Yet Another Female Teacher Sleeps with A Minor

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Mississippi teacher admitted to cops that she had sex with a 15-year-old male student to whom she sent explicit text messages and trysted with in her Jaguar, which bore the license plate "GRRRRR."
Bogard, pictured in the mug shot at right, is facing felony sexual battery charges. She has been suspended with pay and is free on $50,000 bail.'

Will she be let go because of some "emotional" issue? She's already back on the street and most likely will get her job back if she gets off.

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guy here locally just got 40 years for pretty much the same thing.

guy last month in B'Ham got 340+- yrs for taking 21 lewd pic's of a 14 YO girl.

she will surely get the "women' max, and those horrible months will be followed by or include some serious counseling, and of course probation.

nothing like equal justice for all again, and again, and again. she's fairly pretty too. that could spell just probation if the typical sentencing guidelines hold.

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Had a man been in the same situation, he would have gotten at least 15+ years in jail. Something tells me this female pedophile is only going to get a slap on the wrist for what she did.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You guys have to understand the critical moral difference --

When a girl is penetrated without her consent, she has been "raped."

When a boy is engulfed without his consent, he is "lucky."

Get it?

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Pretending to be sarcastic, they seriously tell and repeat misandric things, for implanting them into your minds and making them a "normal state of reality". This is a well-known method of propaganda and brainwashing.

Female feminists are just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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This story has a lot of levels to it, among them -

* When the female pedophile tells her 15 year-old victim that he was "really good" (in bed), how does our society interpret that?

* Since rape is a crime based on a lack of consent and not actually about any given act, how is it possible for a boy who has had sex with a woman to legally propose that he did not give his consent? (Surely his penetration of her vagina was an act of consent, right?)

* Do we actually believe that this boy was harmed by this experience? How do we know? And why would we believe the exact opposite in a case of a girl having sex with a man - she would automatically qualify as a "victim."

* Is it even possible for men to be classified as victims?

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A man can be a victim of rape. It is possible, though it happens more rarely. A friend of mine knows a man who was raped by a woman, and he's been traumatized by it. Let's also not forget the story I posted about the man who was raped at a party then forced to pay child support. Men can be rape victims. Period.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"Men can be rape victims. Period."

I do not dispute that; but, how do you prove it in a court of law?

The accepted concept of rape is that it is about power and control, not sex.

So, how would a typical 15 year-old young man credibly prove that he did not have the physical ability (power and choice)to get off of, or out from under .... a vagina?

Because if he does not try to do that, he is implicitly "consenting," right?

Unless he was restrained, why can't he just get up and leave?

I'm not arguing that females cannot be predators.

I'm posing the question - how can a boy prove he was victimized in legal terms?

Women have the easy route to a claim of being "violated" -- it means penetration.

Men have a really challenging dilemma making an equivalent claim, wouldn't you agree?

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If she does not stop, it is rape.

oregon dad

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We've been so conditioned by non stop women-as-victim agit-prop everywhere one turns, that were blinded to see any-other victims accept women.
when boys are violated, it just doesn't fit the paradigm we've been conditioned into, so we inadvertently think it's a rare occasion, because we've never really heard about it ever happening before!!

Keep womens violence in a vacuum, and it's like it never happened!!

Minds are like computers, and can be conditioned to think anything if exposed long enough. For instance one can be conditioned to think that the most liberated group in terms of health, wealth, leasure time, and general life options the world has ever witnessed,(middle class white females)... is actually oppressed!!

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Minds are NOT like computers.

Computers only accept precisely the input they receive.

Human minds are organisms ... they evolve and reject data that is non-functional.

If a human mind was like a computer, we would still be eating rotting fish and calling it sushi.

Oh wait....

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This case has as much to do with pedophilia as fig newtons have to do with Ritz crackers. You guys watch to much Dateline NBC. Grab a medical dictionary one day, despite the news media calling attraction to any persons under 18 by any persons over 18 a case of pedophilia, the term actually does have a strict medical meaning referring to attraction to individuals who have not yet reached puberty (also known as children). A 15 year old of either gender is not a child by any definition other then legal.

Or read the DSM IV - as I know many love to refer to that as the bible of mental dissorders - where in attraction to a 15 year old be considered either hebephilia which is not listed as a mental disorder.

In other words, regardless of our personal opinions of this woman's attraction to teen boys, and what ever mental disorders we may speculate she suffers from, her sexual preference in this case is not one of them and the issue there is only of relevance to the law and not her mental state.

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Sorry, I didn't know what Webster's definition of pedophilia was. Nonetheless, I don't think it should matter whether or not the boy consented. Because if a man had sex with an underage girl, even if she consented, he could still be charged by the parents. It should go both ways. A friend of mine told me that his friend, when he was 18, had sex with a 14 year old girl, under false pretenses (she lied about her age). She consented, but her parents pressed charges and he was sent to jail. If women keep crying for "equality", they should get equal punishments too.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Well roy, I'm not here to get into a pissing contest with you...

I will say, that i did not say "minds are computers"
I did say that "minds are like computers"..and yes can be conditioned by input!!

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My only concern was the use of the term pedophile because that term damages men far worse then it will ever damage women.

Like the word Rape, we really desperately need to get back to the original meaning for the term because shows like Dateline NBC are not even targeting or catching pedophiles at all and are demonizing all men. Rather then change the dictionary and next DSM, I am all for changing the popular meaning of that term to line up with what's currently written.

But I am not opposing equal treatment before the law. If a man would get years in prison for a given crime, so to should a woman committing the same crime.

Heck, if we start locking women away for crimes like this, I will get my wish and society will go back to the original definitions of rape and pedophile and other terms related to sex crimes so fast it will make my head spin.

It's just that sex crimes are a category for men where the punishments grossly outweigh the damages caused to society by the crime and I am in favor of scaling back the witch hunt and looking at better solutions to the problems. But one sure fire way to achieve that is to start punishing women the way man are punished. So for the greater good I say lock the bitches up so we can actually start looking at better ways to treat everyone.

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P. - Thanks for the insight about the technical definition of pedophilia. I learned something knew, i.e. the criteria for attraction to a pre-pubescent object.

So, could this woman be reasonably termed a "sexual predator," a "child molester," a "rapist," a "sociopath?"

You have to admit that there is something interesting going on, with the increasing frequency of media stories about older women seeking out sexual relations with boys and young men.

And you could include the "cougar" syndrome as well, where you are talking about legally consensual relations between adults - aging women and virile younger men.

There are profitable tourist businesses primarily in the Caribbean and Africa targeting this female-client sex industry.(Funny that no feminists have proposed a law to prevent it, like the IMBRA anti-mail-order-bride legislation.)

Anybody have any ideas about what this attention to female "studs" is all about, as a social trend? Why now?

I have my own theory -- it has to do with Hannah Montana...

Like0 Dislike0 is hard to consider one a child by definitions other then legal. Personally I despise the term 'sexual predator' because it has absolutely no functional meaning at all and is merely a term invented by feminists and fear mongers to evoke peoples worst nightmares and drive public opinion against better solutions then hangin'em all and letting God deal with it. The term 'sexual predator' gave us shit like AWA that put little boys on the national sex offender registry and reduces men to living homeless under bridges in Florida. As some one who'd like to see the world become a better place for all men, I personally prefer to avoid terms like that which are primarily harmful and demonizing to men and do absolutely nothing to help people understand the societal problems they were created to define.

But like I said, she may well be suffering some form of mental disorder but medically speaking (not legally) her probable sexual preference is not considered as such.

But if you must have absolute equal treatment then I suppose use of those terms is appropriate as they are all to often used completely inappropriately to describe the actions of males accused of crimes involving sex. So go nuts, I'm just expressing my opinion that I'd rather see those types terms used according to their actual meanings (the one's that have actual meanings anyway) regardless of the gender of any of the parties involved

I'd love to hear your Hannah Montana theory though.

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Has Hannah Montana become so ubiquitous, that now she's appearing in our MANN conversations? What does Miley Cyrus have to do with this? Are older women striving to be like her and date teenage boys?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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xtrnl, you pretty much captured the essence of my theory.

Hannah Montana is just the latest cultural icon in a society that continues to sexualize children and turns barely pubescent girls into pole dancers.

And, it's not the Evil Patriarchy that's doing it. Rather, it is Raunch Feminism.

So, cougars seeking out sexual adventures with younger men and female teachers and nuns preying upon boys is a side effect of the Hannah Montana syndrome -

Women are getting older and unsexy at earlier and earlier stages of their lives.

Think about it.

How can a 42 year-old MILF compete with Hannah Montana? What's a single 23 year-old mom supposed to do? A woman can be "over-the-hill" at 19 if she's fat.

As we continue to sexualize girls at younger and younger ages, society redefines mature women as "beyond their shelf life" at earlier and earlier ages.

Look at all the moms that are trying to re-live their adolescent sexiness through their daughters. (Behind every cheerleader there is a psycho mom who wants to be 16 again...)

In the end, every form of feminism is just a way to further infantilize women.

Which, sadly, women seem to enjoy.

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