On domestic violence, no one wants to hear the truth

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Holding women responsible for their violence was so at odds with the received wisdom of the movement's activists that, for her whistle-blowing pains, Pizzey's dog was killed and her entire family received death threats. Undaunted, she pursued her equal-responsibility crusade in the United States for many years in a fusillade of articles and books.

While dramatically extreme, Pizzey's story is nevertheless emblematic of the hostility truth-tellers confront in the domestic violence industry.'

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This is one of the best no-holds-barred columns I've ever read about male victims of abuse, how many (not all) battered women's advocates ignore male victims and female violence, and at how they treat those who dare to question their dogma. The example of them harassing the true hero Erin Pizzey and how they killed her poor dog "in order to demonstrate that women are never violent" would be hilariously ironic were it not so awful and real.

Please write to Barbara Kay to thank and to congratulate her, and try to get published in the NATIONAL POST.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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"Pizzey told her standing-room-only audience that for gender politics 'Canada is the scariest country on the planet.'"


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I remember her saying that at the Sacramento, CA Conference.

She mentioned how a guy in Canada flatened himself against the wall of an elevator when a woman got on the elevator.

One woman presenter from Canada, that came on after Pizzey, said that wasn't so. I don't know, I've never been to Canada, but I can tell you that the very night before she mentioned this, I ran for an elevator in Sacramento, CA and tapped that bar just as the door was closing so the elevator would wait for me. It did, but I evidently startled a woman passanger that was on board that I didn't see. I cautiously got on and pushed the button for my floor, then flatened myself into the corner, until my floor arrived. I was very uncomfortable to be alone on the elevator with this woman. I tend to be very uncomfortable when on the elevator with women, knowing what a pack of false accusing liars many of them are. Yes Erin, you are correct in general for many more places than just Canada.

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I love Barbara Kay. Her writing is so eloquent, to the point, and it's not tainted by P.C. bile. I'll be sure to write her to thank her. She really has my respect. A truly compassionate woman, just like Erin Pizzey. I've said this a few times, but I'll say it again. It really proves that there is a problem with misandry when women are also willing to speak out against it.

BTW, I live in Canada, and it is pretty bad. Tho, it's probably about as bad as the U.S., if not worse. I.E. That stupid Molson Canadian ad which encourages the same infantile behaviour with Luek alluded to (groin shots) is still on the air. And their stupid flash game is still on the website. We have to get it down. I'm goin to the liquor store right now to buy some Kokanee and I'm gonna send Molson the receipt, along with the customer satisfaction survey they mailed me asking me how satisfied i was with their response to my concern. I rated them very poorly, obviously.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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As much as I love Canadian Whiskey, Hockey, and Calgary's Hart wrestling family I can't handle "skunk" Canadian beer.

The Germans know beer!

Canada isn't that bad. I've been to Montreal. The ladies are willing and ready!

By the way, never heard of Kokanee.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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