White Men Shifting From Hillary Clinton To Barack Obama

In an article published today, it appears that "White Men" have been a crucial block that has shifted from Hillary Clinton To Barack Obama in the Democratic Primary. They are also anticipated to be a crucial swing vote in the presidential election. Apparently, after years of being presented as an unthinking collective of racist lemmings, it now is apparent that white men have taken Martin Luther Kings I have a dream plea to heart and have decided that Barack Obama exhibits the kind of character men hope will inhabit the White House.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

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I am surprised to hear that there is still a White male voting block still in the Democratic Party. Men who still support the Democratic platform are like plump chickens supporting Col. Sanders. Why would they want to do that?
Not that the Republican Party has exactly embraced the concept of men's rights either.

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Perhaps they'll stop defecating all over the white male in their ads after they see the effect us white men have on North America. What we think does matter. Like the demographic being discussed here, I am a white man who supports Barrack Obama, but I don't live in the U.S., so naturally I don't get a vote. It's amazing because I've never seen a candidate so charismatic in my whole life. He actually makes me interested in U.S. politics as a Canadian, something I really wasn't that into, well, at least not since the 2000 election. That really disappointed me. I hope he wins both the candidacy and the presidency. He could actually usher in some positive change.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Americans are trying to find someone and something to believe in again....

Let's see our choices appear to be ----

A 72 year old Vietnam war vet who thinks it would be OK to be in Iraq for 100 years ... that's 95 years longer than he was in the Hanoi Hilton as a POW.

A menopausual female doormat whose husband to this day continues to cheat on her, and she has more multiple personalities than a fluffer in a gangbang porn movie.

Or, third choice, an untested extremely intelligent, eloquent black man who needs more Secret Service protection to stay alive than JFK.

Democracy is a bitch.

Even Cuba, with Fidel dying, has more meaningful choices than America....

Obviously it is time to go shopping at the mall and forget about well ..... everything?

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They need to just let Hillary die off. The media is trying desperately to keep her in the limelight. It's pathetic.

Mr. Reality's new story - Wendy's feminist tactics are nothing new.

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Thanks for evoking my name in your most recent story. I feel honored and privileged!

As for me being a woman? I'll let you guys decide with a multiple choice question.


A. Tony is a chick

B. Tony is a guy

c. Tony is a troll

d. Tony is an MRA

E. Tony is a hermaphrodite.

F. Tony is the anti-christ

G. Tony's one hell of a cool guy.

H. Tony is really Keith Richards.

I. Both B, D & G


[This post was written by an MRA who doesn't hate women.]

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I can't choose "all of the above"? LOL, jk. You're probably Keith Richards in disguise. I choose either H or I.

[This post was written by an MRA who only hates misandric women.]

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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[This post was written by an MRA who only hates misandric women.] xtrnl

I don't hate anyone! But I certainly respect your opinion because your a good guy.

Thank you for taking my quiz.


[This post was written by an MRA who doesn't hate women.]

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I also hate male misandrists too. So, I should have wrote:

[This post was written by an MRA who only hates misandrists]

I have no problem with hating those who hate me for being male. BTW, you're a good guy too, anthony, and I also respect your opinion.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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