NCFM attorney wins $400K class action against Club Med for anti-male discrimination

Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald L. Bauer just signed a settlement agreement ordering Club Med to pay NCFM attorney Alfred Rava of San Diego over $400,000.00 in attorneys' fees, plus other monetary sums, in settlement of a 257-member class action against Club Med for discriminating against men by giving free or reduced airfare only to women but not to men. You can read the judgment here (.pdf file).

Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.
Los Angeles chapter
National Coalition of Free Men

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Make misandry too costly and it will wither on the vine!

If only those ad agencies that produce those "hit in the groin" commercials could somehow be made to pay for their slander.

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Discrimination will spread as long as society allows it.

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I agree with luek, if we make anti-male hysteria very costly, "misplaced protectors" will think twice.

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This is a major victory!! Congratulations to everyone at NCFM.

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Wow...I mean...just wow! Even more significant than the settlement amount will be the effect it is likely to have on other organizations that have discriminatory policies. This should give many business owners something to think about.


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Honestly, many times things can get a bit frustrating based upon our battle as MRA's. This is great news! A true testament to the continued success of our movement!


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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to come across news like this. Misandric wrongdoers getting their comeuppins. I think the next target should be all those stupid "women only" fitness clubs. I don't see any men only fitness clubs.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Did a single news outlet report about this court ruling? Anyways, this is a great precedent for further court wins.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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I was the named plaintiff in this class action, not the attorney, although I have represented men in many similar lawsuits where men were victims of some sex-based discount or admissions practice by businesses, and so I wasn't awarded attorneys' fees in the amount of $400,000 - my attorneys were. (If I did receive such an award, the Marc Angelucci's L.A. chapter and Harry Crouch's San Diego chapter of NCFM would have received an endowment!) In addition to the attorney's fees award, each male class member was awarded a cash payment of $1,250, plus three-$400 vouchers to use for travel to many Club Med resorts. This is an unprecedented award for members of a class action, especially since women who took part of Club Med's sex-based "Ladies Fly Free" promotion received free air travel worth up to only $400. In addition, I and another male victim of the promotion, each received an incentive award from the court in the amount of $1,250 for taking on the duties and responsibilities of being the class representatives.

Al Rava
The Rava Law Firm
San Diego, CA

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