Call to Action: Help stop circumcision at Darwin GP Super Clinic - Deadline 15 Feb 2011

Please download the document from the following link and type your name, title and e-mail address in the allocated spaces on the covering letter and e-mail to with the subject line 'GP Super Clinics Consultation Registration Form' (before Tuesday 15 February 2011 0730 GMT):

Please leave a reply so that I can gauge the number of submissions made.

The submission reads:

'I am writing to ask you to protect boys from the harmful practice of male genital mutilation, also known as circumcision. As you may already know, circumcision removes the most sexually sensitive parts of a boy’s penis, including the foreskin, the frenulum, and the ridged band of nerves [1].

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NYT - Social Scientist Exposes Sex Bias

Article here. It has been revealed that some of the world’s pre-eminent experts on bias discovered an unexpected form of it at their annual meeting. No mention of identifying misandry as a primary social issue occurred in this (obvious) discovery, though. Excerpt:

'“This is a statistically impossible lack of diversity,” Dr. Haidt concluded, noting polls showing that 40 percent of Americans are conservative and 20 percent are liberal. In his speech and in an interview, Dr. Haidt agued that social psychologists are a “tribal-moral community” united by “sacred values” that hinder research and damage their credibility — and blind them to the hostile climate they’ve created for non-liberals.

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Female gym teacher accused of sex acts with football players

Story here. Excerpt:

'MASON — A female Mason high school gym teacher is accused of having sexual misconduct with five students, most of them football players at the school.

A Warren County grand jury on Friday indicted Stacy Schuler of Springboro on 16 counts of sexual battery, a third-degree felony; and three misdemeanor counts of offenses involving underage persons.

Schuler, who will turn 33 next week, allegedly had sexual contact with the students on five different occasions between August and December, according to officials with the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office. She also allegedly bought alcohol for the students, according to the indictment.'

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Chiliean Woman calls in bomb threat to keep boyfriend off plane

Story here. It turns out that the maximum she could face is 61 days in jail. Prosecutors decided not to invoke the more severe anti-terrorism law after hearing the couple's story. What would have happened had this been a man? Excerpt:

'SANTIAGO, Chile – People are capable of doing many things for love. What Grace Guajardo did forced the evacuation of more than 300 people from a plane moments before takeoff.

Authorities say she phoned in a false bomb threat to keep her boyfriend from flying off to a new job.

"I'm sorry, but I did it for love," Guajardo said Monday after she was charged with making a false bomb threat.

Freed pending trial, she faces up to 61 days in jail if convicted. Prosecutors decided not to invoke the more severe anti-terrorism law after hearing the couple's story.'

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Tell Attorney General Holder: "Speak the Truth!"

From SAVE:

Attorney General Eric Holder (the first African-American to hold the position), claimed in a 2009 speech: "Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45." ( The problem with his shocking statement is that it is not true. As revealed in a recent USA Today editorial, the Centers for Disease Control reports the leading causes of death for African-American women in this age group are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, and HIV disease," (

So why has this myth remained on the Justice Department website for well over a year?

Victims of intimate violence are best served by the truth. Contact Attorney General Eric Holder today and ask him to speak honestly about domestic violence.

Contact Attorney General Holder TODAY:

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A Voice for Men: On March 1, 2011 Men Will Speak...

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thirty days ago I brought up the idea of an internet radio show for MRA’s that focused on men’s rights and the state of men and boys in modern western culture. The idea was to have a more prominent platform than a blog or website could provide, and to create a launch pad for other activism.

At the time I did some research on the idea and determined that a reasonable start up amount for this kind of venture would be $4,500.00. To be honest, I was not encouraged. The men’s movement is populated with a lot of disenfranchised, impoverished men, many of whom have been stripped of assets and livelihood by the western worlds system of feminist governance.

Add to that the fact that we tend to be a contentious group that operate more or less separately from each other and it would appear a recipe for a quick failure.

But that was before $7,634.00 was donated, as well as many hours of vital expertise, from graphic design to sound engineering to show production to original music.

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Georgia State Lawmaker Seeks To Redefine Rape Victims As 'Accusers'

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON -- A Republican state legislator in Georgia doesn't like the term rape "victim." In fact, he has introduced a bill mandating that state criminal codes refer to these people as, simply, "accusers" -- until there's a conviction in the matter.

According to the legislation introduced by state Rep. Bobby Franklin (R-Marietta):

To amend Titles 16 and 17 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to criminal law and criminal procedure, respectively, so as to change the term "victim" to the term "accuser" in the context of a number of statutes making reference to circumstances where there has not yet been a criminal conviction; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.'

Predictably, the tone of the article is very much against the idea, despite the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty. Said before, said again: Men are guilty even when proven innocent.

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Husband Suing Ex-Wife For Wrongful Death of Son

This story concerns a man whose wife intentionally smothered their 6-month-old son. He subsequently divorced her and is now suing her for wrongful death. He's being raked over the coals by commentators, but I can understand his reasoning. Excerpt:

'The husband of Superior's Stephanie Rochester - charged with smothering their 6-month-old son to death last year - is suing her for wrongful death, claiming her actions were "intentional" and have caused him "loss of companionship."

In the lawsuit, filed in Boulder District Court last week, 29-year-old Lloyd Rochester alleges Stephanie Rochester, 35, placed blankets over their son Rylan's head, causing him to suffocate.

Stephanie Rochester - who has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity - "was under the erroneous belief that Rylan had autism," according to the lawsuit. She "believed that Rylan's condition would emotionally and financially ruin her life."'

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Super Bowl, Misandry, and the Media

From Rebel Words.

Best ad promoting misandry and spousal abuse awards goes to:
Pepsi Max's Love Hurts. American males: take note. You are being kicked, having your heads slammed into the table, having things thrown at you, and having things shoved in your mouths. Enjoy.

...and the list of social media-male bashing is long.

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NY Post: 'Bring any guy to his knees'

Article here. Excerpt:

'If men are dogs, then here's how you collar them.

The dating-advice duo behind "The Man Whisperer" book promise in their step-by-step guide that getting your guy to follow your every command involves shedding feminism -- part-time.

Donna Sozio and Samantha Brett suggest women can tame their beasts by simply smiling more and shutting their mouths.

I decide to Man Whisper to the unsuspecting dog in my life and discover that keeping my personality on a leash seems to work.

This, of course, is hard for a feminist shrew like me who has happily violated their every relationship communication rule, like never nagging or talking up my achievements.

I closely adhere to the instructions: identifying what I want, posing the issue effectively and adding a benefit for my man. I wrap myself in sunshine.'

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Wife admits to drunken killing of husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Edmonton woman who fatally stabbed her common-law husband in the back while drunk and then blamed others – including her daughter – has now owned up to it.

Norma Elaine Janvier, 40, pleaded guilty Friday in Court of Queen’s Bench to a reduced charge of manslaughter for the Sept. 25, 2008, killing of David Owen O’Donnell, 57.

Janvier had been charged with second-degree murder, however the Crown consented to accepting a guilty plea to the lesser and included offence.

According to agreed facts, Janvier and O’Donnell had been together for about three years and were living at an apartment in north Edmonton at the time of the stabbing.'

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Teacher not criminally responsible for sex with teen student: court

Story here. Perhaps she was mentally deficient at the time, but given the description of her actions, I am finding it hard to believe she didn't know what she was doing is wrong. It's not like she made one mistake. She made many over a long period of time. Excerpt:

'SASKATOON — Family and supporters of a teacher from Shell Lake, Sask., sighed with relief in a Saskatoon courtroom Friday after a judge declared her not criminally responsible, due to mental illness, for a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old former student.

Michelle Francoeur was in an extreme “manic state” and lacked the capacity to make rational decisions when she agreed to have sex with the teen boy on several occasions between Sept. 1 and Nov. 20, 2008, Queen’s Bench Justice Duane Koch found.

“The criminal law does not want to punish people who were suffering a mental disorder at the time of the act,” Crown prosecutor Mitch Piche said outside court.'

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Wrongly imprisoned man freed after 38 years

Video report here. There is no significant text associated with this story. I will mention that the reason (ostensibly) he remained in prison was not due to a false or wrong conviction but because paperwork was mislaid and he could not get a new trial. For this he was kept in jail for 38 years despite being acquitted. What had he been acquitted of? Rape. Did anyone care to get him a new trial or really try too hard to get him out of jail? Apparently not.

Personally, I think the real reason he was kept there was that he was a man charged with rape, and a black one to boot. That's about it.

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Domestic Violence Myths Help No One

Read the whole article, by Christina Hoff Sommers, at USAToday. Excerpt:

'"The facts are clear," said Attorney General Eric Holder. "Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45."

That's a horrifying statistic, and it would be a shocking reflection of the state of the black family, and American society generally, if it were true. But it isn't true."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Justice Department's own Bureau of Justice Statistics, the leading causes of death for African-American women between the ages 15–45 are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries such as car accidents, and HIV disease. Homicide comes in fifth — and includes murders by strangers. In 2006 (the latest year for which full statistics are available), several hundred African-American women died from intimate partner homicide — each one a tragedy and an outrage, but far fewer than the approximately 6,800 women who died of the other leading causes.'

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NFL Must Tackle Super Bowl Abuse Myth

Press release here. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has recently joined the 15th anniversary team of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, along with other sports figures. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A victim rights group is calling on the National Football League to denounce the myth that Super Bowl Sunday is a "day of dread" for victims of abuse. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – believes such claims foster hysteria and trivialize the problem of domestic violence.

The myth dates back to 1993 when a group of activists charged Super Bowl Sunday was "biggest day of the year for violence against women." The myth was later refuted by the Washington Post:

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