Prison for Lapdancer who cried Rape

FINALLY, a false accuser is actually going to do time -- and in the UK, too! Congrats UK!

A teenager who entertained four men in a Cardiff Bay flat with a private lap dance - which was filmed on a mobile phone - has been sent to jail for crying rape. Cinzia Sannino, 18, of Llanishen, Cardiff, was locked up for six months at Cardiff Crown Court after she admitted making false allegations

See the article here -- it's a good read.

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I guess even the British are getting sick and tired of supporting innocent men in prison over false sex crimes allegations.

But still there is no law in any Western country specifically against making false rape or sex assault allegations.

And the law she was convicted under did not have the same sentence length as one of her victims would have gotten if he had been convicted on her false allegations. This too short of a sentence was also noted in a couple of the reader's comments accompanying this article.

But note if it wasn't for new technology recording her silly lap dance on a cellphone these guys just may have been sent up the creek on this bitch's word alone. Also, the technological godsend of DNA has released many innocent men from prison and saved millions in taxpayer dollars.

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A spokeswoman for the voluntary False Allegations Support Organisation (FASO) today welcomed the punishment.

Interesting that such an organisation exists. I'm not in the UK, but that is worth noting and checking out.

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Whilst I'm pleased that a false accuser has at last been punished we mustn't forget that she was a minor at the time. If she had been an adult she might have got longer. Immaturity can always be a mitigating factor and I trust that she is thoroughly ashamed of what she has done and relieved that the consequences for the men were not far worse. It is ironic that she has been punished whereas no action seems to have been taken against Miss A. in the Warren Blackwell case. She was about 30 at the time and has a long history of such allegations.

It is also interesting that the spokeswoman for FASO, despite the fact that its name suggests that it supports wrongly accused men, only seems concerned that false allegations would make life harder for women who had actually been raped and showed no concern for innocent men having their lives and reputations ruined and possibly being locked up.

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Don't get me wrong here. I am glad that a false accuser has recieved a sentance of any kind and believe this to be a posative step forward. But....

What country do you live in where 18 is considered a minor? How dare you offer excuses for this adult woman. The court did quite enough of that. How could she be a minor and a stripper at the same time? Isn't the whole reason we make girls wait (despite that fact that I remember at least one girl that I went to grade school with who knew she wanted to be a stripper in grade 7) to go into that job until they reach legal adulthood is the fact that younger girls are considered to immature to make an informed choice? Also the reason used every time a male of any age has sexual relations with a female under 18. You've baught into fememist lies if you actually believe your own comments.

She got sent to a youth facility and sentanced as a youth IN SPITE OF HER AGE no because of it.

If it were a 16 year old boy who cried wolf and made false criminal claims it would get bumped up to adult court and he would reieve an adult sentance. His youth would not be taken into account because the traditional view of male criminals is NOT young and stupid let's give the kid a break, its ABLE TO DO THE CRIME ABLE TO DO THE TIME.

Does no one see that the issue of equality beteen men and women is not a single issue but involves every single aspect of our existance and thought? We are so trained to automatically make and accept ANY excuses made for female deviant behavior that we applaud the light sentance this adult woman (no way will you get me to call her a girl) recieved and completely agree with the exuse used to get it. All of this needs to change if we want equality. Either we start cutting breaks to men or we start making women take adult responsability just like men.

I comptetely agree about organizations like FASO though. That majority of them are utterly useless. I am not sure if it is a result of no funding for not being politically correct or if they are genuinely not interested in the causes they claim to exist to fight for. Organizations that defend issues that primarily involve men tend not to fight as hard as femenist organizations. Maybe it's fear of the femnazi retaliation. If FASO defends to vigerously those who have been falsely accused then every womans group in the country will fight to have them put out of buisness for hurting the cause of the real victims (read: women).

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Even though she was 18 by the time the case came to court, she would presumably have been 17 at the time the offence took place, and thus legally a minor. The sentencing options were therefore limited. Your claim that a man of the same age would have been treated as an adult is an unwarranted assumption and, indeed your whole reply is indicative of one reason who the Men's Movement doesn't make more progress. Lots of men, like myself, identify with the issues, but are uneasy about being associated with such strident anger.

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I should perhaps add two points.

1. Bumping minors up to adult courts may be something you do in the US, but it's not something we do in the UK.

2. I am a university lecturer and, believe me, even 18 year olds of both sexes can be staggeringly immature.

As I said in my original post, I trust that the girl in this case will have the decency to be thoroughly ashamed of what she has done. Miss A. in the Warren Blackwell case is way beyond feeling any sort of shame.

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I forgot that the laws in the UK are different regarding age at which one can perfom the type of work this woman did.

You are correct that things work much differently in the United States. They do after all have the largest prison population on Earth. I am from Canada, we are a little better off, but it is still a regular occurance here that a male under hte age of 18 will be bumped up to adult court for relatively minor offences. Not to give the youth a longer sentace per se, but to ensure that the records are not expunged when the youth reaches 18.

And I certainly do not disagree that a person of 18 or even 20+ of either gender can be very immature in their behavior and attitudes. After all, one of the goal of the fememist movement is to create a state of perpetual childhood for women. Since another of their goals is to destroy all things masculine, you can expect that immaturity in young adults these days is a consiquence (or accomplished goal depending on your perspective) of the last 30+ years of the womens rights movement. Why else would people allow themselves to be completely stripped of nearly all their rights? Why would the court system act like a mediator between two bickering children throwing baseless accusations back and forth at one another? If you genuinely wish the men's movement to succeed then you to should allow yourself to get a little bit angrier at the presant state of things.

So honestly, I believe you are mistaken that to much anger is the reason the men's movement isn't getting anywhere. It is really quite the opposite in my opinion. Men NEED to get agnry enough to actually take action. I do not mean millitary or criminal action, but organized and focused action that we need in order to get our message heard. We have not reached that point yet but I fear that the levels of injustice will make it happen sooner then later. And it is not unbidled rage but more passionate anger that MRAs feel which needs to be directed into organizing ourselves, streamlining our goals and informing the public.

Oh, and in either Canada or the United States in this situation, the girls charges would have been dropped the instant the courts found out the lap dance was recorded because they would have persued the much more lucrative child pornography charges against the young man if the girl really was 17 at the time. Since they would have been able to lay many more charges resulting in higher sentances against the boys they would have gone that route. The girl would have been given compensation for the trauma of being recorded even if no one believed her rape claim as a result of the recording.

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