"Hot Sauce Mom" Charged with Child Abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS) A mother in Alaska has sparked outrage for allegedly punishing her son with hot sauce and cold showers. Now, she's the one facing punishment: charges of child abuse.

CBS News Correspondent Betty Nguyen reported on "The Early Show" Thursday a disturbing home video started it all.

Jessica Beagley, a 36-year-old mother of six, is seen disciplining her adopted son by making him hold hot sauce in his mouth. The reason for the severe punishment? He'd lied.

In the video, Beagley can be heard saying, "What happens when you lie to me?" The boy answers, "I get hot sauce. You get hot sauce."'

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US Supreme Court to Hear Child Support Case

F&F reports here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families has for many years publicized the terrible child support problems often faced by low income obligors, and we've had some legislative success on the issue. Nevertheless, the problem remains acute, particularly due to the recession.

The injustice is typified by the case of Jeremy Lavine, one of three Fathers and Families supporters quoted in a national Associated Press article on the issue.

Lavine worked in the real estate industry and had a $1,100 a month child support obligation based on a $4,500 a month income. Like so many in the real estate industry, his income dropped precipitously, yet the Florida Department of Children and Families told him his industry was going to bounce back and refused to give him a downward modification. The kicker? Lavine's kids live with him 50% of the time.'

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Canada: Sex attack hoax case closes with no charges against perp

Story here. Excerpt:

'There was no doubt a great deal of relief in Barrhaven, as well as head-scratching, this week when that January attack was revealed to have been a hoax. Ottawa police, who canvassed the neighbourhood and viewed video footage from the OC Transpo park-and-ride where the girl said she was dumped after the attack, say they have closed the case and that the claims made by the girl are unfounded. They have not charged the 16-year-old, who had described the man she said forced her at gunpoint into his vehicle in detail.

Some in the neighbourhood are now calling on the girl to apologize for the effect the hoax had on the community, especially the heightened sense fear that the streets were no longer safe because a rapist was on the loose. The incident must have shaken the community.'

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UK: Man accuses shop assistant colleague of 'bottom-slapping', sues employer

Article here. Excerpt:

"For decades it has enjoyed a reputation as the respectable department store of choice for the middle classes.

But John Lewis was yesterday revealed as the unlikely setting for a rumpus that could have come straight from a script for Are You Being Served?

A male shop assistant, Konstantinos Kalomoiris, 40, has accused a female colleague of repeatedly slapping him on the bottom.

And when he told her to stop he said she replied: 'I do that to all the boys.'"

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The Super Bowl Prostitute Myth: 100,000 Hookers Won't be Showing Up in Dallas

Article here. Excerpt:

'The alarm bells reached peak decibel in November, when Dallas Police Sergeant Louis Felini told the The Dallas Morning News that between 50,000 and 100,000 prostitutes could descend on the metroplex for the Super Bowl. The call to outrage had sounded.

His estimate was astonishing. At the higher figure, it meant that every man, woman and child holding a ticket would have their own personal hooker, from the vice presidential wing of FedEx to Little Timmy from Green Bay.
That leaves the outside world to speculate—usually with stats only appreciated after eight beers near closing time. Professors pitch junk studies whereby every runaway girl is a potential prostitute.

Advocacy groups take those numbers and fan them by the thousands, buffing them with lurid anecdotes of "sex slaves" and "victims of human trafficking." The fervent simply can't believe that isolated cases are just that: isolated.

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Canada's courts are softer on women

Commentary here.. Excerpt:

'No, I wasn’t surprised at what a citizen of Adler Nation posted on my Facebook page.

And if you knew what Bill was posting about, neither would you. Here’s the post:

“This is great. Let’s all get drunk, take some prescription medication and take my beater and plow into everyone on the street. The courts will set me free and maybe I can claim damages too.

“Thank you Manitoba justice for protecting the criminals as usual. She must just be laughing at home right now and having a toast to the judge. This would never happen to a male.”

Bill was reacting to the story covered in Sun newspapers this week about a Winnipeg woman, 52-year-old Joan Henderson, who consumed six double rum and Cokes while playing VLTs at a local restaurant.

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Denver Woman Accused of Knowingly Spreading HIV

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 45-year-old Denver woman was arrested Tuesday and accused of knowingly spreading HIV while allegedly working as a prostitute, Fox 31 reports.

Prosecutors say Frances Woodke -- who has known for years that she is HIV positive -- offered sex to an undercover police officer for $23.

Woodke is being charged with two misdemeanors -- prostitution and solicitation for prostitution -- and a felony count of prostitution with knowledge of AIDS, according to the station.

The woman has pleaded guilty twice before to attempted prostitution with knowledge of AIDS -- spending time in prison for the charges in 2000 and again in 2008, according to the Denver district attorney's office.'

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"Crisis Control Center tackles domestic violence this Super Bowl season"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Football fans across the nation are patiently waiting for that historical day in American history when their football champion is finally named. While the beloved commercials are playing on the television and the dogs are out grilling at half-time, the local Crisis Control Center in Durant will be tackling domestic violence in their first ever “Tackle Domestic Violence” fundraiser.

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The Second Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'Distinguished experts will discuss the problems, challenges and solutions to the rapidly deteriorating status of men and boys in education, employment, mental and physical health, family structure and related areas. The conference will cover the impact of males’ problems in the post-modern era, as well as their effect on both genders, and the presenters’ views on steps to reverse current trends.

The conference will deal with virtually all areas defining contemporary life from advertising and education – to medicine, psychology and sociology – and represent a range of academic disciplines from anthropology, education and history – to medicine, government and psychology.
The conference moderator is Guy Garcia, author of The Decline of Men, a former vice-president of AOL, and the winner of awards for journalism.

In addition to this conference’s global webinar audience (early registration is $25.00 per person), we also have a limited number of seats at the conference site, with an early registration fee of $200 per person.

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Mom admits strangling daughter at NY college

Story here. Excerpt:

'WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- A woman who said she strangled her 18-year-old daughter because she "pushed my last button" pleaded guilty Tuesday to first-degree manslaughter.

Her husband, who discovered the body, wept during the court session.

Stacy Pagli, 38, had been charged with murder in the Feb. 22 killing of her daughter Marissa at Manhattanville College in Purchase.

But her lawyer, Allan Focarile, claimed Pagli was under "extreme emotional duress" at the time of the killing. Her mental state was the focus of pretrial hearings, and psychiatrists for both sides eventually agreed.

In exchange for her guilty plea, Pagli is to be sentenced to 20 years in prison. Sentencing was set for April 5.'

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Female Teacher Gets Massages From Students -- Only Receives 5 Day Suspension

Story here. Excerpt:

'Cheryl Grampa, a teacher at Cooper City Elementary School, allegedly had a unique reward system for her students.

Give her a massage. Get a treat.

It's unclear how long the 12-year veteran has employed the massage learning technique, but the Broward School Board suspended Grampa on Tuesday, reports the Sun-Sentinel.

Grampa, 45, will miss five days of school without pay for her actions, which stems from a massage request during the 2009-2010 school year.

Grampa "engaged in inappropriate conduct and contact with a minor student ranging from soliciting and allowing students to massage her, in exchange for rewards, allowing students to touch her in an inappropriate manner and failing to take reasonable and corrective action with respect to improper touching," according to a formal complaint by the School Board.

The woman has not been charged with a crime, but whatever she did rubbed officials the wrong way.'

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N.D. professor says 'bee' violates Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'FARGO — A longtime judge for the state’s National Geographic Bee claims he was punished for complaining that the annual contest was unfair to girls, and he’s taking his case to federal court for the second time in three years.

Minot State University professor emeritus Eric Clausen is suing the National Geographic Society and five other groups. He says he believes the bee violates federal laws on gender equity because a large majority of the state winners are boys.

Clausen claims the NGS retaliated against him by warning him not to interfere and refusing to fund a North Dakota geography program.'

National Geographic Bee

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Super Bowl-domestic violence myth persists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Though long ago debunked, the myth that more women fall victim to domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday still persists — ironically, according to some experts, to the detriment of women.

The myth dates back to 1993 when, like a game of telephone, anecdotal evidence became conflated into a statistical fact parroted throughout the media without confirmation. That year, The Associated Press and CBS labeled Super Bowl Sunday a “day of dread” for women across the country. Women advocates spoke of a “flood” of calls to domestic abuse hot lines and media mailings warned women “Don’t remain at home with him during the game.”
“If you look at these myths they almost all promote this idea that women are victims and men are brutes. The ‘Super Bowl hoax,’ for example, depicts the average guy sitting in his couch watching the Super Bowl as a violent predator and I think this promotes prejudice,” Sommers said. “This view has been popular among hard line gender activists who want to depict masculinity as pathological.”'

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Barbara Kay: Science confirms the obvious — dads should make time to play

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study out of Ohio State University seems to suggest that traditional gender roles work out better for families than interchangeability of parents and tasks. The study only involved 112 families, so it is hardly what can be called conclusive proof. But its findings will probably ring a bell with old-timers like me, or even new-timers who aren’t politically correct.

After watching the target families interact with their children during caregiving tasks and while involved in play and various projects like building toy structures or drawing pictures, the study authors said that families in which fathers were more involved in play activities had more of what researchers called supportive interaction — i.e. “behaviours that are warm and co-operative between the parents.”

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VAWA Is an Excellent Target for Spending Cuts

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the U.S. House is trying to figure out how to cut wasteful and/or extravagant federal spending, members should be mindful of Reagan's advice to begin by cutting programs that are harmful. One that fits this definition is the billion-dollar-a-year Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), now up for re-authorization.

This week is the 18th anniversary of an event that precipitated passage of VAWA in 1994. It's known as the Super Bowl Hoax, the assertion made on Jan. 28, 1993, in Pasadena, Calif., with fulsome media coverage, that more women are victims of domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year.

That radical feminist fairy tale lacked even a shred of truth. It was designed to feed the feminist anti-male and anti-masculine prejudices that men are naturally batterers, women are naturally victims, sports fans are prone to aggression and macho posturing, and football is especially guilty.'

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