Technology for a Male-less Matriarchal Society

Article here. Excerpt:

"Scientists in the United Kingdom believe that women may be evolving as humanity's sole representatives.
What does all this mean? It means scientists are more than willing to attempt to create a baby without the need for male involvement. It is proof positive that the push to destroy traditional families and morality continues all out. And it shows the intent that parenthood be reduced to nothing but a legal responsibility and not a human biological one. It also means that the state is willing to set a precedent, redefining a child's biological origins in total opposition to the natural law."

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Certain categories of men will disappear unavoidably: namely, daughter owners and bacterial hole lickers.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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"as if that weren’t humiliating enough for men"

Does the author seem to be grasping at straws? Seems a wee bit desperate to prove men don’t need to exist. Lots of women like men and would rather just procreate naturally. Also artificial wombs will at some point be created, that technology may allow men to procreate without women. Gene manipulations could create super men and women and in the future we could all fly using our own methane as fuel, are my fantasies news worthy?

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This article will influence no-one. For one thing, the person who wrote it is from the John Birch Society, which is known for being ultra-conservative. So it will only be preaching to the choir. Another thing is it has strongly anti-gay overtones. In fact, that seems to be its basic premise - gays shouldn't be allowed to raise kids. That's just going to piss off gays and their supporters. Fathers' Rights advocates will like it of course, but they're already..well..Fathers' Rights advocates.

Next article please.


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Regarding your comment above, for once you didn't piss me off - thanks. You totally baffled me, but I'd rather be confused than angry.


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She thinks a non-male society is a load of bull and clearly states that. I don't think she was anti-gay at all. She just thinks that anyone involved in the creation of a life should be recognized for it and I agree with her. What does it tell you when many women actually think misandry is a problem? There really is a problem. And one that can't be hidden.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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In the next time you may not inform me about your emotions whatever they are. I don't know why it occured to you that I would give a shit about whether you are confused or angry or brain dead.

Female feminists is just a human shield disguising the real wrong-doers. If you want to fight with feminism effectively, you must target the root of feminism: MALE DAUGHTER OWNERS.

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You're right,the british public do not seem interested
and at the end of the day"should we be bothered".I have seen nothing on Tv,blogs,ceefax,letters and perhaps at the end of the day it will solve the problems.Perhaps
the church would like to chip in.
I.P Smith,the old conservative leader is arguing against it but what that will mean is anybody's guess.
Will these people have male babies knowing that they will be superfluous or will it all be female.
I want my vagina and my rights,me,me,me.

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In the next time you may not inform me about your emotions whatever they are. I don't know why it occured to you that I would give a shit about whether you are confused or angry or brain dead.

Although axolotl deserved that, I feel I should inform you that the administrators have instituted a new policy that penalizes posters for using profanity and attacking other posters.

Alot of baiting goes on here because we have alot of imposters but it may be smart to keep your nose clean. Just ignore the ones that get on your nerves. I know we have had our differences, but if you feel uncomfortable here you can always register at my new website.

The address is in my signature.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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MrReality is right, there are many imposters, and their sole purpose is to distrupt us men from getting together and fighting this hate.

Like Roy for instance, I am fairly certain that person is Wendy McElroy, or one of her minions. I spent some time at her web site, she is a "Feminist Anarchist" who often seems to side with men, as she promotes prostitution. When she really hates men just as much as any femnazi. The followers at her web site are real losers, they never talk with reason. I had one guy argue with me not on issues, but only with my verbage. He would constantly refer me to websites that teach "The art of arguing", and he would never touch an issue I raised, only tell me I didnt word it right... what a dork!

If you look at Roy, he(she) does the same thing, first claiming that he(she) is playing the devils advocate, when really, he(she) is trying to convince you that your beliefs are flawed and that your seeing Feminism in the wrong light.

The message is very subtle, but if you read that crap enough, you actually start to question yourself... dont be fooled!!

(Website url commin soon)

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"When she really hates men just as much as any femnazi." [Dutch269]

Can you give me one example to support your theory?

Here's a shock, I like McElroy. [let the abuse begin!]

She's definately not an MRA but overall I would consider her somewhat of an ally.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soakin' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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D269 - “Like Roy for instance, I am fairly certain that person is Wendy McElroy, or one of her minions.”

That cracks me up dude! If I had Wendy’s connections, I’d have a nice-paying newspaper column gig and a check in the mail! Plus, Wendy banned me from her site two years ago.

“If you look at Roy… he(she) is trying to convince you that your beliefs are flawed and that your seeing Feminism in the wrong light…. you actually start to question yourself...”

D269, it’s not so much that I’m trying to convince you that your beliefs are wrong, but that they might be more refined, more logical, and more evolved.

You know, more like my beliefs!

And questioning assumptions and rules and laws and everything about authority and certainty is pretty much how America got started and why it still exists, don’t you agree?

Well, on a sadder topic, Matt released me from a moderate 3-day exile for exhibiting some really poor etiquette in my mix-up with Eevil, so for better or worse my screed is post-abled again.

Be polite in your replies Dutch269, because Eevil got three weeks in the box! (Cool Hand Luke reference, anybody?)

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The majority of manginas believe that women were -- and are -- oppressed. They believe whatever women tell them; especially if they have wives, girlfriends or daughters that adhere to popular culture. Manginas play strong, but break under pressure. All a woman need do is call them a "misogynist" or say they are "not a real man" and chivalry rears its ugly face. Most men will kill another man over a woman. It makes me laugh and shake my head, but it's the truth.

Like I said there are alot of "trojan horses" in the MRM. Ignore them. They aren't going anywhere soon. They will ALWAYS be here -- or somewhere else -- backing up feminism, preferential treatment for females and violent against men. I mean after all that is why they are here.

What transpires here most of the time is exactly why I like moderated MRA sites; they have pest control.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Can you cite even one post I have ever made on MANN that defends or endorses feminism?

And could you please "name names" of the other 59% of posters who should be shunned?

Just a point of clarification - Matt does indeed moderate this site, though with a degree of intelligence and strategic long-sightedness that is seldom appreciated.

Frankly I could not connect your comments above with anything I have ever written, let alone to the other posters you would apparently ban as "manginas" if they disagree with you.

(Playing the "shame-and-blame" game again?)

Perhaps you might illuminate your umm, well-considered logic and factual data?

And BTW, it is easy to ignore anything you want to ignore ... just don't go there.

Change the channel, man. Get off the bus!

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I noticed in the article that they said there are damaged genes on the Y chromosome. Perhaps this is due to the increase in groin shots thanks to such a thing being presented as comedy by the media?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Dress warm!

Your brand of "logic" -- as you call it -- keeps getting you booted from sites and amazingly you still have not learned.

I'll pass on the catfight. There's no need to come after you; you're still scarred from our last battle.

Have fun..

I noticed in the article that they said there are damaged genes on the Y chromosome. Perhaps this is due to the increase in groin shots thanks to such a thing being presented as comedy by the media?

That's false. It's part of the thrice-debunked "eminent demise theory" that was discredited sometime ago.

Women and their male slaves keep recycling the same nonsense hoping that laymen will fall for it. That means most people will fall for it. Mr. Reality can never be deceived by such nonsense however. The truth concerning the Y chromosome is that it actually carries a back-up set of genes within it which enables the Y chromosome to repair itself. It's self-sufficient. The X chromosome does not have this back-up set of genes and can only make repairs via what is known as genetic recombination(i.e. It swaps genetic material with another X and can't support itself.). It has also been scientifically proven that men carry Mitochondrial DNA and can(and do) pass it on sometimes to their sons.

Women were once using the MtDNA theory to claim that women were superior. That was until a man was found carrying MtDNA that came from his father and NOT his mother. Now on the other hand women cannot pass on the Y chromosome even if they have it by way of some strange genetic disorder. Women can't create men -- only men can. Men have the genes to create a male or a female child women can only create females. Furthermore scientists state that men also carry the dominant genes that hold the key to male-female dichotomy. Feminists claimed women did. They lied of course. Most of what women -- and manginas -- in the media say with no scientific evidence to back it up is a lie.

That means the very origin of men and women can be found by mapping out the genes of the man. An article was done that stated quite pointedly "Males drive evolution." The X is an archaic chromosome and has remained largely unchanged -- and hasn't evolved -- in sometime. The Y chromosome on the other hand is a very innovative, self-reliant, and resilient gene. The X chromosome in women needs the other X or the damaged genetic material cannot be repaired. I call it a genetic "girl's group."

Even the Ifeminist website wrote about this. Don't let women lie to you and tell you that you're inferior. It's a bold-faced lie meant to make women feel better about themselves.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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On top of debunking that load of crap about the damaged genes, you debunked a ton of other crap about men being inferior too. You actually inverted the commonly accepted theory about women having a genetic advantage. I never believed this. Any advantage women have is sociological, thanks to our misandric society.

You also gave me some ideas to work with for my movie "Disintegration". It's the inverted version of Teeth, about a boy who discovers his sperm destroy cells lacking the Y chromosome. I guess that would be quite fitting given what you just shared with me. Some good ol' misogyny to even out the equation.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Roy is really Wendy McElroy? That's like saying Goria Steinem is really Norman Mailer in drag!! ha ha hee hee!! :-))


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Mr. R.,

You are passing on a "catfight" that was never intended or implied ...

What you actually passed on was your opportunity to answer my simple question -

"Can you cite even one post I have ever made on MANN that defends or endorses feminism?"

Matt has encouraged posters on this site to focus on addressing actual points made, and arguments and perspectives, rather than personalities.

You proposed in your earlier remarks that I am somehow a "mangina" or some similar rebuke.

So, before I get another trip to the box (and I have a nice warm vest on order, thanks for your advice Mr. R.!),

I have to ask Matt-

How is it possible to respond to what amounts to a thinly veiled character (ad hominem) attack, and refocus the dialogue back onto the topic-at-hand?

What is "out-of-bounds," a "foul," a "flag?"

If a poster chooses to toss away my reasonable question, I personally will not be "scarred" by that.

And, I've never been in a "cat fight" in my life, so I cannot relate to Mr. R.'s trepidation about that matter.

There is a very interesting thing happening on this site about negotiating a new code of social manners for personalities who are -- in reality -- words inscribed on a screen.

Of course, the feminists have already passed a law that makes it legally possible to be "stalked and/or harassed " in cyberspace.

Gentlemen, we are all exploring new territory.

I'm with Matt. Error with discretion on the side of the continuing experiment....

As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road ... take it!"

PS - Matt, the winter vest is on order from, so please wait 24 hours before my next trip to "the box." Brrrrrrr....

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