UK: More girls than boys join Scouts

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Robert Baden-Powell pioneered the Scouts movement a century ago, girls clamoured to join but he insisted that it should be boys only.

So he might be rather dismayed at today’s news: for the first time more girls than boys are joining the scouts.

More than 4,000 girls signed up last year, making them the majority of recruits for the first time since the Scouts widened its scope to include both genders 35 years ago.
It was after Baden-Powell decided that Scout troops should not be mixed that the Girl Guides were founded in 1909.

A spokesman for the Scouts said that separation of the sexes was out-of-date now. ‘Most young people go to co-educational schools and Scouts give them an opportunity to work together outside school as well,’ he said.

In the year up to the end of January the Scouts had 4,330 girl recruits and 3,796 boys.'

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Australia: woman who left mother to rot on kitchen floor walks free.

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'A woman who left her maggot-infested mother to rot on the kitchen floor has avoided jail after a judge said his conscience wouldn't allow him to lock her up.

Mary Pyrczak, 51, allowed her 72-year-old mother, Kateryna, to lie dying in her own faeces on the floor of her Melbourne home for a week in November 2008.

Parts of Mrs Pyrczak's body were gangrenous, her foot was infested with maggots, and her toes were blackened and mummified, the Victorian Supreme Court heard on Friday.

Pyrczak, who is an obsessive compulsive and with a longstanding phobia of medical professionals, had pleaded guilty to manslaughter.'

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Male Victims of Domestic Abuse May Show Signs of PTSD

Article here. Excerpt:

'TUESDAY, April 12 (HealthDay News) -- Men who are victims of domestic abuse by their female partners can develop psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and suicidal thoughts, new research finds.

Researchers looked at a group of 302 men who sought professional help after experiencing what the researchers called "intimate terrorism," which refers to high levels of violence and controlling behavior by female partners.

Another 520 men took part in a telephone survey that asked about their relationships. Sixteen percent of these men said they had experienced minor acts of violence and mental abuse during arguments with their female partners. This type of abuse was referred to as "common couple violence."'

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China: No money, no honey

Article here. Excerpt:

BEIJING — In the realm of eligible bachelors, Wang Lin has a lot to recommend him. A 28-year-old college-educated insurance salesman, Mr. Wang has a flawless set of white teeth, a tolerable karaoke voice and a three-year-old Nissan with furry blue seat covers.
But by the exacting standards of single Chinese women, it seems, Mr. Wang lacks that bankable attribute known as real property. Given that even a cramped, two-bedroom apartment on the dusty fringe of the capital sells for about $150,000, Mr. Wang’s $900-a-month salary means he may forever be condemned to the ranks of the renting.

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Duke lacrosse accuser's boyfriend dies after stabbing

Story here. Excerpt:

'Durham, N.C. — Family members of a man who was stabbed in his home April 3 say he died Wednesday evening. Crystal Mangum, the Durham woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape in 2006, has been charged with assaulting him.

Durham police confirmed Thursday morning that Reginald Daye, 46, had died.

"The case remains under investigation, and we do anticipate upgrading the charges. However, no new charges have been filed at this time," police spokeswoman Kammie Michael said in an e-mail to WRAL News.

Police said Mangum, 32, stabbed Daye in the torso with a kitchen knife during a dispute at 3507 Century Oaks Drive early on April 3.'

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White House Council on Boys to Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two years ago President Obama created a committee by executive order to advise and focus exclusively on the needs and welfare of the American woman. Feminists cheered the creation of a White House Council on Women and Girls but others questioned, why – when women and girls are outperforming men by nearly every empirical measurement – create a council for women but not for men?
The White House’s disinterest has frustrated some who see the crisis facing America’s boys as a serious issue.

“The White House has yet to agree to even a meeting on this topic,” council proposal commission member and American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers marvelled.

The proposal identifies five major components of the “crisis” facing boys: education, emotional well being, fatherless homes, physical health, and employment.'

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Are One in Five College Women Sexually Assaulted?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Univ. to revise sexual misconduct policies

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'The University will alter its sexual misconduct policies following the Department of Education’s clarification of Title IX regulations, a member of the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel said Tuesday.

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Woman In False Rape Case Goes To Jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'CINCINNATI -- A woman who lied to a grand jury about being raped by her ex-boyfriend went to jail Wednesday night, Cincinnati court officials said.

Melinda Denham, 25, admitted in a letter that she made a false rape claim that sent ex-boyfriend Shannon Hudson to jail for two months, prosecutors said.

"I really can't say she (Denham) cleared my name because it (rape charge) is going to follow me wherever I go," Hudson said.'

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Father Who Was Shot 3 Times by Mother Can't See Their Son, But Mother Can

Article here. Excerpt:

'This may be the single most outrageous case I’ve come across. I first wrote about Peter Spitz last December here. He’s the Colorado man whose wife Teresa got up in the wee hours of one morning in 2004, bundled up their young son and took him to a neighbor’s. She then returned to her house, put a pillow over her sleeping husband’s head and shot him with a .38. But he wasn’t dead, so she shot him two more times. Then she murdered his mother who lived with them.

Despite all that, Peter lived. He’s permanently blinded and has lost his sense of smell.

Peter is an ex-marine and an all around stand-up guy. So when Teresa was tried for murdering his mother and attempting to murder him, he testified on her behalf. He thought she was insane and said so under oath. She was acquitted of the charges by reason of insanity.'

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Boy, 10, Escapes as Mother Drives Her Family Into Hudson

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 10-year-old boy escaped and swam ashore after his mother deliberately drove their minivan off a boat ramp and into the Hudson River in Newburgh, N.Y., on Tuesday night, the police said. The mother and three younger children who were trapped in the minivan died.

The police said the driver’s-side window was down when the doomed minivan was towed from the water, suggesting that the boy, identified as La’Shaun Armstrong, had crawled past his mother as he scrambled to get out.

Michael Ferrara, the Newburgh police chief, identified the mother as LaShanda Armstrong, 25. Inside, along with Ms. Armstrong, were her three young children, identified by the police as Landen Pierre, 5; Lance Pierre, 2; and Lainaina Pierre, 11 months old. All had died, Chief Ferrara said.

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WSJ: There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tuesday is Equal Pay Day—so dubbed by the National Committee for Pay Equity, which represents feminist groups including the National Organization for Women, Feminist Majority, the National Council of Women's Organizations and others. The day falls on April 12 because, according to feminist logic, women have to work that far into a calendar year before they earn what men already earned the year before.

In years past, feminist leaders marked the occasion by rallying outside the U.S. Capitol to decry the pernicious wage gap and call for government action to address systematic discrimination against women. This year will be relatively quiet. Perhaps feminists feel awkward protesting a liberal-dominated government—or perhaps they know that the recent economic downturn has exposed as ridiculous their claims that our economy is ruled by a sexist patriarchy.

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Men’s Shelter Gets Government Grant in Canada

Article here. Excerpt:

'This past week, Earl Silverman’s DV shelter in Calgary announced that it took in and housed its first male victim that had been both referred and funded by a $1,000 grant from the local provincial government. This is a huge deal in Canada. For the first time, a Canadian government agency has recognized male victimization from female-perpetrated violence, funded a male victim with a grant, and referred him to a shelter that it recognizes as legitimate and worthy of funding. Outstanding, Earl Silverman. I hope that the man who sought out your help is able to pick up his life and carry on, and thanks to your help and the assistance of the provincial government he has a solid shot at doing just that.'

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UK: Teenage girls are targeted by 'new generation of domestic abusers', top prosecutor warns

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new generation of wife beaters have made teenage girls the most likely targets for their abuse, a top prosecutor has warned.

Women aged between 16 and 19 are now more at risk than any other age group as part of a 'whole new generation of domestic violence', Keir Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions, said.

In a bid to tackle abuse, every domestic murder in England and Wales will be automatically reviewed from today to ensure lessons are learned.'

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'They want their men back': Syrian women protest mass arrests

Story here. Excerpt:

'AMMAN — Hundreds of women from a Syrian town that has witnessed mass arrests of its men marched along Syria's main coastal highway on Wednesday to demand their release, human rights activists said.

Security forces, including secret police, stormed Baida on Tuesday, going into houses and arresting men aged up to 60, the activists said, after townsfolk joined unprecedented protests challenging the 11-year rule of President Bashar al-Assad.

The women from Baida were marching on the main highway leading to Turkey chanting slogans to demand the release of some 350 men, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.'

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