NBC News: "What working moms want"

Apparently they want more time with their kids and if their (lazy good-for-nothing) husbands would just make more money or the government would just intervene and force employers or other taxpayers to pay them to stay home, they'd be just fine. Oh yeah, their coworkers should not mind it if they get paid the same for half the work, too.

Yep, that's pretty much the summary version. Saw it tonight on NBC Nightly News and predictably they have a web-based version of this claptrap here. One comment that stands out to me made by an interviewee was that it breaks her heart when she leaves home in the morning and her kids say they want her to stay. Well every man I know who has had to leave small kids at home (usually with their moms) has had the same experience. Yet somehow, it's not so bad when it happens to men.

Contact NBC Nightly News at nightly-at-nbc.com.

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If these (women) want to live on their husband's "meager" income alone, they can probably do so if they make some personal "sacrifices." I've been married twice and both of my ex spouses were notorious for spending beyond our means, then, blaming me when money became tight. They squandered away my pay on self-indulgent crap. They became indignant at the suggestion of buying generic brands, ran-up long-distance telephone bills, and just had to have 257 specialized personal care items as examples. No more high-steppers for me; from now on, I’m shooting for blue-jean (not designer) wearing, humble women if there are any left!?

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"Fifty-two percent say they’d take a pay cut to spend more time with their children. Lisa Grier, an executive assistant in Atlanta, feels that way but can’t afford it.

"If my husband were making more money and that was an option for us and we wouldn't suffer financially, then sure,” Grier says.""

There you have it! It's a man's fault! Way to go, Lisa. How guilty do you suppose your husband feels about that now? Wow, if only he did better, then your kids could be happy. What a slacker. Better give him a kick in the you-know-what. He obviously has his priorities mixed up.

It's also apparently not even ON THE TABLE that SHE earn more money so HE could stay home!

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Her is the email I just sent to NBC:

"You know,

I get so God-awful tired of hearing about the 'plight' of single mothers, working moms etc. This subject is non-stop in the media.

The fact is, Dads work just as hard as Moms. For every super mom there is a super dad. This has been true of all 6 families I have known well over the past years (they are all composed of upper, upper-middle, and lower middle class, white couples).

In one case, the husband was a 'Mr. Mom' of 2 kids, and he was also a part-time tutor at a local college. But the wife, working one 40 hour per week job for the government, complained that her husband wasn't working enough. I wonder if he feels like he 'has it all'.

The notion of a lazy man who just sits around, coming home from work and drinking beer while the wife does all the housework and child rearing, as well as holding down a job, is an urban myth.

And in cases where a man works long hours, to earn more to support his family, he is called a 'workaholic' and the wife complains that he is not around enough for the family.

Is the media ever going to give us balanced coverage on this issue? Are we forever going to hear just the biased, feminist-induced half-truths you present??"

-Axolotl (formerly 'quetzal')

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"Fifty-two percent say they’d take a pay cut to spend more time with their children."

The irony is too delicious when you think about it ---

Feminism has absolutely nothing to offer to these full- and part-time working moms who would rather be full-time stay-at-home mothers.

Feminism and the "you go girl!" culture flooded the U.S. economy with female workers who depressed the middle class wage by successfully competing with men and creating a surplus of labor. (Result - hubby doesn't earn six figures...)

But there's a problem with staking your corporate profits on a female labor force.

They all want to be mommies. Even the most highly educated women (now 58% of university students) say they plan to launch a fast-track career, then "drop-out" for oh, fifteen or twenty years to make and raise babies.

Women's CHOICES, not women's INEQUALITY, explains the wage gap that feminists are always howling about.

The "You Can Have It All" deception promoted by the rad fems is still playing itself out, and fewer and fewer women identify with feminism.

Because they are (slowly)learning that they were duped.

We have become a nation that is investing the majority of its educational capital in a gender that simply wants to "stay home with my kids."

Can you predict the future of U.S. competitiveness?

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Notice too that when this woman in the article gets up, part of her schedule is to kiss "the" husband.

He's not "her" husband, he's "the" husband. Not only that, the woman and her children all have names. Only the husband does not. Obviously, the feminazi writer of this article views the woman as doing all the work and the husband is just an inconsequential part of the family.

What crap!

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The thing that sickens me is I remember growing up hearing about how Men spend to much time at work and that Dad's are neglecting the families. Never thinking that it was not what Dad wanted. Maybe all that time Dad was beating himself up for not being able to go to little Jimmies play or whatever. But that was of no concern. Men wer just stuck with the title of bad father. Now when women are unable to attend kids functions its all about how unfair the world is to them. That they have to work so much to support the family because Dad isn't making enough money to let Mom live the life she wants. Free to come and go as she will please. Dear lord, they have made us all slaves. Even if you are not married you know you tax money is going to fund lazy freeloading stay at home moms!

It really messes me up,

Men's Rights NOW!!

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