Friends? We Don’t Need No Stinking Friends

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Men’s Rights Activists, for all of our differences, can (in large part) unite behind one simple and easy to grasp idea - Feminists are the enemy. Some go further and say that all women in contemporary society have benefited from the excesses of feminism, whether they are aware of their having benefited or not. While men were imprisoned in droves in response to rape and domestic violence hysteria, while men’s lives and livelihoods were ruined by ridiculous charges of sexual harassment, punitive alimony and child support enforcement, and all the other arrogant inequities of a family court system that seems to see them as sperm-doning wallets who had their fun and now they are going to pay, pay, pay - women did not rise in outrage and what was happening to their sons, brothers, fathers and potential life partners. If women are now beginning to feel a backlash in society in the form of marriage strikes, prenuptial agreements, an unprecedented aversion to chivalry on principle, and increased indifference on the part of men to the challenges they face in society, call the National Organization for Women. This was all their idea.

But what about the women who have tried for years to do something? What about women like Kate O’Beirne, Christina Hoff-Sommers, Charlotte Hayes, Carrie Lukas, Cathy Young, Erin Pizzey, Esther Vilar, or Wendy McElroy? This is not an inclusive list, mind you, but these are names that come off the top of my head when asked to name women who have stood damn tall in facing down institutional misandry. They did so when an awful lot of so-called men- in military leadership, in government, in academia, in the judiciary - were crawling on their bellies, willing to sell out every principle they had sworn to uphold to convince the feminists “they get it.” For their trouble, these women have lived with death threats, threats of rape, censure, loss of income – the whole litany of consequences the entrenched feminist culture has at their disposal to punish heretics. Are they the enemy?"

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Women are innocent and never knew men were getting fleeced when they got those alimony checks. The droves of women that brought(and are still bringing) 75% of divorces didn't know what they were doing. A woman making a false rape accusation didn't know the war was going on and was just "having some fun."

Same bullshit, different tune. The iFeminists never stop nor do their pundits here I see.

Badly written article complete with iFeminist advertising, namecalling, chivalry and anti-male shaming tactics.

Bravo WolfmanMac! Now go sit your ass down somewhere until you learn how to make sense. Wendy's funds -- and membership -- must be dwindling if she's deseperate enough to publish this bullshit. Wolfman and Wendy should have just used the "feminists are fun" study; it's more credible than this nonsense although not by far.

"It's all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems we're wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I'd travel all night just to get back to home

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive" ~ Bon Jovi

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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This was a rather pointless article. A contradictory one too. He claims that a lot of the problems men face are thanks to feminism, then claims that feminists are not the enemy. Gotta love a writer who refutes themself. I admit that some feminists are not the supremacist type, but they're still fighting for preferential treatment, whether they realize it or not.

BTW, I have plenty of friends, though some of them make fun of me for being an MRA. But they'll thank me and the other MRAs someday. If it wasn't for us, we'd probably all be tagged with chips, and forced to wear chastity belts.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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people like DeCrow, that is the early feminists who mainly were interested in actual equality, aren't the enemy either. Unless they've morphed into an ideological pig like Steinem.

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(WolfmanMac) -- "Women as a whole cannot be held accountable for not understanding the size and scope of the problem when most men don’t know."

Oh, that's right. Whittle womenz should not have to understand anything.

And what an insulting misogynist comment, appropriately promoted on an i-Feminist site! (Cue the laugh track...)

This is infantile Chivalry at its best.

I could write more but what is the point of analyzing idiocy of this degree?

"Women cannot be held accountable." WHY-- Are they CHILDREN? Are they legally incapacitated? Are they incapable of behaving "accountably?" Are they to be held to a lower standard than a mentally handicapped MAN?

I'm in total agreement with MrReality above, except for the Bon Jovi sig riff.

Because BJ is well .... a little too brokeback cowboy for my taste.

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every time some too young, too poor guy drops back and says " i really am not ready for marriage yet, but we can still be friends", we have won a skirmish.

when some judge stands up and says, "yes, we need to give this guy the exact same and equal access to his children as that woman", we have taken another enemy position.

when one child gets to see, know and love both parents equally because another women "gets it", we have won one for the kids.

when some young girl waits to get pregnant until she can actually be confident in being able to help support that child, by virtue of what she thinks she can do, and not what someone else can do for her, we have taken another hill.

when a child is actually told the true idenity of his/her real parents from birth, and it is coming thanks to science, mankind will have won a biggie.

when women are held to equal account as men for taking sexual liberties w/ children (still waiting on that one), we will have put a big one on the scoreboards. that's coming too.

when another honest, intelligent person understand the truth about what the judicial system has tried to pass off as justice, truth, fairness, etc., then we have won another convert.

when a president questions publically the unbridaled fed. spending on VAWA feminist handouts, that's huge.

when a lawyer openly sues to test imbra, hey that shows people everywhere are waking up.

i remember when no one saw any of this happening. no one even knew there was wrong doing "afoot". women/feminists got everything in the courts or the legislatures they wanted, no matter how bad it was, and no one dared question it, that was losing. so yes, we are winning in so many ways. the glass looks half full to me.

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When feminist ideologues rot in hell, humankind will have entered a new era :-))

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No Comment!


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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'Tis an uphill battle, but we're men! What's it to us? We are making change happen, little by little.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Anthony you know damn well that Keith is on the beach in Mustique and he is not reading the latest news about Sir Paul's divorce.

When you get into the blues, you should have no assets.

Muddy said that.

Well, actually Elmore James sung that --

"Talk to Me Baby."

It is interesting that all the best music was recorded before 1952.

Like0 Dislike0 I mean, I respectfully disagree, with your statement, "It is interesting that all the best music was recorded before 1952."

What about the outstanding women singers and bands since then? Like the Bananaramas, Go-Go Girls, Cyndi Lauper, Amy Winehouse, Brittney Spears, and other astute performers. (oh yeah..Boy George)


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Some of you are completely insane. You're out of your mind.
The thing MRActivism needs most are women on our side. The purpose of the Men's Rights Movement is not to engage in the gender war, but to end it. With your insane words you clearly show that you're just the same as the hysteric feminists. You hate women for some personal reason, and you don't care what an actual woman says or does. That's completely idiotic.
Wendy McElroy is NOT a gender feminist or any type of "bad feminist". She fights for equal rights for everyone - and yes, everyone includes men. She fights AGAINST gender feminists and other nonsense. She is on your side, you a**hole!!!
Yet she recieves threats from MRAs. That's just great. We show the world that we don't want peace, we don't want our rights and lives back, we don't want anything we stated earlier - we just hate women and that's all.
You are just insane.
You are blinded by hatred.
You bite the hand that wants to help you.

Don't be a mirror image of the much hated hysteric, misandric feminists. What the f*ck do you want to achieve by copying their destructive empty-headed hatred???

I argue with feminists day in and day out, and I know that many of them are just low-IQ man-hating harpies. And yet the thought of hating women never crossed my mind. I LOVE women :)
And when I see a woman fighting against gender feminists, I know I should help her. Not out of chivalry or any crap like that. I need to help her because she fights for the same things as I do.
A woman MRA could be emblematic. She could turn lots of undecided women and men to our cause. We could win with her help, yet you morons hate her for being woman.

It seems we can't avoid the fate to become just like the male-bashing feminists. When we get as low as they are now, I'm out. I'm not a brainless feminist, but I won't be a brainless masculist either.

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Do some hate this essay simply because it came from McElroy's site?


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Some of you are completely insane. You're out of your mind.
The thing MRActivism needs most are women on our side. The purpose of the Men's Rights Movement is not to engage in the gender war, but to end it. With your insane words you clearly show that you're just the same as the hysteric feminists. You hate women for some personal reason, and you don't care what an actual woman says or does. That's completely idiotic.
Wendy McElroy is NOT a gender feminist or any type of "bad feminist". She fights for equal rights for everyone - and yes, everyone includes men. She fights AGAINST gender feminists and other nonsense. She is on your side, you a**hole!!!
Yet she recieves threats from MRAs. That's just great. We show the world that we don't want peace, we don't want our rights and lives back, we don't want anything we stated earlier - we just hate women and that's all.
You are just insane.
You are blinded by hatred.
You bite the hand that wants to help you.

Don't be a mirror image of the much hated hysteric, misandric feminists. What the f*ck do you want to achieve by copying their destructive empty-headed hatred???

I argue with feminists day in and day out, and I know that many of them are just low-IQ man-hating harpies. And yet the thought of hating women never crossed my mind. I LOVE women :)
And when I see a woman fighting against gender feminists, I know I should help her. Not out of chivalry or any crap like that. I need to help her because she fights for the same things as I do.
A woman MRA could be emblematic. She could turn lots of undecided women and men to our cause. We could win with her help, yet you morons hate her for being woman.

It seems we can't avoid the fate to become just like the male-bashing feminists. When we get as low as they are now, I'm out. I'm not a brainless feminist, but I won't be a brainless masculist either.

Time to rate this post on it's strong points("A" being the highest grade of course and "F" the lowest) -

Rant: A

Shaming Tactics: A

Obligatory "I love women" line to prove to women poster is NOT a misogynist?: A

Logical: F

Well thought out post: F

I think this overly histrionic rant(quoted above) just beat WolfmanMAC's! Either way this article is dead and the trolls are starting to come out from under the bridge; have fun people.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Maybe a bit harsh but an outstanding post. I've often brought up the topic of women hating. Its a question some won't answer. I believe there are a couple of individuals here who might be women haters. MOST of the men here do not fall in that category. Please don't judge MANN based on a few.

I'm with you, women are great.

Hating women makes it difficult to get laid.

As for McElroy? Ask anyone here and most will tell you I'm a strong supporter of many of her ideas. Some hate her simply because of her gender. Some guys here forgot how hard she fought for justice in regards to the Duke rape case. If I think back to all the Duke related articles I submitted at least %50 of them came from her IFeminist news feed.

If I have one criticism of this site is there are zero women. How can gender be a topic of discusision when both aren't represented?

Here's an e-mail I received from McElroy a while back:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wendy McElroy"
To: "KMFDM" I pretty much walked away from the MR
> movement because of its strong theme of real hatred toward women --
> even women like me who have never harmed a man and basically come out
> for men's rights. I got tired of having my husband defamed, my safety
> seriously threatened...and when a close friend who stood up for me had
> his real identity 'outed' on Stand Your Ground and, as a consequence,
> had to carry a gun for self-protection...I gave up on the movement. I
> still believe the law is incredibly biased against men and that there is
> a just cause here to be championed. But, you know what? There are
> injustices everywhere and I decided to focus on fights where those I was
> defending didn't want to beat me and my family/friends to a pulp. After
> all, in a very real sense, I have no dog in this fight. I am not
> divorced,nor are any of my family members. I have no custody issues. It
> was always just about seeing an injustice and speaking out against it
> even when I had no vested interest. Now I have a vested interest. I
> don't want to endanger those I care for by speaking out for men's
> rights. Ironically, it is MRAs who pose that danger.
> I wish I knew what to say to you,
> I send my best regards,
> Wendy


This post was edited three times.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Deansdale, please don't make the mistake of lumping all of us into the category you mention. There are really only two or three "MRA's" on this board who are woman-haters, the majority are okay. Besides, this board is a little more "radical" than other men's boards, in the sense that some guys just come here to vent..nothing wrong with that (venting is not necessarily a rant..although I'm not defending "you-know-who" above).

This kind of negative behaviour by some MRA's has even alienated McElroy. She made some statements fairly recently that were critical of MRA's (or at least certain groups of them).

Check out Glenn Sacks' board for more balanced discussion (

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I consider myself an MRA, and I'm well aware that the majority of us are 'normal' and intelligent people.

I criticized lots of feminists in the last years for not 'purging' their own ranks from idiots. Now it seems we face the same problem, and I don't want to make the same mistakes the feminists did. We have to consciously keep ourselves away from women-hatred, or else we'll drown in the sh*t the genderwar created.

All MRAs have to understand that
1. Women are not enemies.
2. Not even all the feminists are 'bad'. There are types of feminists who actually work for equal rights, NOT against men.
3. You must NOT attack feminists who are not against men. The foundation of the MRA movement is that we fight ONLY against injustices we suffer. We cannot make the mistake of lumping because that would only provide ammo for the stinkin' radical feminists against us.

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"There are types of feminists who actually work for equal rights, NOT against men."

I think Christina Hoff Sommers is a perfect example.

I believe her book "The War Against Boys" has been a huge force in regards to exposing an anti-boy educational system.

I hope you stick around, you have a refreshing MRA philosophy.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I don't hate women. I just don't care for the ones that clearly are misandrists, nor do I care for the anti-male double standards which exist in our world.

I also acknowledge that there are a lot of women out there fighting for men's rights, such as Amy Alkon. I admit when I first became an MRA my opinion of the opposite sex was unflattering at best, but I've learned that there are still a lot of good women out there that are interested in true equality. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

I suppose I sometimes generalize by saying that "women" are this way or that way. I'll try to differentiate by saying "spoiled women" or "selfish women" from now on instead. Thankfully, not all women are like that, but it seems they're growing in number. It's up to us to expose the ridiculous double standards for what they are so that the whole female population doesn't become like this.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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