Middle School Teacher gets Six Years for "Sex with" Teenage Boys

Video report here. The story reports she was originally facing 60 years in jail total, but the judge reduced it to six (of course). One comment:

"Typical. If a man had raped 5 teenage girls he would have been sentenced for much, much longer. But a woman raping young boys does not receive the same level of attention or reprimand. She is a sexual deviant and justice has again been denied."

Posted by "Scott". Hmm, is that our very own Scott, I wonder? :)

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Therefore societal law dictates she may only be a victim.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Did any of the boys say that they had felt victimized and did they suffer any real ill psychological effects other than ending up feeling like studs and having overinflated egos? I don't know, just putting the question out there.

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14 and 15 year olds can't give consent. Just putting the FACTS out there. Now get the fuck out of here Whippersnapper.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Whether or not the teenage boys enjoyed the encounter, or wanted to have sex with the woman, it was still lewd, inappropriate, and ILLEGAL behaviour. She deserved way more than 6 years.

Let's imagine a male teacher had "consentual" sex with five of his female students. He would never see the light of day again. How is that equality or justice?

Why is that people view underage boys getting raped as a gift to them, and underage girls getting raped as a traumatic, life-altering experience? It doens't matter what gender the victim is. Either way, a crime transpired.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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