Are girls wired not to win?

Article here. An interesting admission that shows women often choose to not "have it all" so they can be with their families. All the while, industry is desperate to put women in top positions...and the girls are turning down the offers... excerpt:

'She also spoke about the pressures on women to take top jobs: “The company’s desperate – they want women at the senior executive level.” To get more gender balance at the top, she told me, offers too good to refuse were being made to other deserving women, as long as they were willing to move and, if they were successful, to move again a few years later. She had known just one who had said yes – someone without a family.
Most women in the West are now in the workplace and young women are doing exceptionally well at school and university in comparison with their male peers. But gifted, talented women with the most choices and freedoms don’t seem to be choosing the same paths, in the same numbers, as the men around them. Even with barriers stripped away, they don’t behave like male clones.'

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Instead of over analyzing the story I think its beneficial for me to accept the overall premise. While it might be flawed I think she makes some good points.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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Whaaaat?? Women don't represent a bigger percentage of top executive positions because they don't want them?? Blasphemy!

It seems I've heard something like this before - like every time I talk to a person capable of forming an independent thought. It's refreshing to see this in print.

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Instead of over analyzing the story I think its beneficial for me to accept the overall premise.

So why not just do that instead of beating us over the head with such overly opinionated diatribe?

The question is rhetorical and just points out how ridiculous it is to type out therapeutic thought patterns to one's self.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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The authoress writes -- "Rats help us to get a deeper understanding."

I believe she is onto something, because all the rats I have ever met have taught me a lot. Especially the female ones.

But seriously, the article is basically saying the exact same thing that the recent book THE FEMALE BRAIN described in much greater detail -- which is:

women's brains are marinated in a continuously changing turbulent hormonal stew of chemicals that directly affects their behaviors; and, arguably impedes their logic, judgement, and reliability.

They are not "linear" creatures. There is no "straight line" in their thinking. If there is any actual thinking happening...

All the recent neuroscience is proving that human women and men are less alike than are humans as a species and apes. (Evolution is a diabolical process...)

So if you think your soulmate is behaving like an alien ... she probably is one.

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Until you attain your PHD in Psychology try to avoid a psycho-social on my writing. As MRA's we seem to stand at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Your a conservative MRA but I am more of a liberal. You'd think our styles would compliment the thought process but in reality it creates animosity.

This is about as nice as it gets.


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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That thought must give Kim Gandy at NOW a permanent wedgie....

Assuming she's not dressing commando style.

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Women choose the level of sacrifice to put forth in order to choose how "successful" they will be in the business world.
In other words, women choose the salaries they make.

Those women that claim to be under paid, have chosen this path.

As one writer said, "this news must give the fems at N.O.W. a permanent wedgie".

It kind of shoots all to hell the notion of a "gender gap" in wages.

And yet, we have the conservatives in mexico prepared to cut taxes on women (or boost taxes on men) because of "inequality". Perhaps they have that in mexico. But we sure don't have it in the States.

oregon dad

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Until you attain your PHD in Psychology try to avoid a psycho-social on my writing.

In truth you have no idea what increasingly worthless educational credentials I possess -- since unlike you I do not tend to use such things as a punchline to back-up a thrice-debunked ideological statement -- thus you're speaking out of ignorance rather than facts. Something you seem to do all too often.

Moreover, touting what kind of paper one was granted from what are increasingly worthless American educational institutes is quite redundant in a world where some of the wealthiest men are college dropouts. You utilized this same "tactic" against another poster and as always it failed miserably. I'm not hiring you to work for any of the businesses I run so why give me your resume? Your actions remind me of a woman with an inferiority complex trying to prove something to the world. It's pathetic to say the least.

Oh! You can give Erik Erikson back his M.O. now..

As MRA's we seem to stand at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Your a conservative MRA but I am more of a liberal. You'd think our styles would compliment the thought process but in reality it creates animosity.

The above analyzation of my standpoint as an MRA is quite flawed as many of your arguments seem to be.

Also, what did I tell you about re-editing your posts a hundred times?

I know you'll come back with some ideological nonsense and subsequently re-edit your posts probably another forty times but as I have informed others I really don't have the time for you.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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Your speaking to a well educated and successfully employed 25 year old. I would respond to your post but its feudal and completely irrelevant. All I needed was to read the title. Your MRA philosophy is more predicable than a sunrise. Please get back to me when you break the shackles of predictability.

Maybe its my inferior intellect but many times I have no idea what your talking about.

"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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I know how much editing annoys you. Out of respect I choose to leave you with a new comment. I thought it was necessary to leave you with some lyrics:

"Spasmolytic" {Skinny Puppy}

"making time in a low rent high rise
no place to go downtown crushing crucifixion
particles aching harmful descent take a shot and hide
subway slam dance stale mattress slow throb bloating
freshly open grave barefoot beggar
knotted finger turning pages in a book descending
no noise the great trees fall
calmly through the window see backward elevation
faded spirit of the gold toothed whore
moon dances wondering how could this ever be
kicking the habit possession in the flesh
loves made up melancholy kicking the habit
trip back and unleash all anger emerging from
the waterfall branch? fork horse rear snorted downward
a vulgar desire playing cards conjured on fly blown
dimly lit round a room of shadows claw the side
phantom pinches waking from a dream half eaten candy
from some disordered heaven swirling tastes phornicate
rotted meat a nested virus feels eating dish aging
she sits alone in the worry shes created more time
holy hatred kicking the habit"


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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Why doesn't the "well educated 25 year old" realize the correct spelling is "you're" and not "your"?

Anthony wrote: "Maybe its my inferior intellect.."

You said it not I.

Same old modus operandi from the peanut gallery. (Sigh)

*Changes the channel*

Women choose the level of sacrifice to put forth in order to choose how "successful" they will be in the business world.
In other words, women choose the salaries they make.

Those women that claim to be under paid, have chosen this path.

Quoted for truth. If anyone is "oppressing" women, it's women themselves.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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I think it might be more beneficial to worry about your own flawed ideology and not concern yourself with other members sensible opinions. When you engage in debate the result is usually a disappointing outcome on your part.


"Time Is An Ocean But It Ends At The Shore"

[Bob Dylan]

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Just what I need a man/woman online that behaves like a nagging wife.

For the sake of shutting her up: You win. You go girl/boy!

*Draws the curtain on Anthony's comedy act*

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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MrR. -- a reference to Erik Erikson? That is some psycho-street level cred man!

The dude defined the theory of personal identity and a modern concept of "self."
(But you knew that, right?)

What do you have to say about Jung?

Archetypes, anima, and animus ...

all that metaphorical, mystical crap?

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...indirectly supported the "Goddess" nonsense both I, historians -- and many other skeptics -- have been debunking from sometime thus I can agree that it is "metaphorical, mystical crap."

I suggest you read a book called "Goddess Unmasked" by Phillip Davis for more on this.

MrR. -- a reference to Erik Erikson? That is some psycho-street level cred man!

"Street level cred man"? I find it quite funny how when many members here reference black men it's usually at a "street level" or some other such bigoted diatribe. Especially from a group of men that fail to see how worthless modern day, feminized, so-called "educational institutes" have become. I suppose I should think all white males have "backwoods, redneck cred"?


Should Obama get into the "white" house -- which he is likely to do being that the man is more charismatic than any of the white males running and since the white female that is running for president is nothing more than a whiny idiot -- you'll probably have a heart attack.

OR probably come to MANN and whine about him winning because he was black.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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