Rudov: "Mills doesn't deserve a dime"

Marc Rudov debates Lis Wiehl concerning why Heather Mills should not receive a dime from Paul McCartney. Congrats to Marc for not pulling any punches.

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Wow! That was a real street fight between Marc and Lis!

Lis pulled the classic feminist "How dare you!" line when Rudov disputed that Heather Mills had been "working" during her four-year marriage to Sir Paul.

Lis also stated that asking for $100 million is a "paltry sum!."

Marc insinuated that marriage is legalized prostitution.

The program host had to end the segment because the real animosity between feminist and men's rights advocates was becoming painfully apparent.

This was the first time I've seen Marc and Lis actually spar without being nice.

Very refreshing!

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I commend Marc for once again not pulling any punches. I do have to say his 'marriage is prostitution', however accurate, always derails the arguement though. I feel like he could be more subtle in showing the comparison, let other people notice the relationship in their heads. Or, explain his reasoning FIRST. Unfortunately people will instantly label him nothing more than a woman-hater the way he broaches the topic. As a comparison, if he could say something like...

"What these divorces say is that if you live with a guy, clean his house, cook his meals, and satisfy him in bed for a couple of years, there will be a big payoff in the form of alimony when YOU, and to be clear it's most often women filing for divorces, decide you want to leave. And we have names for women who get paid for having sex with a guy..."

I think it could force Liz or whoever else he's debating with into a much more defensive positioon.

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Do you mean they won't have these two debating each other anymore? I wouldn't be at all surprised.

This is the most explosive thing I have ever seen between two live people in the "news" media (the only thing worse was the shouting match between Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera. You have to see that to believe it).

I've never seen Marc be so coarse, and I've never seen Lis get so spun up! She even personally attacked him at the end. I think Cavuto actually got mildly pi***d too.

The other thing is I'm not sure why he made general statements derogatory of marriage, because in an earlier show he said he himself had just gotten married (if I remember correctly). I hope his wife wasn't watching :-))


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Marc said: "..she can now go down to the redlight district and charge more than the other hookers."

Raw facts being spoken. It appears Marc is not bound by the shackles of feminized political correctness. Good for you Mr. Rudov.

And she is prostitute-in-chief!

You're damn right. Even though we have tons of other women fighting for that position as well.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I don't believe Mills would be doing very much cooking, cleaning or changeing diapers at Paul's place. It's very likely Paul supplied a staff to 'assist' in these duties. She deserves nothing.

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[Redacted at user request.]

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He deserves some blame for not protecting his fortune.

As for Lis? A feminist, dumb blonde. Fox needs to give Rudov more competition.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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The debate is concerning whether or not Heather Mills "deserves" the amount of money she is looking for.

I also don't see Paul McCartney trying to rob anyone of their hard-earned fortune because he believes his gender is "entitled" to live off of another gender's hardwork.

Regardless of what you, I or anyone else believes he should have done(honestly we don't know what protections he had in place, women have defeated pre-nups before) the truth is "it's his money, he earned it" and she believes she has a right to it.

That's a one-legged parasite no matter how much anyone tries to cover for her. Having said that this is why I think the "marriage strike" is so necessary.

Fox needs to give Rudov more competition.

Feminist so-called "logic" is devoid of any actual intellect therefore any replacement will be just as pathetic.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I've been suggesting for months that Fox needs to get Marc Rudov a smarter TV girlfriend - preferably a brunette. (And not just Lis with a dye job.)

It was very revealing that this last segment showed Lis going ballistic and all emotional with very obvious anger.

She showed her true feminist persona which she usually conceals via the grinning blonde bimbo schtick.

The "how dare you Marc!" screeching reprimand was like watching Lis turn into Marc's mother to lecture him and assault his right to his own opinion.

I wish there could have been some covert web cams of what happened after that segment!

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Come on..Mills should "go to the red light district"? "All marriages are about money!"

He must have known that would piss her off, but I don't think he realized how much until he actually said it..

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I've been suggesting for months that Fox needs to get Marc Rudov a smarter TV girlfriend - preferably a brunette. (And not just Lis with a dye job.)

I figured that was where (he) got it from.

It was very revealing that this last segment showed Lis going ballistic and all emotional with very obvious anger.

She showed her true feminist persona which she usually conceals via the grinning blonde bimbo schtick.

The "how dare you Marc!" screeching reprimand was like watching Lis turn into Marc's mother to lecture him and assault his right to his own opinion.

Histrionics is Queen in the strange land of feminism/womyn's rights. Most phony people come around with the politically correct schtick claiming they just want equality, and yet always have some ulterior motive.

Why do you think I ignore the members here who sling the "It's all mens fault" or "let me find SOME way(even though there is none) to excuse women" spiel? There are so many politically correct pundits at MANN alone that I sometimes feel I am in a feminist rally. It's like they all belong to one brain and have a combined IQ of -1000. Then again there are some very intelligient posters, but one must crawl through the bile to reach them.

Lis -- just like the "men" I am speaking of -- comes with a huge smile and claims of just wanting justice all the while envisioning legions of women in superior positions making grand wages for having done nothing other than be female, with their heels planted firmly on men's necks.

Reasoning with an undercover(or open) misandrist -- male or female -- is like trying to do math problems with a sardine. Thus why so many claim "Half the time I don't know what you're saying" or "You don't make sense" or start spewing off what kind of jobs or education they may have had. They can't comprehend logical debate, it's beyond them.

"Wisdom is useless to the fool that does not have enough sense to comprehend it."

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Marc Rudov could take a page from my mother's book. My mother once said that a prostitute is a woman who receives money for sex outside of marriage.

But I think that the Red Light District remark undermines his point. Is Rudov's intention to question the legitimacy of marriage altogether? If so, then the Red Light District remark does that, but there is no special reason if this is the case that McCarthy's ex should have any consideration: all child support and alimony is bad, because marriage is an illegitimate institution akin to prostitution. However the remark sheds no light whatsoever on issues of equity that concern, or that ought to concern mens' activists.

If on the other hand, Rudov wants to alert viewers that marriage places the lifetime earnings of wealthy men, and by implication all men, in jeopardy, then he should avoid the prostitution comparison, and focus on that specific issue. That would short-circuit the counterattack of Lis Wielh.

In general, Rudov should stop talking about his favorite subject, namely women, and focus on mens' rights issues.

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Eyleliner? Paul McCartney wishes he had half the talent as Richards.

Am I missing the point of this article? Probably. But my hatred of the Beatles has distorted my MRA philsophy.

I'm a huge Stones fan; I'm just having some fun.

juliandroms I think your new to this site. Welcome aboard! I hope you stick around and contribute to our movement.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Our movement is growing...welcome to MANN! [i'm assuming your new, if not ignore this post.]


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Rudov's American Idol philosophy is weak and petty. Who the hell cares.

When will he speak about male suicide and boys education? [to name a few]

These are two vital mens issues he seems to ignore.

Note to rudov: Prioritize the importance of ALL MRA issues.

At times I think Rudov ignores many issues that doesn't give him media exposure.

Sometimes I think he is more concerned about fame [ego-maniac] and ultimately hurts our movement with "nickle & dime" debates with Lis Weil.

I wish he approached this movement with the same intelligence as Warren Farrell.

These FOX debates has become a circus.

I'm sure the Rudov worshipers will respond.

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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DittoHD: "Whine, Whine, Whine

No matter what we don't like about Marc Rudov, his positives way outweigh any negatives anyone can whine about. He is good. Damn good. Every so often I think of things I thought he could have said that might have been better. So what! More times than not, he is faster on his feet and a better debater than anyone else I've seen.

I have yet to see any women whine and cry about how feminists are too bold and angry, so they are hurting the feminist movement. When was the last time we saw anyone criticize women for so quickly reaching for and using the "misogynist" accusation, other than Marc, and doing it effectively, such as he did on the Bill O'Reilly debate.

Any woman who turns us off because we are angry would have turned us off anyway, for one reason or another. Are we men not allowed to get angry when being screwed?

I think anyone here who can do the job better, should!

P.S. His general stance is that on a blind date, the date should be "Dutch". In other cases, whomever asks out should pay. After a man asks a woman out and pays, she should ask the man out and pay on the second date, not wait for him to ask her out and pay again. If she does that, he drops her. The relationship should be reciprocal and both should contribute to it's maintenance and success. Isn't that the equality women have been supposedly crying for all this time?

As far as the prostitute assertion, if the shoe fits.... Coming up with technicalities to disprove the assertion doesn't disprove anything. The bottom line is that most men are paying for sex, no matter how we sugar-coat it. How much sex would we men get these days if we refused to pay for the woman's date? Or would that remove all the "romance" in the woman's eyes? How many women say that the man paying her way (treating her like a child) makes her feel more like a woman? Give me a break! It's that perception that needs to be changed. It should make them feel more like a child or prostitute. Only children should be "taken out"."

Underneath the rhetoric of the gender war lies the relationship between male and female.

@Anthony: Worshipper has two P's, not one.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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It would be hard to argue that either Keith Richards or Sir Paul is the more talented.

Certainly McCartney wrote more famous pop songs, and he's got more money than Keith.

But the telling difference for me is that the Stones were (in their stellar years) based in American blues music.

The Beatles were just fluffers who dressed alike and wanted to sound like choir boys in harmony.

People who loved the Beatles were repulsed by the Stones.

For all the right reasons!

Who gets the last laugh when McCartney pays out his $100 million plus next month to a "one-legged sow?"

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"The bottom line is that most men are paying for sex, no matter how we sugar-coat it. How much sex would we men get these days if we refused to pay for the woman's date"

All that tells me is YOUR mentality - that you see yourself, and apparently all men, as Johns. That's the wrong side of the argument to take - why are you trying to shoot us MRA's in the foot??


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Marc is a self proclaimed "realtionship expert" - that's his area of specialty (at least as of right now). He does make occasional comments about men's rights issues as such, though not necessarily in the Cavuto debates.

Check out his web site [ ] to get a better idea where he's coming from.


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I don't why some of you guys have a problem with Marc comparing marriage to prostitution. I admit that not all marriages can be labelled this way, but if you have a man constantly buying things for and paying for his woman (who never reciprocates any of this), in exchange for "services", what else can you call it? I believe that in a marriage where there is reciprocation, this breaks the definition of prostitution. However, most women these days want to be glorified prostitutes and never have to do anything, and just live off of a man's wealth. Heather Mills fits this description to a T. That bitch doesn't deserve a dime.

I commend Marc for comparing allimony to going back to an employer you were fired from and asking for money. That was a very fitting analogy that put things in perspective. He deconstructed allimony, exposing it for what it is; lazy women wanting money from a man for doing absolutely nothing.

And as for what Lis said, regarding "how dare you insult stay at home moms"... hello, if it's your kid too, you're kind of obliged to take care of it. If you want compensation for the time you spent taking care of your own kid, what kind of a parent are you? What's next? Are we going to have to rent women's wombs when they become pregnant? Is there going to be a new "mommy tax" that us men will have to pay?

This was a good debate because Lis lost her composure, and ultimately, the argument. No wonder she's defending Mills. They're both moronic, misandric, and opportunistic; definitely cut from the same cloth.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Who is this guy anthony and what the hell is he talking about?


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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I wandered lonely as a clod
Kicking cans and bottles
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
I fished for axolotls.

With that magnificent flight of fancy out of the way, I confess to knowing that Marc Rudov is a "relationship expert." (I prefer Doc Love, for what it's worth.) A fortiori, I asseverate: Rudov would be OK if he would stop talking about women.

Xlp Thlplylp

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There are dozens of men's rights issues. You can't expect any one person to take up all of them, necessarily.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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I just use this particular moniker, because it sounds like a neat word, is fun to say, and was used in older issues of MAD Magazine periodically, in the background of panels and as marginalia.

Another one they used that's even more fun to say, is "Potrzebie" (originally pronounced "Potterzebie").

Sorry to change the subject. I never did get that ridiculous magazine out of my veins :-))


P.S. Potrzebie! He hee hee!! POTRZEBIE!!!

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Marc is right. Now Heather can go down to the red light district and charge more than the other whores. She does have #1 bragging rights in the world of whoredom now that Big Tit Anna Nichole Smith is dead. Smith did get a bigger payoff from that old Texas oil millionare she screwed to death but she herself died before she could collect a cent! Now Heather has the crown of biggest whore in the West.

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Another thing to keep in mind here regarding the Marc & Lis Show is that Cavuto and FOX play this riff as a comedy.

That's why they have a fluffer like Lis as Rudov's foil.

The last debate violated the "keep it lite and breezy" code of the segment's formula, because both Marc and Lis got angry and started to look like people who really have some serious disagreements.

It is interesting that in order to get exposure for men's issues on television, they have to be packaged as entertaining four-minute comedy routines, yes?

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Don't get me wrong, I do have a certain amount of respect for Rudov. His debates with Lis are fun but also a circus. I also believe he comes across as a complainer.

I don't want the MRA movement becoming some kind of joke.

People who watch these FOX debates might look at men's rights as a ridiculous movement.

I realize these debates on Neil Cavuto's show is a high rated segment and the that's probably due to Lis's ignorance and Rudov arrogance.

He's obviously a smart guy and an engaging speaker. I just question his approach.

I just don't see him as an MRA messiah. It also seems any criticism about him angers some here.

I must be fair, Rudov has debated some legitimate issues. Especially his debate about the Trojan "men are pigs" commercial.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Rudov has a very thin skin. When I was questioning his schtick over on MND, he personally took issue with my argument that he was more about pleasing women than advancing men's rights.

He got Mike LaSalle to ban me. (Then he moved drastically away from his "how to get free pussy" routine....)

Today, given his FOX fame and all, I think maybe it was not my ideas that offended him; rather, he saw a need to remove a trivial roadblock in his career path.

I still like 90% of what Marc says on the Cavuto sideshow, but I'm still not sure he is anything other than a self-promoting MRA Letterman wanna-be.

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There are some things Marc could improve on, but overall, he's an excellent debater. I also agree that he's not an MRA Messiah, either, but he's certainly our ally, and he's doing one heck of a job. He's raising awareness regarding misandric double standards, not to mention smashing Lis Weihl's arguments into a fine powder, and that is commendable.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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