NOW-NYS Strikes Again, Deems MSNBC Anchor's Comment 'Abuse'

Story here. Excerpt:

'NOW-NYS President Marcia Pappas, who denounced Sen. Ted Kennedy for picking Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, calling it the "ultimate betrayal" of women, just issued a statement slamming MSNBC's David Shuster for suggesting the Clinton campaign "pimped out" Chelsea Clinton by having her make calls to superdelegates, saying: "This awful name-calling is nothing short of abusive."

"When male abusers feel they are failing to reach their spouses, they often go after their children," Pappas wrote. "Every day across the country battered women and their children suffer at the hands of abusers."'

Now the media itself is adopting this batterers' technique. This Schuster remark speaks volumes about the larger picture for mothers and their children. It's not just about hate speech; it's about power and control."

(PS - Shuster has been suspended and may likely be fired for his remark.)

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Sure it was a bad choice of words. But Chelsea is an adult, not a 13-YO girl. She is also choosing to be in the political world. She could have simply said, "No, don't want to be part of this scene, never have, sorry mom..." and that would be hard for her to do-- but she is an adult. So just like any politically-prominent person, she should expect to be on the receiving end of "offensive" remarks. Even the Hildebeast has taken plenty of them [she just had one now! :)] and doesn't whine about that, though she does whine but plenty of other things.

This is just a public opinion move designed to try to scare up some more female voters and appeal to the motherly thing. But anyone can see it for what it is. And NOW's shill practically accusing this guy of being "an abuser" for it? Way over-played and only points up the sense on NOW's part that at no time should a female feel even remotely uncomfortable with what someone (ie, a man) says about them or what words he chooses to use to describe her or her place in some way in some context.

If I had someone issue a press release each time someone said or wrote something critical of me.. well, I'd need my own press corps... but then again, I am not a female, so I guess it doesn't matter in my case.

Oh yeah, if he gets sacked for this, it would be wrong, just plain wrong. At most he should get a "letter of reprimand", but a sacking? No.

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for one of these weak kneed male media types to stand up and say "no more". and this one was on the feminists side. but feminists are well accustomed to sacrificing men/males.

this pampered empress has no clothes (ew. hope i don't dream about that tonite). but she does have a full bag of tricks.

notice how the n.o.w. harpie worked female DV and victimization into the mix? where the heck did that come from?

i agree. the daughter is taking up when the husband got slapped down. most people, especially older wiser ones, see billy boy for the cad he has proven himself to be. after this media perceived attack and subsequent surrender, they will probably send miss innocence out again, and again. what male media will dare speak her name w/o due reverence?

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Women murder and abuse far, far more children in US homes than any other perpetrator!!

'nuf said.

oregon dad

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to this vitriol?

This chart (at the above link) should be posted as an official response to this blithering bitch's rant in the press, along with suitable verbage that proves that these women are not to be trusted or listened to.

Pappas has the gaul to say that "quite woman do not make history" but she is making history showing how big of an ASS she is!

oregon dad

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Hard for me to believe that this Pap-ass person still has a computer and an office, after the shrill and (i.m.o.) embarrassing tantrum she published after Kennedy decided to endorse Obama.

I thought it was laughable. Reminded me of my ex-wife.

Scares me to think that Hildabeast would probably have these types cry-babies working with her in the White House if...God forbid...

...sorry...can't even say it.

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NBC is bending over backwards to apologize to the Clintons because Hillary was so pissed off about Shuster's comment that she threatened to pull out of an upcoming debate to be broadcast on NBC.

Using the word "pimping" may not have been good judgement, but does it really cross a line? What if Shuster had said "shilling?" Would that have caused outrage? It was not even remotely a sexual remark; it was about exploiting the daughter for political gain.

Since Marcia Pappas has learned to love seeing her name in print, she has become some kind of pit bull on LSD...

Every day it's something new and more absurd.

Google her photos. She could be spending her time more wisely at the gym.


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The woman's weight -- although she is quite large -- has absolutely nothing to do with her skewed comment about the MSNBC Anchor's comment.

Let's stay focused here shall we?

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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"The woman's weight -- although she is quite large -- has absolutely nothing to do with her skewed comment about the MSNBC Anchor's comment."

That is probably correct; however, have you noticed a pattern in that lesbian feminists who have serious self-esteem & body issues tend to be among the most vehement man-haters?

Andrea Dworkin comes to mind as the ideological epitome of radical feminism.(Even though Gloria Steinem, ex-Playboy bunny, would probably question my choice.)

Marcia essentially said that any woman who would vote for a black man over a woman is a traitor.

That is pretty direct.

There IS a relation between psychology and ideology -- and a woman like Marcia Pappas offers a kind of interesting example.

So, in a sense, it is relevant to comment upon a person's physicality when they put themselves out there as experts on gender, politics, and political correctness - as Marcia has certainly done.

So, I would simply describe her as "plus-size," which is a polite term that is fashionable today among an increasingly large population of American women.

Big girls can be a lot of fun.(The smart ones, especially.)

But somehow I don't see Marcia being in that crowd...

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There are just as many skinny dumb women as there are fat dumb women.

Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman

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