MRA Horror Movie Script Available

Hello guys. I am truly sick and tired of all the misandric BS in horror movies like the abhorred upcoming abomination, "Teeth" (and they said women had better verbal skills? lol), thus I've decided to offer my fellow MRAs another of my brainchildren, "You Should Know Better", a horror movie written for men. At the current time, it's just a rough script, but I'm sure you guys would probably enjoy it. I do intend to make it into a movie someday. And all the deaths are not only deserved, but the victims bring them upon themselves. Karma's a biatch. lol. I will warn you though, most of the victims are men, but I didn't do that on purpose. There is a female victim, too, but she gets it the worst, IMO. So I did that to kind of build up to the last scene. I must also warn you that the second last death seems really bad when you read it, but there's a twist that makes it more bearable. If you'd like to read it, Email Me and I will send you the script.

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How does this help MRA's or men in general??

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Well, first off, this movie helped me, as I wrote it to help deal with all the evil and misandry in the world. I decided it was time someone wrote a horror movie where all the victims deserve the fate they're dealt, and also to show misandry in its worst forms for what it truly is, a serious crime that should not be tolerated. I just thought with all the misandry in movies, you guys might like to cleanse your palette with this. If you don't like my work, or don't think it helps the cause, I apologize. But this movie did help make me feel better about everything, and I'm hoping it will help you guys feel better too, knowing that there's a movie writer that's on our side for a change.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I really don't know how it helps our movement. It almost appears "Hey we deplore male mutilation so in response we'll show female mutilation." It makes us look vindictive.

I don't know if its fair to portray women as torture victims when we both chastise a movie like "teeth" and how the men are abused and degraded. Infact, both male/female genital integrity should be respected. The root of the problem is the MSM, society, and the judicial system have zero respect towards male sexuality as a whole. I personally find that insulting.

I'm not trying to insult your theory. I haven't read it and I think its important to read it before I'm really able to offer a full perspective. With that said I will e-mail you and read your script and keep an open mind.

I feeling Reality will critique this post as nothing more than feminist propaganda by a feminist pretending to be an MRA. Than again, debate is important.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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I feeling Reality will critique this post as nothing more than feminist propaganda by a feminist pretending to be an MRA. Than again, debate is important.

Keep feeling that way..

Now onto the conversation I actually "want" to hold.

Xtrnl, do what you want to do. Hell, I'm all for women getting what they have been dishing out. More power to you.

I'll e-mail you concerning a copy of the movie tomorrow and subsequently post a story about it on my site.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I was kidding when I made that comment.


"The Sun Isn't Yellow, Its Chicken!" [Bob Dylan]

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I appreciate all your comments, and your interest in this. But please understand that I didn't write this movie to torture a woman the same way that cinema has been torturing men lately, in fact, I did this to show that creating that type of a display and rejoicing in it is a sin. Thus, karma takes care of the people responsible for said actions in my movie. The last death which I allude to in the story, is indeed the most brutal, but IMO, it's not half as bad as what men are usually dealt in horror these days and not half as bad as the intentions the victim had. I wanted it to be almost as bad, but I knew that it couldn't be, so I did the best I could without being "misogynistic". I hope you guys like it. I figured if anybody could appreciate my work, it would be you guys. And thanks for the vote of confidence MR. You understand me better than anybody. Speaking of which, thanks for agreeing to post it on your website. I also have a couple blogs I would like to submit about thoughts I had regarding misandry. Thanks again for all your interest, guys.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Victory not Vengeance.


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Also, this would hurt us more than help us. Especially since MRA's tell feminists that "two wrongs don't make a right".


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*Ignoring the two previous posts*


I have some cartoons that are going to be posted soon -- drawn by a friend of mine -- that show violent women getting what is coming to them. Some are from other moderated MRA sites. I find those sites to contain less apologetic males with a more focused resolve. Although I do think Matt is doing a wonderful job it is just too hard to moderate every post.

Once I get the pics and add them to the site I will let you know.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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["that show violent women getting what is coming to them"] Mr.Reality

So tell me what "getting what is coming to them" means. Can you offer me an example of one of these cartoons? If you mean violent women are treated with the same accountability as men, I'm all for it. But I have a suspicion it might involve more vengeance. Please tell me I'm wrong. You recently stated you needed to "educate" the members of this board. With that said...consider the following a free education lesson.



The quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.


1. Infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge: But have you the right to vengeance?

2. An act or opportunity of inflicting such trouble: to take one's vengeance.

Cordially yours,



Xtrnl, this post is not aimed at you or your movie script. I received your e-mail and liked what you wrote very much. You seem to have a knack for character development. I'll send you an e-mail shortly to offer my opinion.

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I'm glad you like the script so far. I found that writing it was like a connect-the-dots puzzle. Only as the writer, I had to create the dots, then decide how to connect them. The script turned out better than expected because once I got into it, I just kept getting idea after idea to add to it. Thanks for the compliments. And ax, don't worry, man. This will not hurt our cause. Everybody's death in the movie is a result of their own actions. Plus, the death of the woman is not as bad as you think it is. It is still quite fitting, though. Besides, even if the movie did go as far as you think it does, I wouldn't really consider it a "wrong". It's more like a "this has been going on for way too long, but now you finally see it's wrong." If I were to put something like that in a movie, it wouldn't be cause I'm vindictive and enjoy that type of thing, it would be to open people's eyes. Speaking of which, in the second installment, "You Should Know Better Too", I'm going to have one character be a divorced dad who was battered by the legal system, and who is then falsely accused of rape. Don't worry though, he gets exonerated, and the one who accused him gets offed by karma (again, in a way that's not as bad as you think). This will be to raise awareness of these injustices.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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So tell me what "getting what is coming to them" means.

I do not recall addressing you -- or being in need of your limited assistance -- on this subject Anthony. Thus I see no reason to be "telling you" anything. Move along now...

With that said...consider the following a free education lesson.



The quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.


1. Infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge: But have you the right to vengeance?

2. An act or opportunity of inflicting such trouble: to take one's vengeance.

Cordially yours,


*Shakes Head*

Now he's "educating" me on dictionary definitions concerning something HE brought up as if a debate between him and I -- concerning this subject -- "actually" took place. Quite funny. Especially since I wasn't talking to him in the first place.

Feminist-style lecturing, quoting online dictionaries, editing posts several times, baiting. He's on a roll.

Keep fishing for a may find one with the administrators.

Thanks for the compliments. And ax, don't worry, man. This will not hurt our cause. Everybody's death in the movie is a result of their own actions. Plus, the death of the woman is not as bad as you think it is. It is still quite fitting, though. Besides, even if the movie did go as far as you think it does, I wouldn't really consider it a "wrong". It's more like a "this has been going on for way too long, but now you finally see it's wrong." If I were to put something like that in a movie, it wouldn't be cause I'm vindictive and enjoy that type of thing, it would be to open people's eyes.

You don't have to explain your pro-male script to a few guys. Just continue doing what you're doing. Don't let chivalrous dogma put shackles on you; men have been slaves to chivalry and female entitlement for far too long. Most men are chivalrous whether they admit it or not, even many MRAs. That's right many MRAs are chivalrous. Notice how some men blame everything BUT women; the judicial system, the media, the cat next door, their grandmother with one leg. Women are helpless little girls that had no choice other than to engage in misandry, sue men for their assets, steal children, invent and refine klan ideology(which they still use today), and basically manipulate an entire gender for over a hundred years.


Don't buy it. When a man does a crime he pays the price and more. An entire gender paid the price for nothing more than a hate-filled pro-female ideology based on false claims of oppression. Now the neutered men that have infiltrated the MRM want to let these same women sneak out of the backdoor -- unchanged -- and go right back as if nothing happened. It's a vagina pass.

Women are still not being held accountable for THEIR very real crimes.

So...take any so-called "advice" telling you to not hold women responsible for what they have done with a grain of salt. You also have the choice to take it. You're your own man.

Also: I started posting your script on my site. Since it is large I am posting it piece-by-piece.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"If I were to put something like that in a movie, it wouldn't be cause I'm vindictive and enjoy that type of thing, it would be to open people's eyes"

That's fine. I'm not trying to discourage you per se. I just hope the viewing public reaches the conclusion that you want them to.


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"Feminist-style lecturing, quoting online dictionaries, editing posts several times, baiting. He's on a roll."

Yes, I do edit. Feminist lecturing???? The baiting comment I might be guilty of.

I was wondering if you wanted to attend a V-Day rally with me next month?

"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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"Also: I started posting your script on my site. Since it is large I am posting it piece-by-piece. "

He's looking to manipulate MANN supporters to increase his site traffic. He has no problem kissing ass to lure people into his "nickle & dime" website. Reality's MRA philosophy is based on a rigid, arrogant, hatred of female sexual rejection.

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MrReality is kind of like the Michael Moore of our cause. He tells it like it is in a no BS fashion. He calls a spade a spade, and his website is paramount to our cause. The vibe I get from him is he rejects the spoiled biatches and female criminals, who deserve to be rejected, not all women. The vibe I get from him, in his own words, "[he's] [his] own man." As am I. And I think through this new found affinity for movie writing, I might be able to give all of us an extra voice that can help us raise awareness.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I wasn't trying to insinuate you were being manipulated by Reality. The truth is I really have no problem with him but we definitely have conflicting MRA philosophies.

Anthony wrote:

"He's looking to manipulate MANN supporters to increase his site traffic. He has no problem kissing ass to lure people into his "nickle & dime" website. Reality's MRA philosophy is based on a rigid, arrogant, hatred of female sexual rejection."

That comment is mean spirited and rude, I regret posting it.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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He's looking to manipulate MANN supporters to increase his site traffic. He has no problem kissing ass to lure people into his "nickle & dime" website. Reality's MRA philosophy is based on a rigid, arrogant, hatred of female sexual rejection.

Translation: "You're just mad because you can't get laid!"

That comment is so simpleminded that one's IQ drops a few points just from reading it.

Moreover it is an "Anti-male shaming tactic" known as "The Sour Grapes charge", women use it all the time. It's a feminist debating tactic utilized when one's crumbling position is devoid of logic.

Here it is for those whom are not familiar with such juvenile debating tactics:

Charge of Rationalization (Code Purple) - The Sour Grapes Charge

Discussion: The target is accused of explaining away his own failures and/or dissatisfaction by blaming women for his problems.

"You are just bitter because you can't get laid."

Response: In this case, it must be asked if it really matters how one arrives at the truth. In other words, one may submit to the accuser, "What if the grapes really are sour?" At any rate, the Code Purple shaming tactic is an example of what is called "circumstantial ad hominem."

Anyone who has read the recent tirades from the feminists -- and the media -- concerning the marriage strike, men not complimenting women, men not wanting to father children with women due to child support laws, etc. knows it is "women" who "can't get laid."

However, that is irrelevant...

Since my sexual escapades have absolutely nothing to do with the well known fact that women are hardly ever held responsible and punished for their behavior.

Thus your off the mark, heavily opinionated, flawed, and extremely inflammatory comment may cost you.

I just sent an e-mail to Matt. You should have let it go Anthony. I warned you about all of the baiting and direct insults.

Thanks xtrnl, You don't have to cover for me. I "choose" to ignore Anthony -- and others like him(or her) -- instead stick with my mission which has been quite effective as of late.

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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You know I'm your ally, MrReality. It was my pleasure sticking up for you. I hope that together we can usher in some well-deserved and well overdue ammendments to this man-hating society we live in.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"I just sent an e-mail to Matt. You should have let it go Anthony. I warned you about all of the baiting and direct insults." [Reality]

I thought only feminists believe in censorship? Apparently you fall in the category. If you don't like my posts, don't read them. As for insults, you must be on Thorazine if you think you've never been antognistic. The difference is I can take it and don't view MANN as a nanny state by complaining to Matt. I've never attacked you personally, only your MRA philosophy. Your theory has no credibility with me because I still believe you hate women. If you feel that's a prerequisite for the MRA movement than your affiliation does more harm than good.

With that said, I'll be expecting Matt's response.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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This might be the proper moment to change your sig line to some suitable lyrics from "Street Fighting Man."

Matt is really fair, as far as I can tell.

But he's also trying to navigate a future for this web site that does not involve perpetual "fight club" mentalities.

It's hard, because men love to debate.

I learned to fight because I moved twelve times during my fifteen years of childhood.

I still love to fight.... errr ... politely disagree.

At some point MRAs will have to settle on the basic issue of whether they want to just have a continuous row, or whether they want to become a real political force.

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You know I'm your ally, MrReality. It was my pleasure sticking up for you. I hope that together we can usher in some well-deserved and well overdue ammendments to this man-hating society we live in.

Men are starting to wake up. They aren't buying the "don't criticize women" line that the chivalrous clowns and women have been feeding them. That's why so many imposters are appearing on Men's Rights websites running the same lines that women do. It's their last defense. The women that started this war and their selfish descendants know their time is up and they are pulling no punches. Neither should we.

It truly is an all out gender war and women are losing alot of their so-called soldiers to a legion of men armed with facts. We're leaving the men that still uphold chivalry behind. Their time is up too, they just don't know it...

The domain of Mr. Reality

The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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One disadvantage women have besides the Xs not being self-repairing (Thanks MR, you reminded me of when I learned that in Bio 30. You're right.) is that women are not as logical. The thing is logic can prove something to be true, emotion cannot. That's why this war is ours. You are right. It is a gender war. We're trying to bring female criminals to justice here, as well as their male accomplices. Just like you, I don't want to see them win, nor will I let them get away without a punishment. That's what this movie is all about. It's a movie for people with a brain, who are sick and tired of seeing sick acts rewarded or portrayed as justified. That reminds me, I have to write some more into my sequel, and my other movies, Disintegration and Womanizer.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This kind of thread is what we are trying to stop. The thread has become about personalities rather than ideas. This is what needs to end. The tone is hostile and personally insulting and is no longer acceptable here. Take it someplace else, not here.

MrReality and anthony have been warned via email and if it continues they will also get some time in the box. The only reason neither is suspended now is because vulgarities were not hurled directly at one another.

Focus on ideas and not on userids. If you think someone is not a "true MRA" then that will be clear to others as well. By using ad hominem attacks you distract from whatever it is that makes you think the other person isn't genuine enough for you. Go after the ideas and show how they are wrong or in some way not good for men's rights and it will speak much more loudly and effectively than if you just call the other person names. If you get baited or feel like you are send MANN admins a note and we'll look at the post. You are not on a schoolyard, guys, and you don't have to act like it.

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Its not about critizing women but your refusal to answer the question: Do you hate women??

This could be the defining question of your MRA career. A question you've yet to answer.

Im curious:

Do you interact with any women on a regular basis? Do you have any female friends? Your left with two options. Either get a hooker or buy an inflatable woman. Some female contact may improve your apocalyptic philosophy.


"Oh the gal I'm to marry
Is a bow-legged sow
I've been soaking' up drink like a sponge"

[Rolling Stones]

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anthony is on moderation until Wednesday.

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I agree with you. When it becomes a petty squabble between users, it kind of defeats the purpose of what we're doing here. BTW, keep up the great work with the site and thanks for telling me about MASH. I could really help them out now that I'm in the Knights of Columbus.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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