The feminist fight over male circumcision
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-02-04 18:38
Article here. Excerpt:
"Last week I wrote an item about the recent court decision in Oregon on whether or not a 12 year old Olympia boy should be circumcised. The court ruled the lad should have a say in the matter. My concern was whether the dispute itself--public litigation between his divorced parents--could itself be psychologically damaging to the boy. My brief post quickly went to the top of the Crosscut charts. One reason: men arguing the pros and cons of the procedure. Emotions ran high: some men liken the experience to being raped. Now the debate has spilled over into feminist circles. That right, a girl fight over penises."
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Jong Can Shut The Fuck Up
I apologize for swearing, but I am so tired of pink bitches who are racist sexist whores and who write articles insulting all men, such as the infamous "who's tired of pink?" article. I think it's beyond ridiculous that women think that male circumcision can negatively impact them in any way. WTF is wrong with them? Now they're complaining about circumcision.. something that has nothing to do with them! Seriously, someone put a steak in these bitches' mouths and shut them up! You don't hear us complaining about women getting their ears pierced, or getting boob jobs, do you?
As for the issue of circumcision, I think the decision should lie with the parents. I am circumcised, and I don't miss my foreskin one bit. I don't consider myself a victim of mutilation. Hell, I feel more mutilated when a movie which glorifies mutilation of males is released.
In fact, I would hate to imagine what my u know what would look like wrapped up like that. It would be harder to clean, that's for sure.
I think it's sensible to have the procedure done when the child is too young to be able to remember the pain later in life. I think if men could make the decision to be circumcised and not have to feel the pain, most would. So, circumcising a child at a very young age is usually the best decision.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
i'm pretty sure removing
i'm pretty sure removing that foreskin also removes vital body functions.
if not make you that much more likely to receive fatal infections.
but since it's not a girl's body part, no one really cares.
It's Not Quite Like That
I can see the other side too. I suppose it does kind of seem savage to take away a child's foreskin without giving them the decision. There aren't really any medical benefits either. It's mainly cosmetic. But you don't actually lose vital body functions from it. And if it's done in sanitary conditions, the risk of infection is slim to none (but that's not the case in some countries, like South Africa). I'm just saying that in my case, I think my parents made the right decision. If I have children, I probably won't have my sons circumcised. It is next to pointless.
I would also like to say that circumcision does not make a man think about his u know what more. I don't even understand why if that was the case why it would be bad. Women aren't demonized when they think about sex... why are we? It's like those feminists forgot that they're made from a male and a female gamete. What a bunch of ignoramuses!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
"I think it's sensible to have the procedure done when the child is too young to be able to remember the pain later in life."
Hey x -
I am claustrophobic as an adult because I can still recall being trapped and slowly squeezed out of my mother's birth canal during an eleven hour labor process.
Today I don't like being in small spaces, especially elevators going down.
So, don't believe that these traumatic events (like circumcision) do not somehow "imprint" on your psyche.
I also hate tunnels. ;-)
I seem to recall a study
I seem to recall a study that found that circumcised boys were much more likely to react to pain from getting needles.
I'm circumcised, and I know hated needles as a boy. Really reacted strongly to them. I chose not to have my son circumcised; and he has never even been bothered by needles; only ever cried once for his first immunization....
I know... more anecdotal evidence... just saying it fits.
I've heard that through hypnosis, people can recall the events of their own birth, but I had no idea that fears could arise out of it. It makes sense though.
I am greatly offended by sexual violence humour, because when I was 7, I got hit in the groin on three occassions by other kids for no reason. I know I have TV to thank for that. Thus, when I see someone making fun of the same thing happening to another male, and I know this is a bit dramatic, but I equate it to a child being molested (seeing that my genitals were abused against my will) then having to watch joke after joke made about the traumatic experience.
Perhaps because I'm circumcised, this adds to my hatred of sexual violence (through the subconscious). Though, I don't regret my parents decision. I probably would have chosen to be circumcised anyway.
On the other hand, a friend of mine said that Penn and Teller did an episode of Bullshit about circumcision, and concluded that it is an unnecessary procedure. I agree with them. So, I guess ultimately, I'm against it. Now if only Penn and Teller would do an episode about Feminism.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
not lose any vital
not lose any vital functions?
does this count as vital?
make sure you check out the whole site.
Hypnosis is communication
Hypnosis is communication with the subconscious; and relies on a highly suggestive state of mind. Memory doesn't quite work that way. It's not a permanent record, that you can tap into. It changes with new information constantly, (and more so while in a hypnotic state). However; first experiences do form the basis of how any new information is processed. And in that way, it affects how you interpret things you sense around you, and helps to determine how you react to events. Then it snowballs from there. Not exactly memory, per se... at least not how we think of it as adults; but still something real, with consequences.
The kid is 12 years old probably older now. The body part belongs to him. He is at an age that he should be the one to make the decision no one else, that should be the end of it.
An article about feminists arguing over male circumcision?
I'll pass.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
A human's genitalia belong to the state until adulthood
Imagine using that same argument about a 12 year old girl and a decision to become sexually active....
Genitals do not belong to their owners until adulthood, and in the case of males, they never really belong to them because at any moment a woman can claim she was abused by a males genitalia and he'll never get to use them again...
Yeah. I agree.
It should be the kid's decision. His body, his choice.
It's funny, when you take that stupid phrase which feminists have slung around to support abortion, and change the word "her" to "his", they suddenly don't agree with it anymore. This proves that they don't care about equality at all.
I don't understand why male circumcision would be of any concern to feminists. I guess they must think like Erica Jong, who thinks circumcision causes a man to have a phallic obsession, with his own phallus (Even if this were true, I don't see why this should cause outrage). Or they think like the woman who wrote SANII, who believes that male circumcision is harmful to women because it apparently makes sex less pleasureful. Boo friggin hoo! I don't believe that for a second. Women get more turned on from a circumcised penis. I don't know why this is, perhaps because it's been engrained in them. It's also believed that circumcised men last longer in bed, which contradicts what the author of SANII wrote. I'm going to ask Sue Johansen to find out for sure. She would know.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!