CNN Interview Shows Diversity Except When It Comes To Gender

Anderson Cooper: Race or Gender?

The main thing to be noticed about the article, and the interview it discusses, is how all the people involved, including the author, are women (except for Cooper himself, who does not give his own opinion, of course). This is absolute proof positive that all gender issues are defined from the perspectives of women (In this case the interviewees are of different races, but of the same gender as mentioned).

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The funniest moment in the hair salon video clip is when one woman states that Hillary has the most experience because "she actually ran the country when her husband was President."

Wow, that speaks volumes about women's sense of their power and how they use it.(Men are idiot puppets that you manipulate while you call all the shots....)

Do you think Hillary is already grooming Chelsea for her entitled stint in the White House in 2017?

It's a strange kind of democracy that keeps electing millionaires from only two families to run the country.

Didn't we fight a Revolutionary War just a little while back to prevent this sort of tyranny?

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CNN= lace curtain

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I have read about 400 comments from women on this election.Most black women affirm that they will vote on policies and I think they are split.White women will definitely vote for Hillary,black men for Obama
and I would be surprised if white men voted at all.
In the county in the UK where I live we have a poll going on at the moment,result next week.Nearly all women are with Clinton and approximately half the men.
Bearing in mind that the Clintons past is very "dodgy"and that the policies of each candidate are not poles apart it does appear to me that this is going to become a very sexist election.
With the military and electioneers behind Clinton I cannot see how she can lose,she will then become odds on to become president,it's all downhill fellahs.

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America made a big mistake when it rejected the tyranny of the British.

We've been paying for it ever since....

And, we love it!


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I'm an independent. If Edwards loses the Democratic primary*, I'll vote for McCain. What's the problem?

*If Edwards loses, its cause the media wrote him off from day one, when they started talking about it as being a "two-candidate race".


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