More on White Male "Swing" Voters

From the stranger-than-fiction dept: video report here. After irrevocably alienating male voters does anyone think The Hildebeast can possibly woo undecided male voters (of any ethnicity) at this point to vote for her?

Maybe men who have been living out in the woods without TV, radio, Internet, or newspapers, but other than them...

I think it's clear who is going to be the Democrat candidate for 2008. And obviously we know who is going to take the GOP nod. I think it's a good time to start thinking about which of these two candidates will be best for the interests of men in general. Does McCain have a history at all of voting male-friendly? I know we don't have quite the record on Obama, but has he said anything that seems it will address in any way the concerns of men, especially men-as-fathers? Thoughts?

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The best thing I've seen Obama do for men is to call for an independent investigation into Nifong, something Hillary certainly wouldn't do.

Aside from that, I see a mixture. He does talk about the importance of dads and especially for black kids, which is good, but he then takes the PC route and makes it out to be only the fault of the dads without mentioning anything about the family courts or the moms. His website talks about strenghtening families and communities, which is good, but it also cites the phony pay gap. Maybe he felt he had to have something on "women" in there to compete with Hillary. Not sure.

I know that I would much rather Obama than Hillary, given Hillary's record of clear misandrist comments and her physical violence. But that's about all I can say.

I will say that Obama's call for an independent investigation into Nifong did score some points with me.

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All the candidates have women's programs but none of them has anything on men's rights. Shame on them. I'm not sure that even Obama would give a damn about MRAs, though I'm absolutely sure he can only be better then Hillary.

The problem is that all the candidates think that by championing men's rigths they would lose more women's/feminists' votes then they would win in men's/men's activists' votes. Feminism currently is a strong political force, while MRAs are not.
We have to change this.

We might begin with trying to convince one candidate that it is possible to offer solutions on (some of) men's issues without hurting women's rights. Therefore it is possible to include men's issues in one's campaign without losing women's vote.
The first step seems to be the hardest. But if we can get into business, maybe we can force all the candidates to pay heed to our words.

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I believe McCain has the most potential of being men's rights positive.

He personally has been through the divorce ringer and has experienced long term systematic abuse under color of authority from his imprisonment in Vietnam.

If a MRA could just get him to listen I believe due to his own life experiences he would be receptive.

Hussein Obama is just a political rock star. He would probably put Oprah Winfrey in charge of gender affairs. I don't believe we need that type of "change."

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There's also an interesting spousal dynamic between Barack and his wife Michele.

She is what my Jamaican friends call a "formidable" gal. Meaning bright, assertive, clever, funny, and not to be messed with...

She has referred to her husband as having poor domestic habits like leaving his underwear on the floor and being "stinky" in the morning.

It's probably all just good fun and jokes about their apparently solid marriage.

One thing I would love to see is a debate between Hillary Clinton and Michele Obama.

It would be over in Round One and nobody would ever want to pay Hillary for another speech.

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It would be over in Round One and nobody would ever want to pay Hillary for another speech.

People actually pay her for that crap?

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People pay her husband to come talk. He loans it to her to keep her campaign artificially afloat.

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As a registered independent I have respect for both McCain and Obama. In a general election I'm undecided between the two.


[This post was written by an MRA who doesn't hate women.]

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I'm glad that Obama's winning. Not that my opinion matters, since I'm Canadian, but I hope he becomes president. I admit that he needs some fine-tuning regarding his views on the family court and whatnot, but I think that a black man like him has probably suffered a lot of disrimination in his day, and will not stand for that type of injustice. If us MRAs write him and let him know the ridiculous gender-bias that exists, as well as inform him of the movie "Support System Down", he'll probably try to rectify the situation, like he plans to do the Iraq War. Go Obama Go!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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