Hillary's Program For Helping Fathers - No, This Is NOT A Joke!
Submitted by axolotl on Tue, 2008-02-05 06:20
From Glenn Sacks: Hillary Clinton’s Youth Opportunity Agenda Will Help Low-Income Fathers
"The Urban League’s 2006 report on the state of black America concluded that the child support system and its abuses are a major problem for African-American men. The report found that the system represents a large, hidden “tax” on the already meager earnings of many black men."
Ax's Take: As with any campaign promise, it remains to be seen if she will follow through on it should she win. She might just be trying to steal some of the black vote from Obama, since he has stolen women voters from her.
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I don't believe it for one second
I think the NOW-types-endorsing-Obama and this is an 11th-hour move to court male votes since she sees she can't win without another x,000 votes in each state here on Super Tuesday, and she thinks this will do it. It is utter hogwash. It is a rat, stinking to high heaven. Hillary Clinton is a committed-for-life die-hard feminist, always has been and always will be. Don't fall for this trick.
Not Impressed
Feminists perceive white males as their biggest enemy. Why shouldn't all men benefit? I would be the first one to acknowledge and fight for a lack of support towards black men. It is certainly positive that a demographic of the male population might benefit. However this case is feminist Hillary segregating other men. I believe the MRA movement is a united front.
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]
The BJ Factor - Hillary is Unelectable
All that Hillary said is that she would "encourage" reform in the child support system.
That's like Hillary saying she's going to "encourage" Bill to get an erection.
Don't even go there.
Do you want a commander-in-chief who's giving mediocre blow jobs?
I can't resist!
I picked the Giants 24-21. The Giants won by a 3 point margin. [17-14] Everyone thought I was crazy picking "Big Blue" over the Patriots. Crazy like a fox? Is this relevant to MANN? Who knows, but I love my sports. We'll see the same result during the Yankee-Red Sox battles!
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
You guys are right. I don't believe Clinton for a second. This is just an attempt to gain the black male demographic votes, the one demographic that wouldn't dream of voting for her. It's pretty easy to see.
I think her campaign song should be "Lies, Lies, Lies" by the Thompson Twins.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
x - advice goddess?
You're famous over on the Advice Goddess' website.
Somebody should introduce a topic here that links to this thread, because it's all about why men do not want to marry.
No Way!
Thx, Roy. I would have never seen that had u not mentioned it. I guess the webmaster of that site agrees with what I had to say. Wow, I guess I really am doing my part as an MRA if people are starting to agree with and spread my words. Thx for making my day, Roy!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing?
"Like a fiendish tropic virus
Spitting bile at all you whores
Razor-sharp tongue-in-cheek
Poking in your open sores
A wolf in sheep's clothing
The ultimate disgrace
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face"
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]
Nice, anthony!
I had no idea there was a song called that. I guess that should be her campaign song. ^_^
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
The song is called "Megalomaniac" and I agree, it should be her campaign song.
KMFDM is an industrial/metal/dance band. Similar to NIN, Ministry, and Skinny Puppy. Canadian legends.....Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly might be the best of the genre!
"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"
[Rolling Stones]
Yes, and she has a bridge to sell you
as well...
oregon dad
And some magic beans to plant to make all the problems go away through serendipity.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
A commenter on Sacks' site is asking guys to write letters to H.
Go to the link and see the "Dan H" comments. He might have a good idea.
Roy reads Advice Goddess. What's next feminist rallies?
You're famous over on the Advice Goddess' website.
Somebody should introduce a topic here that links to this thread, because it's all about why men do not want to marry.
*Dying laughing at the fact that Roy reads "Advice Goddess."*
That's not positive to be quoted by a woman so inherently retarded(Come on "Advice GODDESS"?). Let's not seek the female seal of approval here. I thought men were past that stage?
Anyway, this story is incredibly dumb. Hitlery is not about helping men.
The domain of Mr. Reality: New Topic - When oral Sex results in a pregnancy
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Mr. R. does have a point
I have always been a little suspicious of anyone calling themselves an "Advice Goddess". I guess that's a little off-topic, but so what :-)
The Oracle of Mr. R.
I graze widely over all Internet terrains and I especially like to read what my enemies are writing.
The "Advice Goddess" may be trivial, or maybe not.
Everything is symbolic and potentially meaningful.
Even you, dude.
(PS - the "lol" was a compliment!)
Advice Goddess - Ally or Enemy?
I can't even answer that question. It's a tough call. She agrees with us on stuff like allimony and child support, but not on other things.
I emailed her, thanking her for posting my comment, then later asked her what she thought about Teeth. She didn't seem to care that much. Thus, I guess she's not as much a supporter of Men's Rights as I thought.
It's okay though guys. George Orwell is my favourite author, and I've learned techniques from him which force people to fall face first into a puddle of their own hypocrisy. I've chosen to use these skills.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Pseudo-Goddesses want worshippers not equality.
You should've known she was a feminazi from the door.
Any woman giving herself a grand title such as "Queen, Goddess, Mistress, Diva, Princess, etc" is NOT looking for equality. She's looking for worshippers or someone to rule over. Every single one of these titles reveals some kind of female superiority complex which in all reality stems from an even deeper inferiority complex that women themselves feed by living in a fantasy world rather than the real world, manipulating men, stealing, lying, etc.
I wrote an article concerning this sometime ago: Click here to read
It's about time men started learning how to spot a problematic, delusional, narcississtic woman in her early stages. That way you avoid the bull**** later on.
Think men! Think!
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
hillary v obama
Don't imagine for 1 minute that Obama is on the side of the angels nor that women are voting for him in order to give equal rights to men.Nothing he has said can lead you to that point of view.I suspect that
Oprah has him by the proverbials.
Sorry to keep posting in my own thread
I respect Mr. R.'s view of Alkon, but I wasn't saying I'd go that far myself. What I meant about viewing her with suspicion, is that I don't know that I'd give her much credit for being a "relationship expert" - i.e. how good is her advice to people, really? Is she qualified (does she have some background in psychology or counseling), and even if she does, psychologists are often full of bull anyway.
As an aside, one thing I'm sure you guys have notice over the years, is that 99.9% of these relationship experts and advice givers are..women (surprise!!).
It's not MY view, it's facts.
I could care less about Alkon. She's just another delusional, self-proclaimed goddess and pseudo-psychologist idiot.
My focus remains on revealing the mindset of females that use such grandiose labels.
Since when is a "deity"(Never mind that she is a self-proclaimed deity) and an everyday "man" equal?
One of the reasons women stay immersed in these delusional fantasies is because men help women support their mythology. This in turn detaches women from reality and keeps them believing that they are special(i.e. Women deserve preferential treatment because they are BETTER than men. I call this the "goddess complex") while still demanding equality.
You can't be equal to men and believe you are a "goddess" to men at the same time. Women are not princesses or goddesses, they are just women. That's it.
Any woman who trumpets herself as a "goddess" does not see men as equals. Thus any man taking her advice is a fool indeed.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Well, She Can't Be All Bad
I admit I was suspicious of her self-proclaiming of goddess status, but I think she just chose that name for her website. I don't believe she really thinks of herself as a goddess.
She told me she doesn't like horror movies at all, including Teeth. She also posted a comment I made about the marriage strike. If she agrees with me on some things, she can't be all bad. Though I admit to call oneself a deity is somewhat extreme. The truth is we can't really stigmatize her all that much. Anybody read the article about Tanya Gold which she wrote? That was classic! "Guess what? Men Won't Like You If You're An Insufferable Bitch" was definitely one of her finer works. She's against women's BS feeling of entitlement, and says so often. I think she is an ally.
I do agree with you on everything else though Mr.Reality. If women are always given preferential treatment, they never have to grow up. They can just act like a bunch of spoiled girls for the rest of their lives.
BTW, I would like to explain why a woman is slutty for sleeping around, while a guy is not. A women can easily get picked up by men, and doesn't have to do much to do so. A man, on the other hand, has to work for it. Thus, if you earn it, you're not a slut. If it's easy to get 'cause you're easy, then you are a slut. That's my opinion.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
she isn't bad at all - her choice of name is just advertising
Alkon has posted on Glenn Sacks' blog. She is pretty much pro-male. She has even mentioned how guys are wrongly treated like criminals these days (she calls it "Living While Male"). I saw where she said she just recently got married.
It's sad when men are so beatdown..
...that they go around searching for a female champion to believe in. Even if said heroine falls short of the mark. Men are so sidetracked by women and trying to make excuses for them..it's pathetic.
These same men want to see women as "sugar and spice" so badly that they latch onto any woman they can and label her pro-male. Times really haven't changed that much; the average male is still looking to worship women and the average woman is still demanding and accepting worship.
Men still have not learned to recognize the kind of mentality -- prevalent amongst women -- that spearheaded the problems men now face. Like they always said "A hard head makes a soft......"
Men will have to learn the hard way.
Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman
Goddess, Godless - Whatever....
Amy Alkon is very much tongue-in-cheek when she uses the "goddess" handle...
She writes well and is usually objective about gender war issues.
Of course most people would just get the joke about being a "goddess," but there are a few who would see this as a feminist assault on their sensibilities.
Of the latter tribe, I hope to never have to be stranded with any of them on a desert island.
Opinions not facts.
You seem to be proving NBDSPCL right. You seem to become more and more emotional/illogical with each passing day. Your posts seem to be yearning for attention and you constantly attempt -- on a daily basis -- to draw me into some kind of juvenile online catfight with you. When you're ignored or brushed aside you only come back angrier with even more pro-female rants and offbase claims. Interesting behavior for one who berates women for acting the same way to say the least..
The best part is how the so-called "men" are busy making excuses for this woman's handle which SHE chose. Personally, I refuse to wipe women's behinds for them, let her suffer for her mistakes I say , but some men are yearning for the job...obviously.
Classic. As far as what you wrote..
Roy wrote: Amy Alkon is very much tongue-in-cheek when she uses the "goddess" handle...
She writes well and is usually objective about gender war issues.
Of course most people would just get the joke about being a "goddess," but there are a few who would see this as a feminist assault on their sensibilities.
Of the latter tribe, I hope to never have to be stranded with any of them on a desert island.
Well at least she has one worshipper, maybe three(Mr. Reality not included of course).
The nonsense cited above is based on mere opinion -- which is more than likely slanted due to the poster having two female children(which he allows to berate other men) -- and therefore is not grounded in facts. This garbage is not worthy of logical debate by Mr. Reality.
Moreover there appears to be more than a few veiled insults directed towards those thinking men whom do not agree with the "pro-feminist/women can never be held accountable camp" that have been running rampant in the forums here.
Come on gentlemen: Calling women cows because they are overweight, reading "goddess" columns, praising Hillary Clinton for doing absolutely nothing. The houseboys want their female heroine don't they?!!
Do as you will. I refuse to join the cheerleading team or engage in worthless debates.
When you want an education come see Mr. Reality's domain. Till then use lots of tissue when wiping a woman's rear end. You're going to need it because the majority of women are full of ****.
Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman
Cool off, Mr. R.
Look, we're not "worshipping" anybody. We're just acknowledging that Alkon has a genuine interest in men's rights. We shouldn't stigmatize her and exclude her from our cause just because she's a woman. I disagree with her using the handle "advice goddess", not because it's feminist, but because it's sacreligious. If you read what she has to say, you'll see she is far from a feminazi.
I'm actually surprised you don't like Alkon, Mr. R. She's said some things that you would certainly agree with, i.e. that women should let their feeling of female entitlement go already. She also said she doesn't blame men who don't want to get married. That doesn't sound like someone who considers herself a goddess to me.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
51 vs 49 Percent
I really admire Mr.R,'s passion and expect he will eventually become a writer capable of 51% logic and 49% emotion.
There is nothing personal to me about agreeing with or disputing his opinions.
Mr.R. -- why is everything so personal for you?
Do you smack people down on the street where you live if they look you in the eye?
I'm starting to imagine you as a kind of "Borat" type character - only really angry and needing some therapy....
You write well. Why not just concentrate on that?
I would proceed to break these mental midgets down.
BUT I don't see how it would be worth my time.
Mr. Reality's new story - Sir Alan: Why I have to think twice before employing a woman