!

You can download the film today and watch it on your computer or TV.

The film is available as a high-quality MPEG-4 file or as a Virtual DVD, which allows you to burn your own DVD copy of "Indoctrinate U" and watch it on your TV. (The Virtual DVD is a standards-compliant ISO file.)

The MPEG-4 file and the Virtual DVD are compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux.


There are a number of new screenings that have been added to the schedule over the coming weeks.

Note: Physical DVDs are not yet available, and will not be available for a number of weeks. If you can't make it to a local screening, downloading the MPEG-4 file or the Virtual DVD is the only way to see the film soon.

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So, what is Indoctrinate U?

I have never heard of it.

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Whats more I seem unable to find a specific synopsis on there website.

Not making me want to spend my ££ here... :/

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Scroll points below based on QuickTime/ 732 MB MPEG

0-38 minutes: Race issues.

38-101 min: General; good background on where the film is coming from.

101-105 minutes: A whopping five minutes on gender issues.

105-End: "Miscellaneous" issues: Military and patriotism on campus; distribution and approval of fliers; 9/11, Middle East, and allowing terrorist with 4th grade education to get paid-for education at Yale.

There is one minute on gay issues, somewhere 0-101 minutes, I can't remember exactly which scroll range.

Maloney is at his weakest at those times where he casually saunters unanounced, into campus offices asking for "interviews" with key university personnel. I find most of the peoples' responses to him in these cases, even the police, to be very reasonable. Although I can understand Maloney's frustration in the couple of cases where he mentions unanswered emails from the universities, prior to walking in.

I'm not sure if it's worth it to download the whole thing, which even with broadband takes a while, when what you get on the gender issue isn't that much more than what was in the trailer previously posted (e.g. "where's the men's studies department?").


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... he's got major cojones, and is clearly doing a lot more than 99.99% of anti-PC activists/MRAs are doing.

So it doesn't have an hour on men's issues? It at least went there, which is almost never seen on MSM (exception: when Marc R. gets face-time of Fox).

Not to be picking on you in particular, ax, but I have noticed that MRAs are a wee bit over-eager to eat their own. Are we so in love with bitching that the minute someone actually does something, our first reaction seems to be to $hit on them? I think we need to work on this. I think that even if we don't like 10, 20, 30% of what some guy is saying, we still need to say "Good job, speak your piece, brother!" Solidarity has been not just one of the fem-wits strengths, but without a doubt THE biggest one they have had. Their ability to cooperate beyond ideological differences (some big, some small) is what they have used to succeed, and it has worked like a charm. MRAs could take a lesson.

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My intent was not to "bitch" about other MRA's (of which Maloney is not anyway); I am just letting other viewers know what to expect, especially so that they do not spend several hours downloading the video for naught.

And even if I was, I AM free to point out weaknesses in Maloney's methods; and AM free to point out problems in the MRA movement, as I have done else where. Sorry if my post was not MRA-P.C. enough for you (funny how that works, isn't it?)


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It is certainly easier to build a "moo-vment" if your gender is not inclined to analyze and debate and argue.

But crap, we're men. Or maybe, we're men, oh crap. Get over it.

I think there does need to be greater tolerance for different ways of expressing men's positions and issues and less ad hominem 'net streetfighting. I'm still learning to moderate my own backstreet bad manners.

Problem is, fighting can be fun. Ever been on a street in Trenchtown in Kingston, Jamaica at 3 am? Those youths are not reading a whole lot of philosophy when they approach you with a knife and an attitude.

So given the nature of our gender, there will have to be ways to create unifying strategies while respecting the diversity of opinions.

It should be possible to arrive at some common ideas and shared principles.

I would propose - "Do not shit on me because very bad things will happen if you do..." as Men's Movement Rule No. 1.

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"It is certainly easier to build a "moo-vment" if your gender is not inclined to analyze and debate and argue."

It might not be easier, but it will be better. Lack of debate and questioning within a movement, is one sign that it might become an ideology (or already is one - for example feminism).


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