You guys will get a kick out of this: "violence against men not nearly to scale with violence against women"

Article here. Excerpt:

"At a symposium in October 2007 on "Politicising Masculinities", organised by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), it was noted that this issue of false equivalence surfaces frequently in discussions of men's own experience of violence. It is not uncommon to hear the statement that "men are also victims of violence at the hands of women". Such comments can be profoundly unhelpful, not least because this violence is nothing like on the same scale as the many forms of violence experienced by women from men."

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You know what to do...

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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The author said,

" 'men are also victims of violence at the hands of women'. Such comments can be profoundly unhelpful, not least because this violence is nothing like on the same scale as the many forms of violence experienced by women from men."

Actually comments like that ultimately do MEN a disservice. The reason is this: if there was no mention at all of female violence against men, someone may later point out that was entirely ommitted by the author, so conceivably the author could be made to look ridiculous - since even a feminist idiot knows, and when pressured would probably admit, that some of this "reverse violence" does occur.

Therefore it behooves the author to instead, make VERY BRIEF MENTION of the existence of such a thing - preferably a couple of short phrases or sentences discretely placed within the article. Then no-one can say the author is delusional, but at the same time MRA's saying "the amount of such violence is not trivial or uncommon", is not nearly as effective an argument because there is so much dispute over the actual numbers, and because 98% of people have been hoodwinked by feminists.


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The author of the article clearly has a couple of screws loose. Obviously, the author is also delusional because they have a hard time believing that men have a harder struggle than women.

When men are beaten by their wives, the cops usually won't help. When violence against men is portrayed as comical, people don't care, in fact many of them laugh. When a man wants to be a part of his daughter's life and has DNA evidence to prove he is the father, he is still shut out of the kid's life, even though he was already shut out by the mother not telling him. These are just a few injustices which only men face. I could think of a ton more, these are just off the top of my head.

Ultimately, the article was rather pointless.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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