Female Teacher Gets No Jail Time for Sexual Relations with Student

This story should come as no surprise.

"If this was a 29-year-old male and a 17-year-old female, I would be inclined to order some incarceration," noted 3rd District Judge Mark Kouris during sentencing yesterday for Cameo Patch."

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From the article: Defense attorney Jon Williams said the boy had "created the environment and invited the error" . How the fuck does a young student 'create the environment'? Sounds like a rock-solid defense. How about a woman in a miniskirt who gets molested..did she 'invite the error'?
These type crimes will keep on happening, as long as female teachers know they may well not be punished.

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All these easy sentences female sexual predators are receiving can be used by defense lawyers to get their male clients the same deal. Having sex with a consenting 17 yo of either sex is a little hard to justify 20 years in the slammer.

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I couldn't find an e-mail address. Maybe someone should send snail mail and ask why he is not inclined to order some incarcaration if the offender is female. I'd really like to read the reason he'd give.
I find it amazing that judges can openly make such statements without any kind of consequences. Something should be done.

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Amendment XIV - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This judge has admitted to his own violation of the constitution he is sworn to uphold. He deserves to be impeached for the offence. I wonder if he realizes that ANY MALE OFFENDER he has sentenced how has the ability to appeal any sentance the judge has passed down previously. He has totally screwed over the 3rd district of Utah courts.


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It may be worth writing to the author of the article and congratulating him with writing an article that highlights the inequities.

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Former gymnastics coach gets prison for sex assault on 14-year-old girl
DALLAS (AP) — A former coach at an elite gymnastics academy was sentenced to 15 years in prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.

Christopher Wagoner, 33, was accused of fondling and raping the girl in 2002 and 2003, when he was her coach.

So why didn't this guy get house arrest like Deb Lafave got instead of prison for 15 years?

Hey the lucky 14 yo girl more than likely wanted it.

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I used to work retail years ago and on one occaision a young girl of between 11-13 came into my store with several other young females wearing a mini skirt that barely covered her. At one point she dropped her wallet and bent over to pick it up to reveal she was not wearing any underware. As the store manager I informed the young girl that she was in a public place and committing acts of indecency while one of my staff called mall security. Security came and informed me that the girl had done nothing wrong and if they did not know me (I was the manager of the store and had been for a long time and knew all of the mall security and admin staff) they would have called the police and charged me.

I was merely concerned for the others shopping in my store and for this girls own safetly. But appearently she was in the right and absolutely not doing anything indecent or that could be interpreted as inviting a dangerous situation.

Basically they were affraid because of the girls young age that if they took any kind of action they would be charged along with the security company they worked for, me, my other staff, my company, the mall, the compnay that ownes the mall ect...

So that's the long answer. The short answer is no, females never invite the error (not that a sex crime commited by a male is ever reffered to as an error)

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That article is fantastic because it highlights so many cases. I have never seen such journalistic research done for any article written about female sexual predation. Definately the author deserves congragulatory e-mails, and this article should also be forwarded to every state governor, prosecutor, police officer, judge ect... to show that this is a HUGE problem that is happening over and over and over again.

This is only the very tip of the iceburg though. Females are as capable and do commit sex crimes in as many and as deviantly sick ways as men. As a societly we have recognized only one of countless types of female predation (student teacher) and thus it is the only type that is watched for, noticed at all, and thus the only type that results in formal charges and criminal proceedings. We still need to open our eyes to untold numbers of people (men women and children of both sexes) who have been sexually abused by women in countless disturbing ways. Their voices are still silent because society continues to deny their existance. Females just like males, are sexually abusing people as young as newborn infants without punishment of any kind.

This article is a wonderfull piece for all the world to read but it still barely even scratches the surface of the real crimes that female are getting away with.

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axolotl beat me to the critical quote --

"Defense attorney Jon Williams said the boy had "created the environment and invited the error," according to the Tribune."

Can you imagine an argument from a male's defense lawyer stating -- "the 16 year-old girl created the conditions that invited the error?"

Clever rhetoric by the defense... a CRIME becomes a mere "error."

So, could a male rapist plead that his assualt was simply an "error?"

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but this is one more case that puts the spotlight on the continuing toxin of lingering Chivalry.

Men who endorse Chivalry are like the plantation slaves who once thanked the Big House Massa for reducing the whipping from 100 to only 50 lashes.

You think it's a coincidence that modern feminism has its roots in KKK Dixieland?

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Paragon -- "At one point she dropped her wallet and bent over to pick it up to reveal she was not wearing any underwear."

P-man --- why didn't you just announce a "blue-light special" in the underwear department?

Passed up a promotion, dude.

(Some day when MRA's get some justice, what she did will be defined as a crime of unsolicited sexual provocation based on soliciting the male gaze.)

And, yes. You'll still get arrested.

Because you LOOKED!

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It was an electronics shop. We did not have clothing of any kind. She and her friends were in to see what cell phones they wanted to bug their parents for. And back then vibrate wasn't the standard feature it is today.

We did have personal massagers though, but I somehow don't think it would have done me much good to announce an in store special on them though as that could have definately gotten our store into some hot water.

Good thing she did not walk by the fans section!

It wasn't even me who noticed her not wearing underwear, it was one of my staff. It was just my job to approach her because I was the manager. But there was no way I was going to have some pre-teen girl parading her bare ass around in front of my customers. Anyone who would want to have that as part of their shopping experience I really didn't want as a customer anyway.

I sorta miss K-Mart - "Blue Light Special" - though 'cause I remember shopping for fishing gear there when I was about 4 with my dad (the year before he died) and have had fond feelings for K-Mart Ever since. In Canada there are no more K-Marts (they got bought out about 8 years ago by The Hudson's Bay Company) in case you are thinking how can you miss K-Mart when they are still around.

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I live in South Florida where every XX Chromo who doesn't have a weight problem dresses like they're dancing at the Blue Iguana. Of course if I look at them in the market, etc. they call the manager who promptly threatens to have me arrested if I don't leave and never come back. Disciplinary action has also been directed at me in workplaces where they're too frightened of women to enforce a dress code that I (of course ) must follow. The worst part of it all is that ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE (including my so-called bretheren) TELLS ME I'M THE BAD GUY! If someone has spinach in their teeth or something on their face and you look at them, they're the ones who's embarrased!

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