Prostate exam fees not sexist, human rights tribunal rules

Story here. Excerpt:

The short version is that men have to pay for a certain type of prostate exam (vs. women, who pay nothing for most types of breast cancer screens), but it's not sexist because of differences in the reliability of each screening method.

OK, so the problem isn't necessarily that the fee structure sucks, but the question is raised as to why screening methods for prostate cancer suck so badly compared to those for breast cancer? Its not really a question. Excerpt:

'After considering several expert opinions, tribunal member Kurt Neuenfeldt dismissed the claim, citing questions about the effectiveness of the PSA test as a general method of screening for prostate cancer.
The test measures a substance produced by the prostate, called prostate specific antigen. It's especially useful for monitoring established prostate cancer and as a diagnostic aid, in combination with other tests, for early detection of prostate cancer in men with urinary symptoms or suspicious digital rectal examination findings, according to the cancer society's web site.'

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"OK, so the problem isn't necessarily that the fee structure sucks,"

Actually, I think it is. Can you imagine if there were a test that might infer that a woman had some kind of sex-specific illness that the CAN gov't in its public health system would decline to fund, then after getting sued, lose? I can't. The mere threat of a lawsuit we be enough to get them to do it.

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Of course you are right. The Canadian gov't can't jump high or fast enough when women scream about breast cancer...then the same women scream when a hastily-implemented test or treatment turns out to be flawed. Damned either way.

What I meant was that if the rationale was consistently applied, I could live with it. But I think the underlying and more important issue here is that prostate cancer research is still in the 1950's compared to breast cancer. If the PSA test is ineffective then get a better test!!!!

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You guys gotta get with the hysteria program!!

If it benefits women it's O.K., for women have been oppressed for thousands of years!!

If it benefits men, It's some form of economic slavery for women, because that money could have been spent by her, somehow to further her already 6 year longer life span. How come we hear so very little about the death gap??

U-GO-Girl !!!

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I think this is ridiculous. I thought Canada had "universal health care", not "misandric health care". This definitely constitutes male discrimination. I hope Armstrong does appeal this. BTW, I think that if the prostate exam is less effective than the others, it should be free, and the other exams should be charged for. Of course, if this was the case, the shit would hit the fan. One advantage women have over us, is their ability to complain and inject unfounded emotion into their complaints. That's how they've gained so much power. But logic is the weapon that counters this.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Here's a comments link for CBC. Lots of men are speaking up.

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My (female) doctor refused to do the PSA test. Then she dropped me as a patient. She told my wife that she wants to focus on female health care.

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Is it just me, or is that a direct violation of the Hypocratic oath? What a bitch!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I believe the Hypocratic oath states - "Do no harm."

So, technically, this female doctor was not out of bounds by refusing to recommend a prostate cancer exam.

Just this week there have been several news pieces about the growing reluctance of physicians to recommend either the PSA test or the dreaded digital probe exam. (Both are highly unreliable and tend to produce either false positives or non-detection.)

Apparently many urologists are coming around to the conclusion that aggressive diagnostic tests for prostate cancer are more about maximizing profits for surgeons, oncologists, and drug companies than they are about maximizing male longevity.

The typical side effects of successful "treatments" for prostate cancer include impotence, incontinence, and depression.

All of which can be further "treated" with expensive drugs that the cancer "survivor" will have to take for the rest of his miserable life.

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You guys gotta get with the hysteria program!!

If it benefits women it's O.K., for women have been oppressed for thousands of years!!

If it benefits men, It's some form of economic slavery for women, because that money could have been spent by her, somehow to further her already 6 year longer life span. How come we hear so very little about the death gap??

U-GO-Girl !!!

*Holding side with laughter*

The truth is so blatant that you have to laugh at how stupid people must have been to fall for women's fraudulent claims of being victimized.

You go ScottKirk!

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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