Mills/McCartney Judge to Decide Split Terms

As if anyone needed further evidence that when you marry someone you are placing the disposition of everything you own or ever worked for into the hands of two other parties: your spouse and the state -- read it here.

Wonder what the court's "administrative fee" will be for this one? Probably go into the millions of GBPs. Excerpt:

'Mills, 40, smiled as she left London's Royal Courts of Justice with her entourage. McCartney, 65, did not attend, although he was in court to face his estranged wife every day last week.

Media reports have suggested McCartney offered his wife around S$50 million and that she was seeking at least double that amount.
The couple married in June 2002 — four years after the death of McCartney's first wife, Linda — and their daughter Beatrice was born in October the following year. They announced their separation in 2006, and McCartney filed for divorce alleging "unreasonable behavior" by his wife.'

Oh yeah, what 'unreasonable behavior'? Read about it here and here among other places.

Heather may look like Linda (GRHS), but as you can see, these are two very different women from two very different generations indeed.

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would definitely have to be "prenuptial agreement". I swear if I ever strike it rich and then get married, my girl's gonna have to sign one. I'm not gonna be made a fool of, that's for damn sure.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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From what I have read, when you seek a pre-nup with a prospective spouse, you need to make sure the discussions about having one happen months before a wedding date has been set.

If it is a "last minute" thing, she can allege that she was coerced.

Both parties need lawyers, to prevent future charges during divorce. Especially the popular "I just didn't understand what I was signing" alibi.

So, you have to manage the actual process of agreeing to a pre-nup -- otherwise it can easily be tossed out during divorce.

Not unlike marriage vows which actually constitute nothing like a legal contract, a pre-nup is vulnerable once the divorce proceedings start.

The only truly reliable pre-nup is a "non-nup", i.e. -- to say "no" to marriage.

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some say that if anything changes during the marriage, like having children, that the 'nup can be ruled invalid. most of us won't have enough left after a divorce where children are involved to worry about it. something about you can't make agreements involving future children, like who gets them. we all know the judge and the woman typically do that. as usual you can bet the farm it's crooked.

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Mills/McCartney Judge to Decide Split Terms

Will it 98% or 99% to her? :P

Pre-nups have no legal meaning in British law (last I heard anyway)

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According to the article Mills and McCartney were married in 2002 and separated in 2006. For the sake of argument lets say they spent 4 complete years together, or 1460 days.

Even the reportedly turned down $50 million offer would net Mills $35k/day for the term of the marriage.

What socially valuable purpose do these windfall transfers of wealth from man to woman serve, except to discouraging any sane man from marriage?

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What socially valuable purpose do these windfall transfers of wealth from man to woman serve

The purpose is "empowering women". It hardly is "socially valuable", though.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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The news always talks about how Winfrey is the most highly paid entertainer. Unfortunately, "highly paid" ain't the same as "net worth", of which McCartney's the all-time king. Far more than Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc. (another difference is that McCartney is talented, respectable, and can sing - unlike the other two).

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that Harpy sunk her claws into him. She turned out to be yet another opportunistic spoiled princess.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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could get custody of "the leg"? make a lamp.

she'd be hoppin mad then.

he did give her career a "leg up".

imagine what a TWO legged woman would have fetched in court?

with that much $$ i'd get me a gold leg. kinda BOND like.

GOLD Femur, he's the man...

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The purpose is "empowering women". It hardly is "socially valuable", though.

You don't have to "empower" a group of people that already held the majority of the power. In those households where men were the primary breadwinners the women still held the power over the finances, relationship, children, etc.

Men may have been making the money in said households but as always women were controlling a good portion of it(or at least controlling the man himself). Consumerism and conflict is a woman's best friend; they literally shop -- and nag -- till they drop. And now that there is no social stigma against women acting like teenagers with credit cards men are slowly being forced to wake up.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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That's the definiton of "Retail Therapy". It's a woman's desire to spend money, even on things she doesn't need, to make herself feel good. It's a high comparable to the one some people get from eating lots. The difference is that Retail Therapy is detrimental to a person's budget, as opposed to their body, and it is much more expensive.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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