Where have all the men gone?

Article here. Excerpt:

"British women in their thirties want mates. They can’t find any. Why? Because most eligible males are selfish, mixed-up man-boys chasing no-strings sex, says our correspondent."

Angry, man-hating rant from another feminist entitlement princess. There is a section for posting comments below. Tell her what you think.

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The authoress writes -

"Men are like eggs. They must hatch or go bad... Where have all the men gone? Instead, we have an overload of man-boys – which leaves a generation of single, thirtysomething women who are their natural mates bewildered. I am one of those women."

This idiot Brit female is doing all men a favor by writing this piece, because the only point she makes is that men are not serving her biological needs to make babies and to be financially supported.

Another parasite with an entitlement mentality.

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My comment says the author is hateful, and a dunce. It says other things too, but those are the salient points. I don't know if they'll post it..


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Gee, nothing about the misandric divorce and custody laws in once Great Britain?

I think these 30 something women are getting acutely insecure about men going their own way. Women are now an option not a necessity and a very expensive option at that! Who needs the hassle?

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In the article, the female author concedes that men can get all the sex they want without marrying.

She also proposes that men in their twenties are the most vulnerable candidates for being suckered into marriage; but if they make it to about 30, they are really not much interested in it anymore.

I believe that is what is called LEARNING?

Of course, the fembot author views it as immaturity on the part of men.

More shame-and-blame whining from the barren gender with screaming ovaries.

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