Genia Shockome - Bogus Claims, Malicious Mom
Newsweek publishes this story about a woman who supposedly lost her kids to an "abusive" husband by a crooked court system.
She cried victim and the bloggers heard her cry -- backing her with petitions, endless articles, and more. (Google her name to see all the petitions and blogs).
But they ignored some important facts. Glenn Sacks did a little digging...
"Some of the more important points contained in the documents include:
1) The allegations of abuse against Genia's ex-husband, Timothy, were never once substantiated.
2) The abuse allegations coincided perfectly with every custody hearing.
3) Genia was caught--on videotape--at a supervised visitation center coaching her children to make remarks against their father.
4) During the hearing resulting in her contempt charge and jailing, she was warned over 15 times to stop interrupting the judge.
5) Despite a position with IBM, paying $80,000 per year, Genia refused to pay her child support.
6) A court appointed psychologist characterized Genia as highly controlling, and said the biggest hurdle to an amicable custody arrangement was this fact.
7) Her previous attorney had quit the case because she was too volatile and unpredictable."
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Half-Truths are Full-Lies
After reading the rest of the story, from Glenn Sacks' site, it becomes obvious that this is a classic case of rewriting history to suit a cause. Newsweek emphasizes the blight of poor, poor Geneva while painting her ex as the bastardly basher. The rest of the story is that she is a conniving, controlling, and psychotic whack-job who will stoop to any level to get her way. Her ex and her children are merely pawns in her game of power and control. If this bimbo is the purest example that they could come up with as a poster girl for alleged victims of Parental Alienation Cases, what does this say about the rest of the lying sluts?”
The news media is the 2nd biggest source of misinformation; right behind the internet!
To call it misinformation gives the impression that they are mistaken about the facts. It's time to call it what it is. Propaganda.