Representative expresses fear that legislation could be used to fuel false accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, April 1, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- On March 31, 2011, the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives conducted a voting session (called a "mark up") on H.R. 1232. This bill would prevent a number of federal tax credits and tax deductions from being used for abortion, or for health plans that cover abortion, but contains exceptions for abortions sought in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

During debate, one member of the committee, Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wisconsin), indicated that he opposed the bill in part because it "could lead to some very perverse unintended consequences," specifically, that women would falsely accuse boyfriends or husbands of rape in order to continue to qualify for a tax-subsidized abortion.'

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Former Duke lacrosse accuser arrested for stabbing boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'Crystal Mangum, the woman who famously claimed she was raped by a group of Duke lacrosse players in 2006, has now been accused of stabbing her boyfriend.

The 32-year-old was arrested Sunday morning after reportedly seriously injuring her 46-year-old lover, and was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury.
Since then, Mangum has been convicted of a series of misdemeanors, including charges of child abuse and resisting arrest in December.

Those charges stemmed from a February 2010 incident involving a different boyfriend, in which she was charged with slashing the tires of his car, smashing his windshield and setting a pile of his clothes on fire in his apartment while her children were in the home. The police were also present, having already arrived on the scene.

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Judge allows Duke lacrosse lawsuit to go forward

Article here. Excerpt:

'Three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape five years ago can pursue a lawsuit against the ex-county prosecutor and police investigators who handled their case, a federal judge in North Carolina ruled Thursday.

U.S. District Judge James Beaty said in his decision that the players can pursue claims such as malicious prosecution, concealment of evidence and fabrication of false evidence. He dismissed several other accusations, such as intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Richard Emery, an attorney for one of the former players, Reade Seligmann, said they are prepared to vigorously pursue the case.

"The opinion is what I would call, overall, a ringing success for the boys," Emery said. "We're glad that we're moving ahead with the case."'

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UK: David Willetts blames feminism over lack of jobs for working class men

Article here. A counter argument to Willetts statement can be found here. Excerpt:

'The universities minister David Willetts has been criticised after making comments that appear to blame educated working women for the lack of jobs available to aspiring working class men.

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Woman uses 5-year-old son as shield against Taser

Story here.

'A domestic dispute that boiled over at a business led to a woman being arrested for disorderly conduct after she used her son as a shield against being Tasered.

According to Glendale police:

A 36-year-old Milwaukee woman was arrested for disorderly conduct/domestic violence at the service area at Andrew Toyota, 1620 W. Silver Spring Drive, at 12:15 p.m. March 24.

When police arrived, the woman was holding the hand of her 5-year-old son while shaking her finger in the face of her boyfriend, an employee of Andrew, while yelling, “Give me my weed back!” She also wanted her keys back.

The boyfriend, a 28-year-old Milwaukee man, gave her the keys but denied to her and police that he had her $5 bag of marijuana. She struggled with police, refused to give her name and held her son in front of her to avoid being Tasered.

The boyfriend, who is not the 5-year-old’s father, said the two had been living together for three months, but when asked what the woman’s last name was said he wasn’t sure.

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CNN Money: Single young males are tax scofflaws and children's piggy-bank robbers

The Feminist Hooey Machine is up and running at all times of year, tax time included! Here is the latest. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The typical American tax cheat is male, single and under the age of 45.

At least that's what an annual survey by DDB Worldwide Communications Group found.
While only 15% of Americans surveyed fessed up to fudging their tax returns, 64% of those people were men, according to the survey of consumer attitudes and behavior. Thirty-five percent were single (47% when including people who have been divorced or widowed), and 55% were under the age of 45.
Tax cheaters are even more likely to steal money from a child. The survey found that while only 3% of non-cheaters would ever take money from their child's piggy bank, 28% of cheaters said they would.'

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Jobs where women are earning more than men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Step aside, guys. Women are moving up the payroll. According to a March “Women at Work” report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the gender wage gap continues to narrow. Women earned 81 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2010, up from 76 cents in 2000. Moreover, recent reports suggest that young urban women now earn 8 percent more than male peers, likely due to higher college graduation rates.
At the same time, there is some evidence that men are discriminated against in female-dominated jobs. A 2010 study found that men were less likely to be called for an interview in fields with 65 percent or more female workers, an attitude which may be reflected in wages. Employment researcher Laurence Shatkin, author of 2011 Career Plan, says that discrimination or feelings of not fitting in could cause higher turnover rates among men in these jobs, which wouldn’t allow them to gain seniority and would negatively affect wages.'

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Women’s studies professor suggested as possible DNC chair

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Democratic National Committee chair Tim Kaine is expected to announce this week whether he will step down from his position to run for a senate seat in Virginia, Georgetown professor Donna Brazile has been suggested as a possible replacement.

Brazile, an adjunct assistant professor in the women’s studies program, currently serves as the chair of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute. She became the first African-American to direct a major campaign when she served as the manager of Al Gore’s presidential bid in 2000, has experience as Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s chief of staff and press secretary, and as a campaign strategist for Carter-Mondale and the Reverend Jesse Jackson.'

Like0 Dislike0 Is the men's rights movement growing?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There are three issues that they constantly talk about as evidence of reverse discrimination against men.

1. Divorce alimony issues: Women are more likely to be believed in divorce court than men.

2. Custody issues: Women are more likely to get custody, despite the fact that men are excellent fathers.

3. Men have to register for the draft. Women can volunteer. Despite the fact that it's an all-volunteer army, they still argue that there's discrimination against men in the military.'

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Walmart Gets Punked by Frivolous Lawsuit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Walmart is getting sued by 6 women for sex discrimination; this despite the fact that most of the employees are women. The ambulance-chasing shysters fomenting this case succeeded in getting “class” status for their few plaintiffs from the notorious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. One of the primary tests for certifying a lawsuit as a “class” is for the court to determine whether the named plaintiffs are sufficiently representative of the class. Additionally, the court must determine if actual discrimination occurred and that this discrimination was likely to be widespread and effect a large class; in this case, a half of million female employees.

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AV4M: The Movement to Disbar Mary N. Kellett

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vladek Filler is about to face trial for a second time on the charge of raping his wife, Ligia. He was brought to trial the first time by Bar Harbor prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, who has sought to imprison Mr. Filler despite the fact that she knows that there is no physical evidence that he ever committed a crime, and despite the fact that his accuser Ligia Filler, has proven to be a violent criminal, a liar who has been caught in false allegations against her husband, and a physical and emotional abuser of her husband and children with a history of severe psychiatric problems.

Ligia Filler has been referred to as “certifiable” by sheriff’s department personnel who she repeatedly threatened to kill.

Mary Kellett’s professional conduct in this case breeches virtually all canons of legal ethics where it concerns prosecutors, from intentionally misleading jurors to avoiding pretrial discovery to actually asking a law enforcement officer to refuse to comply with a valid subpoena in order to help her conceal exculpatory evidence.'

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UK: 80% of women graduates 'won't repay loan' after tuition fees rise

Article here. Excerpt:

'Around four in five female graduates will never repay their student loan under the Coalition’s new tuition fees regime, it emerged yesterday.

An analysis of the student loan system shows that middle-income men who will finally pay-off their loan at the age of 47-50, will bear the brunt of the cost of higher education.

The figures show that between 70 and 80 per cent of women – up to 150,000 a year – will never repay their full loan, compared with 20 to 30 per cent at present. And when loans are written off, 30 years after graduation, the average woman will still owe £26,500.

Under the new regime, graduates will not have to pay off their loan until they earn £21,000 and women will not have to pay anything when they take time off to raise children.'

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Deputies: 17-year-old girl assaults mother with gun to get new vehicle

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 17-year-old girl was charged Friday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful possession of a firearm and battery after deputies say she pulled a gun on her mother during an argument.

Rachel Anne Hachero was upset because her mother wouldn't co-sign on a vehicle purchase, according to a Lee County Sheriff's Office report.

The teen's mother told investigators Hachero threatened to kill her when she refused to co-sign for the vehicle.

Hachero then confronted her mother at home with a gun and pistol-whipped her head, according to the report.'

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Abuse Hysteria in Maine: The Ghost of Michael Nifong

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the early hours of March 14, 2006, a group of Duke University lacrosse players allegedly raped and sodomized a Black woman. Over the next 13 months, the sleepy town of Durham, North Carolina became witness to a succession of prosecutorial accusations, full-throated media warnings, and castration marches.

On April 12, 2007, the state Attorney General declared the three lacrosse players innocent of all charges. Two months later, prosecutor Michael Nifong was disbarred on grounds of engaging in fraud, dishonesty, and deceit.'

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IA: Tell Doctors to Put Down the Knife

Petition here. Excerpt:

'Every day, thousands of doctors across the country take newborn baby boys from their parents and subject them to a medically unnecessary, painful, life-altering surgery—circumcision.

Parents place their trust in their children’s doctors, and it’s the doctors’ responsibility to tell them: (1) no medical organization in the world recommends circumcision; (2) the foreskin is a normal, important body part; and (3) babies are people with rights, and no baby has consented to circumcision.'

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