DHS, FBI Warn of Possibility of Female Homicide Bombers

Story here. Excerpt:

'The growing use by terrorist groups of women — some disguised as expectant moms — to deliver deadly homicide bombs has prompted the Department of Homeland Security and FBI to issue a rare warning that such attacks could take place on American soil.

"Female suicide bombers may have an advantage over their male counterparts in accessing targets," the analysis cautioned. "The means to conduct a suicide attack vary widely, but a key element in maximizing the lethality of a suicide bombing is the bomber's ability to get close to the target."

The assessment also strongly warned that potential female homicide bombers could use "prosthetic devices that mimic the look of a pregnant woman.'

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Proving that Chivalry is indeed deadly.

Who would ever suspect a pregnant woman of being capable of mass murder?

That image is an offense against all male sensibilities.

And therefore -- tactically very useful.

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It kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term "baby boomer."

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Of the my body my choice rhetoric? Just think about it, a woman could get pregnant, get an abortion, pretend she's still pregnant and conceal weapons.

Like they said on South Park "she's got a snook up her snizz!" lol btw good one, MR. Sometimes I think you'd be great at stand up.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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It also puts a whole new spin on the old Valentine's Day compliment ---

"She was the bomb."

Funny how language always comes back with a vengeance.

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I think it is hard to grasp that there are cultures that would actively encourage their young women to pretend to be pregnant and strap explosives around their bellies and walk into highly populated markets and push a button to kill hundreds of people.

And then the family makes a nice little altar in their home with a photo of the "martyr" who so well served the jihad.

It is a complicated equation to understand how this can be accepted by any human being.

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Actually guys, this story would be better off posted on an anti-Bush web site. It's part of his recent call to arms, gravely warning Americans that terrorists are due to strike again at any moment - Bush is doing this to pressure the House, to agree with the Senate and exempt tele-com companies from lawsuits for spying on you and me. Check it out - it's in the news starting within the last couple days.

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A "baby boomer" is part of the next wave..the terrorists send over babies with bombs inside their diapers (besides the other stuff that's usually in there).

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