Female Bigamist Trageted Military Men

Video story here.

Get the commentary: the reporter says the woman "suffers from Munchausen syndrome..."

"Suffers from"? So if a man runs around and marries, then divorces or abandons a string of women, is he considered a psychiatric case or a criminal? Well this woman is facing criminal charges, but because she is pregnant with her 4th child (by as many men), I doubt she'll do the same kind of time a man would. And what if she didn't have the kids? I doubt she would then, either.

Men get jails, women get diagnoses. Keep an eye on this one.

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Munchausen syndrome is a condition in which a person intentionally fakes, simulates, worsens, or self-induces an injury or illness for the main purpose of being treated like a medical patient

Persons with Munchausen syndrome intentionally cause signs and symptoms of an illness or injury by inflicting medical harm to their body, often to the point of having to be hospitalized.

If they can't figure out some malady that applies to a woman, they just make it up as they go along. Does the above description sound like anything they said this woman did? Sure doesn't to me.

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