Lung cancer is now a woman's disease, apparently...

This article on the BBC News site explains a new campaign to highlight how lung cancer affects women.

Apparently we are all guilty of thinking that this is a smoking men's disease, when actually this isn't the case. So, a new campaign is pushing for funding and exploration of how this disease affects women. My favourite quote: "women are often the gatekeepers of family health and need to be aware of this disease".

The article admits that women are smoking more often, but otherwise fails to quote any figures - chief amongst which is that many more men die of lung cancer than women, despite what the article proposes (see this).

I know from my own experience in the UK that many more women are into smoking now than men, they just don't care - yet the article is at pains to avoid this fact and any blame. So, I guess more of the same; women can choose to smoke, but can't ever be blamed if they get ill, and should receive priority health care if they do.

Another turn of the wheel in the wrong direction.

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... and it's all men's fault, too. Or hadn't you heard?

Let's see, now HIV, poverty, and lung cancer are women's diseases/problems, requiring loads of special attention and funding for their assistance. Men it seems don't have any of these problems, or if we do, it's not that important anyway, but in any case, we should do most of the paying for it in every sense of the word, no matter what.

Yep, that's the world we're in, guys, or so it would seem based on the misandrist blatherings of feminists and the MSM.

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