"Sen. Clinton Calls for Global Plan for Poor Women"

Not to be outdone with the "HIV is a Woman's Disease" move, now feminists have targeted perhaps the oldest of all scourges for their propaganda: poverty. Read it and weep/laugh/whatever right here. Excerpt:

‘Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton made a star turn this morning at former President Bill Clinton’s conference on global challenges, calling for a concerted attack on the “feminization of poverty” by destroying cultural, political, and economic barriers that trap women and children in desperate conditions.’

In case that isn't enough to get you sick, taste some of this outright horse-cow from our very own Anne Veneman in the 7th paragraph:

'"Women do 66 percent of the work in the world, produce 50 percent of the food, but earn 5 percent of income and 1 percent of the property," said Ann Veneman, the former secretary of agriculture who is now executive director of Unicef. "We need to convince not only governments, but major multinational corporations who do business in these countries, to help be a partner in changing conditions."'

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The harsh reality is Hillary could be president in '08. Running on a feminist platform will be her undoing. Mrs. Clinton must realize men are half of her demographic.

If Hillary becomes president, will she be the president of the U.S.A. or simply the president for women????

"Sen. Clinton Calls for Global Plan for Poor Women"

Men through out the world arent faced with poverty? Apparently it doesn't matter. Ignoring the poverty men face is indicitive of the homeless population in America (8 out of 10 are men). If a man cannot support himself he becomes useless to society. Throw him away and let him live in a refrigorator box on the side of the road. absolutely disgusting!

Its been said before...men are the disposable sex.


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Women do 66% of the worlds work and produce 50% of the worlds food!


How on Earth did come up with those statistics?

How does one even go about measuring all of the "work" in the world and especially where femenists are concerned how does one define what constatutes "work"? Do we rate all jobs equally and count the number of people doing each? Do we give greater weight to more strenuious or dangerous jobs? Do C.E.Os get more weight then a shoe shine boy? I bet "housework" (according to the femenist defenition) and child rearing got extremely heavy weighting in that study. What are the criterea on which the study was conducted to come up with that stat? Oh, wait, there was no study mentioned. Gee I wonder why? Maybe because if ANYONE saw whatever "scientific" method was used to creat that statistic they would see that it is mere bullshit

And this 50% of the worlds food thing, maybe (and I am giving them a LOT of slack here) if these femenuts are all vegans and only count non-animal based food sources in their calculations. There are allot of women in agraculture, but even there I would doubt highly that they amount to anywhere near 50% of the farming community or farming labour. And as far as livestock is concerned, the world over ranchers are prodominantly men.

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Sen Clinton is probably falling back on a bogus report published by the UN in '95 titled the Human Development Report. Part of the deception was the UN's press release which excluded all the countries in which men were found to work more than women according to the UN's own study. Another trick was to use amended studies that added female labor but not male labor. They asked for an estimation of voluntary,unpaid community work that would weight hours in favor of women. (Ironically, in the US and other developed countries, women who have the time to devote to volunteer work are usually priviledged.) The UN created a system to ignore mostly men's contributions by undercounting traditional male work relative to traditional female work. The report is a fraud -- a politicized, feminist propaganda project.

Remember that Hillary Clinton also said that women are the primary victims of war because they suffer the loss of their husbands, sons, fathers, etc. What a sexist, bigoted, misguided idelogue. I cannot stand the thought of her or anyone like her (of either sex) being elected president. I don't think she can get elected to the presidency given her strident, leftist rhetoric and background. But I could turn out to be wrong...sigh.

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Where on Earth is there a single country where women are forced into labour more then men? Maybe the Philipeans if you count the sex trade but even there every able bofied man is tolling away in some factory or on some field and the few that make a decent wage let thier wives stay home with the kids. I know raising the kids is work to but stay at home wives tend to have a hell of alot more free time then working husbands who incidentally also have to look after the kids when they are not working.

And if these whackos like Hillary actually believe these bogus stats (and since they preach them in public forums one must assume they do) then why don't they shut up and stop whinning about all the countries in the Middle East and Africa where women are not allowed to work at any job their hearts desire. If women are already doing more then half the worlds work according to them shouldn't they be holding up Seria for example as a shining beakon unto the world where women do not have to carry such a heavy workload? But no, where women definately do not work as much as men, that's just not right. Where women work more then men, well that's just no right either. So what about where women have the same oppertunaties? Well, that's not ok either because women are special and need different criteria to be classified as equal to men. In otherwords, the fememists think "I don't have to meet the physical requirements of a male police officer but I damn well better get at least as much money".

Good thing I sincerely doubt Hillary will win the Democratic nomination to even be able to run in '08.

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Here is how they come up with these skewed statistics. They base them on hours "worked". So all you have to do is define work in any way you want.

10 men spend 6 hours digging coal out of a mine, counts as 60 hours of work.

10 women in a village in Africa collect up the washing at 9am, yapping away to each other all the time; meander down to the river, still yapping; slowly wash the clothes, still yapping; lay them out in the sun to dry; sit around yapping, taking in lunch, while the stuff slowly dries; slowly collect it up; meander back to the village, still yapping; and arrive at 4 pm. Counts as 7 hours work, so the women have done 70 hours between them.

Therefore women do more work than men. You see how easy it is?

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Google "equal pay act," "comparable worth guidelines," and "paycheck fairness act."

You'll discover an interesting bit of 80's-90's legislative history when Congress was seriously considering passing laws that would allow the federal government to impose an "equitable" wage formula upon all businesses.

Equal pay for equal work has actually been federally mandated since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963. Still, the battle cry over discriminatory wages fueled the feminist movement during its fish-and-bicycle days in the 1970s and its push for the ERA. Equal pay remains the only item on the feminist agenda that enjoys broad public support.

The other big motivation behind this "equal pay" movement is that it would be a huge income industry for trial lawyers.

Under any enacted "equal pay" legislation, a worker could sue for "damages" meaning big bank for attorneys.

Without new more restrictive laws, their basically is no provable "unequal" pay.

And, as Warren Farrell documented in his latest book, it really just comes down to women making choices (to have babies) that unfortunately and always will make them less valuable employees over the duration of a career.

If, gawd forbid, Hillary becomes Prezodent, there will be a law proposed mandating that stay-at-home-moms shall receive a guaranteed annual wage, paid for by working men and women.

A "mommy tax," if you will.

The lesbians will have a field day with that idea.

Actually, a Hillary-Obama ticket in 2008 might be the best wake-up call America has had since Woodstock!

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Hillary '08 would only serve as a wake up call to America if somehow America managed to survive a Feminazi Regime....

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