Michigan Governor Declines Proclamation of Parental Alienation Awareness Day

News item here. Excerpt:

'Governor Jennifer Granholm has destroyed Michigan's economy, families and now our children. A Proclamation to officially recognize April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day was denied by Governor Granholm.'

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Of course something like this will get a posting here on MANN. I will just suggest to the submitter that text that tends toward non-subject-matter criticisms of politicians is distracting and opens the submitter up to suspicions about "playing politics". Whether or not the governor of Michigan has done in that state's economy is a matter of debate (I could say the same thing about plenty of other governors, too), and may in fact be true, but is it relevant to the matter at hand, ie, her declining of the proclamation?

In this case I won't edit out the text simply because I don't like it being there, given the subject matter and the fact that it is not a major departure. But just bear in mind the more "extraneous" material there is in a submission, the more likely it is to be rejected or edited to exclude it.


aka: "That Evil, Awful Power-Tripping Moderator Guy over there on MANN"

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Jennifer Granholm attends the Yearly NOW conference. Anonymous is correct. Michigan's economy is in shambles and her approval rating is on par with Bush's. Detroit has also become the crime capital of America.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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She also worked with Hillary to make sure Michigan, a place most likely to have gone to Obama, didn't receive any delegates by moving the primaries up. She fits well with the Hillary supporters.

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That's the only thing you can call her, given everything that's known about her i.e. the way she blatantly refuses to acknowledge issues that affect parents because the victims are mostly men. I thought politicians were supposed to be impartial.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If women can't run a state, how will they run the world.

I really do mean it when I say, that Jesse Ventura did a much better job of running Minnesota, than this woman running Michigan. And he's an actor.


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Is that why you didn't post my submission from a while back? Don't you remember..I wrote a 58-page scientific narrative, describing the thermal neutron flux density in the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor - in which on page 29 I briefly mentioned that the word "flux" has misandric overtones?


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