Italy Bans Crotch Touching by Men

Story here.

'The Italian supreme court has outlawed men from touching their genitals in public.

Crotch-grabbing is an ancient superstitious habit in Italy that is believed to ward off the evil eye - it is traditional for men to do it if passed by a hearse or when discussing serious illness or disasters. The phrase "Io mi tocco" ("I touch my") is as common as crossing fingers for good luck.

However, the supreme court ruled that an unnamed 42-year-old man from Como had broken the law by "ostentatiously touching his genitals through his clothing".
The judges pointed out that if men needed to grab their crotches, they should wait until they were in the privacy of their own home.'

(This will surely be the end of Italian hip-hop culture...)

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... or her crotch, is that also a finable offense?

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Come on mc99 get with the "hypocritical program!"

You go girls!

Mr. Reality's new story - Wendy's feminist tactics are nothing new.

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I never grab my genitals in public. Honestly its a bit weird. But on occasion a subtle "adjustment" is sometimes necessary.

Than again I'm an Italian American so things are probably different in Italy. Italians are known to be superstitious.

My grandparents were from Italy and had a lot of strange superstitions. Crotch grabbing was not one of them.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Will similar acts by women be banned as well? Or will men simply be singled out? For instance during Mardi Gras and Spring Break women tend to show skin frequently when intoxicated but if a drunk man shows his private parts(which is exactly what the women do) he goes to jail.

Your ethnic background is duly noted but has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Mr. Reality's new story - Wendy's feminist tactics are nothing new.

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Dear Mr. Reality:

I've never considered my self a "rigid" MRA and sometimes like to incorporate an opinion that differs from the occasional anti-female rant.

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a hot woman grab her vagina in public. LET OUR PEOPLE TOUCH THEMSELVES DAMITT!

"For instance during Mardi Gras and Spring Break women tend to show skin frequently" [Reality]

Call me old fashion but watching women taking off their cloths makes me happy!

Noun: woman hater
A misanthrope who dislikes women in particular
- misogynist

If you excuse me, I'm hungry. I'm ordering a pizza. I don't mean to be rude, but this post has ended.

*This post has been edited 3 times*

Cordially Yours:



"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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As your friend Hillary would say: "Shame on you!"


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I think it is about time for us all to accept that since we are marginal citizens in a country founded by extremely repressed Puritans ....

there can never be any guilt-free sex of any kind in America.

That would be a bigger sin than failing to consume more than you need --- it would be truly unAmerican and unnatural.

Without psychological repression and a dedication to denial, what would we as a people have left to celebrate?

WE'RE NO. 1--- !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I didn't think it possible, but this is even more ridiculous than the topless sunbathing cop arresting a man for indecent exposure when SHE asked HIM to expose himself, and was already exposed.

I think the Italian supreme court is retarded for making such a law. So, if your nads are itchy, I guess you can't scratch them in public. If you want to sit down on a park bench and are about to sit on the old nads, grin and bear it, you're not allowed to adjust. Isn't it sad that they make a law outlawing a man touching his own genitals, when there are spoiled women out there murdering unborn children, and falsely accusing men of rape? It's clear they've got their priorities backwards.

This wouldn't bother me so much if there was some clause in which women would be punished the same for doing the same, but it seems the term "justice for all" has been a misnomer for decades now.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Women have the luxury of going commando.

They don't have to wear even a thong.

You really don't want to know what is under that designer dress.

It could be her entire identity....


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Women can also flash their boobs at Mardi Gras, and nothing bad ever happens to them, but if a man touches himself above his clothing, he can be persecuted. It seems male sexuality has been stigmatized yet again. I don't know why people are so hateful towards a male's sexuality. After all, we all were made from a sperm and an egg. You'd think that people would have a little more respect. Instead, you can't even watch an hour of television without seeing a man get hit in the groin.

In fact, I was watching the Shield last night and one of the cops kicked a man down there for spitting on him. I got into an argument with my friend about how that's police brutality, and he actually tried to defend what the cop did. Then of course, being the mangina he is, he tried to shame me by making fun of me for being an MRA.

This encounter made me think that a large problem with misandry is that a lot of men are either apathetic towards it, or in denial regarding it. That is, they just don't seem to care about their fellow man. Thank God for this website.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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