Sudden Divorce Syndrome

Article here. Excerpt:

"Things turned sh---- very fast. His wife took out a temporary restraining order, accusing him of attempting to kidnap their youngest son. The claim was never proved in court. Then, with the aid of some high-priced lawyers, she extracted from him a whopping $50,000 a month — a full 75 percent of his monthly income. Barred from the house, he was not allowed regular access to the office he used to generate that income. (On the few times he was permitted inside, his wife did not let him use the bathroom. She insisted that he go outside in the woods.) "My lawyer kept telling her lawyers, 'You're killing the Golden Goose,'" recalls Paul. "But they didn't care."
Oftentimes, men have a divorce sprung on them in midlife, when their kids are more self-sufficient and they've finally started to think they were over the hump. Like Martin Paul, they could start to relax. But that's exactly the time of life when the instance of divorce begins to swell (another occurs shortly after marriage). Joe Cordell, of the law firm Cordell and Cordell, which specializes in representing men in domestic cases, attributes this to wives deciding as they approach age 40 that it's now or never for getting back into the marriage market. It's the same phenomenon as rich guys trading in their long-time partners for trophy wives. Only it's the women who are shedding men."

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Don't get married. Saves all this trouble.

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Men don't realize when they are getting married they are actually bringing a third party into their existing relationship, the state. This third party is a malevolent and uncaring bureaucracy that doesn't give a rats ass about their best interests or the interests of their children. Additionally, the state provides numerous incentives along the way for the wife to terminate marriage with extreme prejudice in a winner-take-all conflict.

I've been married and divorced - luckily my divorce happened early on when I had very little to lose. Now that I'm more established and have a lot more to lose (especially financially) you can bet that I will *NEVER* go there again.

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Excerpts from this well written piece follow. The men's rights movement is at least mentioned, as is the marriage strike.(Though the author cops out at the end with some silly chauvinist nonsense about how men need to "invest more" in marriage...)

* "The warning signs are usually there, claims Buckley, but the male mind is simply not very adept at recognizing them. "When women make up their mind that the relationship is over, they stop talking about the relationship," she says. "Men interpret a woman"s lack of complaining as satisfaction. But more often, it's because she's simply given up."

* "In a 2004 poll by the AARP, one in four men who were divorced in the previous year said they "never saw it coming." (Only 14 percent of divorced women said they experienced the same unexpected broadside.)"

One about-to-be-harvested dad described his thoughts when his high-maintenance soulmate announced that she wanted a divorce and half of everything:

* "She looked like the enemy..."

Every man should have such a revelation, hopefully long before marrying.

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PS - There's an extensive discussion thread of this article over at pajama girl's site --

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So they continue to get broken in two by the heavy make-up wearing, funny-looking, big breasted Barbie Dolls that call themselves "empowered" female human beings. This does not go for women that act like they have some fucking sense.

Look at Hulk both his ex-wife and daughter look like goddamn idiots but they were slick enough to break his dumb ass in two. He was always wiping his wife and daughter's ass. He had one whole show where he was picking a bodyguard for his extra tall, hulking ass daughter. He was all over the men that were applying for the job. Meanwhile his son was in a car crash and Hulk did not get his son driven around. He treated his daughter and wife like they were special.

So guess what? Now they ARE special. Special enough for him to be "paying for them long after they have left his chivalrous ass."

I say break these chivalrous buffoons. They sit around attacking and talking shit about other men while treating women like fucking princesses. A chivalrous man that gets taken advantage of by a greedy ass woman needs to learn his lesson.

I fight for the men that don't tolerate double standards and yet are faced with those standards being shoved down their throat by women in the media.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Hey, just for holiday chuckles, I gotta ask this question of posters here --

Have you ever had an intelligent conversation about the Gender Wars with a woman?

I mean, one that didn't end with you being arrested?

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Have you ever had an intelligent conversation about the Gender Wars with a woman?

Yes I have. However what I have noticed is that when women agree -- with what many MRAs say about the gender wars -- they tend to bring it up later on, call you a woman hater, and disagree.

To tell the truth I have yet to see "any woman" take a 100% stance against female entitlements, misandric society, and pro-female double standards.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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(MrR) -- "Yes I have."

Ummm, could I get her phone number?

If not, could you please write more about what she said?

Or, did you mean that only your part of the conversation was intelligent?

Do you need bail money to post?

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*They sit around attacking and talking shit about other men while treating women like fucking princesses.*

Or they bitch about their ex-wives, while continuing to talk shit about other men, and enabling the very system that robbed them blind. As if what happened was unique to them.

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Maybe arrogant, but the few debates I've had were easily won. The information from the guys at MANN certainly helps.


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Divorce can be really messy and painful for both parts (sometimes for just one part) and my advise to all of you is to try to avoid it. Nobody says that marriage is an easy thing to handle, but you have to be aware that sometimes you can save your marriage just by remembering the good times. Most divorces occur because the spouses stop communicating, understanding and supporting each other. In such cases it's better to get marriage counseling than divorce papers.

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