Nun Sentenced for Sexual Abuse Against Boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'"When are we going to start dealing with female rapists and give them the same sentence as male rapists?" he asked.
Prosecutors had asked for more than $28,000 in restitution, mainly for therapy costs, but the judge noted Giannini had taken a vow of poverty 60 years ago and had virtually no assets.'

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I don't know if the priests took vows of poverty, but I don't think they were filthy rich either.

Actually I have always suspected that this type of thing is relatively common, that is, nun's abuse of children (especially boys). But it's too un-P.C. to have suggested that idea during the Church scandal a while back (or any other time for that matter).

Actually, if there's one thing that's got to be under-reported, it is this particular crime.

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... perhaps she should be sent to the same prison Father John Geoghan was killed in.

One year... fuck. Granted she is 79, and one year could well be the rest of her life, but still, NO MAN would receive that short a sentence in if the genders were reversed.

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Come on guys. We all know what is going on. There is a full scale war going on here against boys. Do you actually think that women who rape boys are going to be punished? Ain't gonna happen! I am surprised that when a woman rapes a boy that the boy himself is not brought up on charges.

I have a 15 YO nephew and I see what is going on in the school system. It makes me sick and afraid of where our country is headed to. I thank God I am not a teen boy now a days. I try to talk sense into my nephew and he does not listen. He will be a victim himself at some point. I try to get through to him but I cannot. He will be a victim of our feminist world. And it will go on and on.

I just thank God that I will not live forever to see this world go down into a shit hole. Pardon my french...

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The book is called, you guessed it.."The War Against Boys". It's by Christina Hoff Sommers. Everyone should read it, especially concerned parents. (and these days, if you're a parent and you're not concerned, I beseech you to return to Earth from your 40-year hibernation on Pluto)


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I think the judge made a mistake when he did not award the financial reimbursement for therapy. That money could have come from the perp nun's Sisters of Mercy racket, or even from the Roman Catholic church which has already paid out millions in legal settlements to people molested by priests.

Heck, you could raise $28,000 by auctioning off one of the Pope's hats on e-Bay!

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It's just too bad that the sentences aren't. Not to mention that not all nuns will be stigmatized and stereotyped as child molesters the same way the poor priests are when just a few of them commit crimes of this nature (I bet a lot of the allegations are false too, because people are likely to take a claim of rape against a priest without a grain of salt). It's interesting how the crime in question took place 40 years ago. So, really, this is nothing new. It's just being exposed now.

As for the sentence, one year... big deal! If it was a man being tried, he would have never seen the light of day again. I don't understand how lacking a Y chromosome makes somebody less dangerous when they commit the exact same crime!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Did you notice the bit tucked away at the bottom of the report?

"Giannini received extensive counseling at a St. Louis treatment facility after the order "learned of the situation" during the 1990s.

She has been closely monitored and separated from minors since then, according to Smith."

So the Sisterhood knew of her dirty little games years ago, and covered them up? Is there any other interpretation that fits those words? And if so, is that not some sort of crime in the USA?

So who exactly are these worthy Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, who closed ranks on their sister and tried to let her get away with her crimes? Here is how they describe themselves on their own website:

"Sisters of Mercy are an international community of women religious vowed to serve people who suffer from poverty, sickness and lack of education with a special concern for women and children."

_ but not male children, apparently. And of course we should not be surprised at the absence of adult males from their list of concerns.

And from the statement they have posted there about this case:

"We are committed to take seriously any allegations of sexual abuse made against a sister."

Yeah, right. So presumably they either don't bother with vows of honesty, or don't bother to take them seriously.

Take warning from all this. Deception remains a female characteristic no matter what veneer they choose to plaster over it.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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I was telling my brother-in-law about what happened. And he said that if it was a priest in this situation, the church would try to cover it up. Well, they still tried to cover this up too. I still support the church, but I certainly don't condone acts like this, which are a clear violation of Christianity.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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