Witness: Ohio Mom on Trial Said Baby 'Fit Right In' Microwave

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who shared a jail cell with a mother accused of killing her baby by burning her in a microwave oven told a jury Thursday that the mom confessed to the crime, saying the month-old girl "fit right in" the oven.

Linda Williams testified that she developed a sexual relationship with defendant China Arnold when the two were cellmates in the Montgomery County Jail in March and that Arnold confided in her about what happened to her baby.

She said Arnold feared her boyfriend believed he wasn't the father of the child and was going to leave her.

"She said she put the baby into the microwave and started it and left the house," Williams said."

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sick f@@king bitch!!

This women was probably violent as a young girl, and because society does not recognise violent girls,(because it's not politically correct violence) then she naturally progressed to a sick violent women that would put her baby in a microwave, press start, and walk away!!

Feminists have children's blood on their hands!

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"She said Arnold feared her boyfriend believed he wasn't the father of the child and was going to leave her"

So obviouly, he will only stay with her if she gets rid of the child. Maybe she should have discussed it with him first. He would probably come up with a plan good enough so she wouldn't get caught. Duh. I wonder if he will visit her in prison. Why should a little thing like this come between two morons?

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I'm sorry the young girl was born to such an inconsiderate moron. She deserves to be jailed for an extensive period of time.

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....as I do not personally believe testimony of jailhouse snitches should be admissible as evidence in court as it has consistently been proven over and over and over again to be a completely unreliable and inaccurate source of information.

A prisoner who is rewarded for snitching has motive to lie. Plus the fact that we are talking about females here who naturally see things in whatever way happens to be most advantageous to them at any given moment to begin with with a reserved right to change their view the second some other recollection becomes more advantageous. Naturally skilled liars, already in prison, with a carrot on a stick dangled in front of them for telling a story that will help get another person sentenced are not sources of information I would put much stock into.

Not that I am defending the sick bitch who put the child in the microwave, she deserves life without the possibility of parole (I am opposed to the death penalty) if guilty. Just saying I am not going to take some dyke inmates version of what happened as gospel.

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Why is this trial even going on?

Defense needs to play the Andrea Yates NGBROI Card.

A couple of years in psychiatric ward playing ping pong and watching TV soaps in the day room and then put on out patient status with no criminal record.

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"She said Arnold feared her boyfriend believed he wasn't the father of the child and was going to leave her."

She was afraid she would lose the child support from a man who probably wasn't the father.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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"She was afraid she would lose the child support from a man who probably wasn't the father"

If she was hip on the law, she would have had no such fear. Besides, she was probably spending it mostly on herself anyway.

Anyhow, it does seem like she jumped the gun. Shouldn't she at least have waited and seen, if the man actually did leave her and she lost support payments? She must have panicked at the idea that this MIGHT occur.


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I agree that you can't always believe what inmates say about other inmates, but in this case, there's evidence which corroborates what was said. I hope that bitch rots in jail for life. It takes a very sick person to kill their own flesh and blood, not to mention in such a brutal way! I also hope she gets life in prison. (I'm also against the death penalty because innocent people could be killed for crimes they didn't commit, life in jail is a better punishment, and to commit the same crime on the offender does not justify it.)

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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