"Flirty women victimize well-dressed men"
Story here. Imagine if this were a cadre of "flirty men vicimizing well-dressed women" how that would be presented. Excerpt:
'DALLAS - Well-dressed men at posh Dallas hotels and bars are being targeted by a ring of flirtatious women who may be drugging them before swiping their watches and other expensive items, police said.
About a half-dozen men have reported falling victim to the scheme, Dallas police detective Mark Jenkins said. Many were business travelers, and Jenkins suspects there are others too embarrassed to file police reports.
"I don't know if so much it's that the men are being attracted to them, as that (the suspects) are more or less forcing themselves on the men," Jenkins said.
The women have histories as prostitutes, Jenkins said.
The women may be slipping drugs into the drinks of their victims, police said.'
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yahoo is bankrupt
Yahoo is a well-known misandric resource. And now it is on the verge of disappearing.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
new diggs judge?
fifty men victimized and robbed.
sounds like divorce court has moved out of the court house and into the bars. well that is probably where they belong.
flirty women victimising well dressed men
Sounds like something from merrie england back in the 19th century when the prostitutes?used to drug sailors home on leave and take all their belongings.
Obviously the men were not prosecuted then but heaven help men in the uk shortly if the harriet harmans get their way in the bill to prosecute men who pay for sex.How could they possibly report it to the police?
Yahoo is a well-known
Yahoo is a well-known misandric resource.
It sure is. The majority of articles on Yahoo are extemely pro-female.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
This really isn't news
This happens routinely, everyday, across the US and western countries. Women are attracted to well dressed men and assume that they have money. The mere fact that they drug them or seduce them and take their valuables is really the entire strategy of most women I have ever known.
Is there anything illegal with this?
Isn't this what divorce does?
Isn't this what child support to unmarried women does?
I'm glad they caught them, but how will they be prosecuted when this is THE most common and practicle scheme for women to "get with" men?
oregon dad
O.D. is right.
This occurs everyday; if society is just now seeing it this only proves how strong women's hold is on society and subsequently how stupid people are. The United States is not a patriarchy , it never was , it is a gynocracy.
Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman
There are so many crimes committed by women every single the day, the thing is you don't hear about them unless you search for it on the internet. Stories like this are always buried in the newspaper. It's just another way they try to pull the wool over everybody's eyes and promote a "women are incapable of evil" mentality; which we all know is a huge load of crap. Many of the stories featured on this site disprove this BS.
Then when women commit crimes they try to find some twisted way to justify their actions and make them look less evil. The thing is, sometimes this ridiculous plot actually works; but it never does if you have a Y chromosome.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Stupid Is as Stupid Does
The story is a pity-party for dumb business executives who got robbed by hookers!
Why are these men receiving a salary?
How do you go back to corporate H.Q. and explain that you lost your Rolex and $4,000?
At least none of the guys in the article married the whore who ripped him off...
So far as we know.
Correct xtrnl!
There are so many crimes committed by women every single the day, the thing is you don't hear about them unless you search for it on the internet. Stories like this are always buried in the newspaper. It's just another way they try to pull the wool over everybody's eyes and promote a "women are incapable of evil" mentality; which we all know is a huge load of crap. Many of the stories featured on this site disprove this BS.
Then when women commit crimes they try to find some twisted way to justify their actions and make them look less evil. The thing is, sometimes this ridiculous plot actually works; but it never does if you have a Y chromosome.
Think about it the so-called "patriarchy" was so evil, all powerful and malevolent that it let women railroad everything and basically whisk away men's rights overnight. Pretty strong eh? Now on the other hand the supposed non-existent "matriarchy" all but ignores any evidence of female violence, jails men for small slights on a woman's word, causes rape hysteria that gets men hung by courts, skews work ethics in women's favor, gets free meals and jewelry for women, kills men in wars that women are never expected to fight in, places a woman in the highest position in the country although she is never expected to fight to protect that country in the time of need, etc, etc.
Men that still believe this is a patriarchy or democracy should be ashamed of their own stupidity.
Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman