Group president: Men, kids ‘invisible’ victims

NCFM-LA gets quoted in correcting a paper over its facts. Excerpt:

'COLUMBUS -- A common and popular belief that women are the vast majority of domestic violence victims came under fire recently in a response to The Telegram’s story entitbled “Safety top priority in domestic violence calls” which published Feb. 17.

Marc E. Angelucci, president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men, responded by e-mail and a blog post to the story and provided access to several studies by prominent medical, research and governmental agencies to back up his claims.

The various studies call into question the commonly held belief that female victims far outnumber male victims of intimate partner violence and/or that women do not typically initiate the violence, but only react or respond to violence committed against them.'

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Then screwed up the link to the Fiebert web site. It looks like they started typing on a new line in the middle of it. An accident?? hmmm...

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The way to get around it is to go to TinyURL and convert long links to short links.

I'm not sure that's what happened, but going with a TinyURL is a good way to eliminate one possibility for a nonworking link.

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