Historic Domestic Violence Conference Includes Male Victims
Historic Domestic Violence Conference Includes Male Victims
"From Ideology to Inclusion: Evidence-Based Policy and Intervention in Domestic Violence," a conference addressing issues pertaining to domestic violence, was held in Sacramento, California or Friday, February 15, 2008 and Saturday, February 16, 2008.
Shortly before 7:30 A.M. on Friday, the "Terrace Room" began to fill and shortly thereafter, the room was full, but people were still standing in the lobby and standing on the "terrace," waiting to register. So many people attended this event that an overflow room was opened to handle the crowd.
The highlight of the conference, in my opinion, came on the second day, when Erin Pizzy spoke. Pizzy was the founder of the first battered women’s shelter in the world. Preceding her speech, Pizzy was presented with a lifetime achievement award by Phil Cook, for all of the work she’d done to care for victims of domestic violence. Pizzy remarked. “This is a first.”
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Looks good - only one presenter was a feminist liar
Strauss, Fiebert, Sacks and Angelucci were there too. Strauss got to speak, but apparently whoever wrote this is suspicious of the stats Strauss gave, having been brainwashed by ideological feminist pigs, and wants to read Strauss' book. Apparently he hasn't seen the web site with the 200 studies, or he has seen it but still doesn't believe it. That seems to suggest that the one feminist there should have accepted the award, in absentia, for Catherine MacKinnon for "Brainwasher of the Decade".
I wrote it...
I wrote it, and that's quite a ludicrous jump to say, "Strauss got to speak, but apparently whoever wrote this is suspicious of the stats Strauss gave, having been brainwashed by ideological feminist pigs, and wants to read Strauss' book."
What I said was, "I could try to go into more detail on Dr. Straus’s research, but will wait until I’ve finished reading the book he coauthored, that I acquired at this past weekend’s conference,"
All that is saying is, I don't want to misquote Dr, Straus and now have the benefit of his book to rely on as a resource. I will be quoting from Dr. Straus's book in the future, after I have had time to read it, and when I want to support articles or op eds I write with scholarly researcher.
To call me "brainwashed by ideological feminist pigs" is the height of absurdity.
In the future, please ask a question, when you have a question, instead of jumping to a false conclusion.
As far as the woman claiming to be a "feminist" at the conference, she made no distinction between gender feminist, radical feminist, equity feminist, Ifeminist, Stalinist feminist, rabid feminist, etc. I "hate it" when they do that. ...and don't get me started on how tainted the word feminist is, so much so, that I don't think any rational, credible person should ever use it to describe themselves, just like the word Nazi.
To use the term "feminist" these days without a qualifying adjective is very, very, very imprecise and potentially damning. Erin Pizzy and Dr. Langhinrichsen-Rohling both used the term "feminist" without a qualifying adjective.
Are equity feminist or Ifeminist bad people? Christinna Hoff-Sommers is an equity feminist and Wendy McElroy is an Ifeminist. I like most of the writings of both of them, but some misogynists don't care for them or for that matter any women. Radical feminists, gender feminists, and Stalinist feminist are all advocates of gender hate, and comprise a hate movement, IMO. When one sees the evil they've done what other conclusion can be drawn. Anyone who says they aren't haters, or members of a hate movement are redefining the definintion of "hate" and "hate movement." I agreed very much with everything Pizzy was saying, but wish she had used an adjective in front of the term "feminist." She did point out that they were feminists who subscribed to Marxist and communist ideology. Pizzy also mentioned that her parents were prisoners of communists, when they had lived in Shanghi, I believe, or Singapore. I'm not 100% sure which place she said.
Maybe you're not brainwashed, but your quote is incomplete
I notice when quoting yourself above, you left out a couple or three sentences that were before it, like "what Strauss says runs counter to stuff I've heard elsewhere" (paraphrasing). How do you expect me to reach any other conclusion, than that you are a little suspicious..okay, I'll say "uncertain"..of what he says??
There's nothing wrong with saying just "feminist". So what if it's imprecise. Lot's of things are imprecise like that- there's nothing wrong with using a word in a general sense, provided it's used in the right context. And it was used that way when I said it, because I was not at the conference, so I have no idea exactly what "kind" of feminist she was. And it doesn't matter for the purpose of what I was talking about - anyone who flat out disagrees with Strauss' numbers is either ignorant or a liar. Not everything is a "perspective" or an "opinion", there IS such a thing as the truth. And Strauss has scientifically discovered the truth about DV..just like the other two hundred studies and analyses have.
BTW the best word is "ideological", because these (radical, gender) feminists are in fact pursuing an ideology..a utopia in which women are completely isolated from men, except possibly for use in procreation. (If you don't believe me read "Legalizing Misandry" by Nathanson and Young, Ph.D.'s)
P.S. how am I supposed to "ask a quesion" first, when I have no idea that the person who wrote the story is going to post on this board? It wasn't signed "MR" and besides I haven't seen you on here lately.
I assume you know "equity" and "equality" are not the same
I've read a couple of Hoff Sommers' books, and I'm not sure she's in favor of equity. Equity goes beyond true equality - it results in things like affirmative action and other special privileges for women. (Some femininst ideologues call it "substantive equality" to confuse the issue and make it appear more egalitarian than it actually is)
It's complete, but you're reasoning appears incomplete to me.
From the article:
"In my assessment, his conclusions differed markedly from the perceptions I had heard espoused in previous domestic violence meetings and conference."
# Yes, he runs counter to all the biased, misandrist, gender feminist stuff going on at other domestic violence conferences. I've never seen anything but biased, misandrist, gender feminist propaganda at any previous domestic violence conference or meeting. How could you believe that saying Dr. Straus's presentation runs counter to other d.v. conferences and meetings, meant anything other than his presentation is running counter to the gender feminist d.v. propaganda?
Also from the article:
"The presenters of this conference have done a valuable service to humanity in presenting the issue of domestic violence from such an unbiased, non-ideological view point."
# The article had my name on it. That name has been posted here for years and years.
# Gender, and Stalinist feminist are more precise descriptive than merely saying ideological, IMO. Equity feminist and Ifeminist are also ideological. MRA's are also ideological. Ideological says nothing about the specific ideology you subscribe to, just that you have one.
Saying only feminist is imprecise and there's plenty wrong with imprecision when it leads to bad laws and policies. Gender feminists are notorious for imprecise and bogus statistics. Imprecision in use of language leads to ambiguity and misunderstanding. There's plenty wrong with imprecision.
I'm not a mind-reader
"Yes, he runs counter to all the biased, misandrist, gender feminist stuff going on at other domestic violence conferences. I've never seen anything but biased, misandrist, gender feminist propaganda at any previous domestic violence conference or meeting. How could you believe that saying Dr. Straus's presentation runs counter to other d.v. conferences and meetings, meant anything other than his presentation is running counter to the gender feminist d.v. propaganda? "
# That's a lot more information than you gave in the article. What else can it mean? It can mean this: "In my assessment, his conclusions differed markedly from the perceptions I had heard espoused in previous domestic violence meetings and conference. He is definitely in the minority, and I therefore doubt that his numbers are correct."
Why's that such a stretch? Not being a mindreader, I can't complete somebody else's logic.
"The article had my name on it. That name has been posted here for years and years"
# You really have me on this one - I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what you mean by you're name being "posted here"; and I definitely don't know of any way to read an article with someone's name at the end, then use that as a basis to research what alias they use when they post on this board, then use that to summon them so that I may ask them a question.
"Saying only feminist is imprecise and there's plenty wrong with imprecision when it leads to bad laws and policies"
#How the heck is the fact that I used it "imprecisely" in this case, going to lead to a bad law or policy? I thought we were talking about my use of the term in this case , were we not??
I must say though, that I'm glad you reported on the conference. This argument is pretty much trivial, since there's really nothing "wrong" with the article; it's just that I can see where someone might get the wrong impression of your view on Strauss' numbers, as mentioned above. But even that doesn't really take away from the article, because a reasonable, intelligent reader shouldn't place that much emphasis on what the writer himself thinks on an issue, unless it skews or biases the article. It probably sounds like I was placing a lot of emphasis on that, but that was not my intention. I just feel it is my duty to be one of the pessimists on this board, so that other guys don't get carried away and start thinking things will change tomorrow:)
Degrees of Tyranny
axolotl -- "BTW the best word is "ideological", because these (radical, gender) feminists are in fact pursuing an ideology..a utopia in which women are completely isolated from men, except possibly for use in procreation."
Excellent point.
I have been interested in ideologies since my twenties and how they always enforce boundaries and prohibitions against certain kinds of thinking.... and coerce behaviors of conformity to the ideology.
(I lived for a while in three revolutionary countries ... Grenada, Nicaragua, and Cuba. Wanted to experience ideology up close and personal.)
Funny, none of these so-called socialist nations had anything close to the tyrannies that MEN face in today's "free" and democratic feminist America.
And the women were far more intelligent, charming, and feminine than any American female I've ever met.
Sounds like you're living dangerously
I guess depending on how socialism is achieved and implemented, it doesn't have to have the characteristics of an ideology. The key word I guess is "achieved"..even if by revolution, that woudn't necessarily make it a ideology, would it? You know more about it than I do.
I wouldn't think that circa 1776, anyone knowledgeable would have considered U.S. "separatism" (or whatever) to include ideology.
I've heard Costa Rica's pretty nice, especially the women. I'm not sure how much feminism has infiltrated Latin America. Maybe it has affected some of the more "Americanized" countries, like Brazil? On the other hand they had some kind of upheaval within the last couple years. My feeling is that any country in the throes of revolution or some such thing, needs to have everyone pulling together so there's not much sympathy for overt feminist ideologues, like we have in this country.
On the other hand, no doubt there's some lady in a thatched hut in Haiti, as we speak, complaining to her husband that he never helps make the mud cakes.
Any Mainstream Media Coverage?
Although this ground-breaking conference got a lot of buzz on men's sites, has anyone seen much evidence that the mainstream media picked it up?
I wish the conference organizers would set up a web site with video or audio streams of the presentations, if in fact they were recorded.
a couple of items
# Yes, it was recorded in its entirety, every plenary session, and every break out session. We were told the DVD's should be available to conference attendees in about a month. I hope they are also available for sale to others, but don't know about that.
# I did not see any mainstream media in attendance at this historic conference. When I made a comment similar to yours to a good friend, he replied, "Do you know how many conferences go on in Sacramento?" Yes, quite a few. Taking it in that perspective, it's easy enough to understand the lack of Sacramento press coverage.
Right now the billions of dollars the CA state budget is short is gobbling up most of the ink.
I have no doubt that word about this conference will get out in Sacramento, and beyond.
Score One For Men's Rights!
I was ecstatic to hear about this convention and how it was truthful and unbiased in the presentation of its contents. BTW, excellent job, Mr. R! That was a very eloquent, complete, and concise article. Roy is right when he compliments you on your writing abilitiy.
I was really glad to hear about Erin Pizzey making an appearance. She's like the poster child for true equality and the elimination of ALL domestic violence. Women like her keep my faith in the opposite sex alive. There's a few women out there that aren't brainwashed so easily. I guess in Pizzey's case, it's especially tough since she knows the truth.
I hope that word of this convention spreads like wildfire.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!